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Forums » Introductions » Here I am!


My name is Marisa and I'm excited for RP. If you want to try and plot something generally and not just search randomly in the forums, send me a Skype message at xxalwaysyourqueenxx or email me at . Or send me a PM on here.

What is your favorite kind of RP?
I love fantasy, sci-fi, and post-apocalypse. I have a weakness for romance.

What do you hope to find here?
Some long-term RP partners and threads with my many characters (obviously haven't added them all here yet).

How long have you been RPing?
7+ years at this point.

Do you have any pets?

What's your favorite subject in school?

What do you do for a living?
Write (or at least I want to)

What are your hopes and dreams?
Be a bestselling author.

Do you have any questions about the site?
Does anyone do fandoms or is it just straight-up originals always?
Hi! :D Welcome to RPR!

You seem to have started out wonderfully :) I hope you'll find RP partners quickly and have lots of fun!

To answer your question, a lot of people do fandoms. Often it's specified in the title of their RP concept on the forums.
Hi Marisa ^^ Welcome to RPR!
Marisa Topic Starter

Alecia wrote:
Hi! :D Welcome to RPR!

You seem to have started out wonderfully :) I hope you'll find RP partners quickly and have lots of fun!

Thanks for the warm welcome! I hope the same honestly. ^^
Alecia wrote:
To answer your question, a lot of people do fandoms. Often it's specified in the title of their RP concept on the forums.

Thanks for the answer - I haven't seen much yet, but I haven't exactly been a member long.

Hey there and welcome to the RP Repository. There are a lot of amazingly talented roleplayers and such on this site, and some awesome people, if I do say so myself. Some pretty awesome roleplayers, so far that I've experienced. There's quite a few roleplayers who have been roleplaying for a long time, as long as you, if not longer, so I think you'll find yourself to fit right on in! This is a very friendly sight and we're all here to support ya!
Welcome to RPR! We're super friendly here, so good luck finding some awesome RPs! I see you want to be an author, do you participate in NANO? :)
Marisa Topic Starter

Loki wrote:
Welcome to RPR! We're super friendly here, so good luck finding some awesome RPs!

Thanks for the warm welcome, seriously!
Loki wrote:
I see you want to be an author, do you participate in NANO? :)

I want to, but I almost never can do it because of school and not having the time for the sheer quantity of writing. Who knows, this fall might be the change.
Hello, and welcome to RP Repository! I hope you have a great time here, which I can assure you from my experience that you will! ^.^ I wish you luck on becoming a great author!
Welcome to RPR! Hope you have a great time here. :)

Hi and welcome to RPR. :)
Ah, another hopeful novelist! What kind of story do you hope to work on, or do you already have a project in the works?

Welcome to RPR, BTW. I'm Lotus, but call me Light! It's really sweet to meet you!
Indeedly people rp both original characters and canon ones, just that the majority is OCs
I'd be interested to hear what kind of story you plan as well :3 Oh, and welcome to the site~
Sanne Moderator

Welcome to the site and thank you for such a lovely introduction! I hope you'll have lots of fun with us. :D
Yaaaay fellow author-in-the-making!!

Welcome to RPR! Personally, I have found this website to be a great way to grow my writing styles and techniques. I hope you'll find the same! :) Let me know if you have any questions!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Here I am!

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus