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What is the funniest or oddest process you use to draw one of your subjects? Like, to clarify what i mean: when I finally figured out how to draw my Ash character's face, i thought of his animal attributes bull and lion, and the strong edges. I ended up with a lego block thing, so i draw this boxy thing first, which becomes his cheek and jaw definitions eventually. Something that if you angle it differently you could put lion or bull features into if you chose to round different edges and the jaw slopethan turning it into a man. Ash has like... A box face. :x it even effects where i put his nose. If you turn my ash pics around you may be able to see it lmao. Just rotate it in paint. So what's yours?
Minerva Topic Starter

...just realized i never uploaded Ash's new art here. Maybe when I'm in town tomorrow. Zenthus' new stuff is up, though. Similarly, his animal face attribute is snake. :x
Oddest process? Hmm... well, I always do an understructure.

When I'm working digitally, I always draw on top of the sketch, never under. I'll throw down a flat color maybe, but usually not. Also, I never do line-art. Ever ever ever. I absolutely despise it. My process is, more often than not, highly counter-productive.
Everyone thinks it is weird that I start at the eyes. .___. I have a hard time if I draw the outline of the face first. >_> Must start at the eyes.

But, then again, I'm a total failure as an artist and can never draw anything decent, -grumblegrumble- so that might not even count. XP

90% of the time I work in pen... But that's not odd. It makes me think before I draw.

I also spend most of my time on the eyes. Or eyes in general. I have 3, maybe 4 sketchbooks full of just eyes. It took me forever to start drawing two together and I'm beginning to get the hang of it. Sometimes the eyes look like they match.

I don't think I do anything odd. :( I'm not really answering this question so much as stringing words together to make it SEEM like I'm answering.
Well, since I'm left-handed, I guess the oddest thing I do is put a tissue under my drawing hand so I don't smudge. It's also not uncommon for me to get up and try to post like I'm drawing my character so I can get a real 'feel' for the realism of the pose. And I'll rotate my hands so that I can be sure I have the perspective correct. I guess if someone saw me drawing, they'd think I was doing some kind of interpretive dance.

Also, when working digitally, I like to create a strong black outline of my characters and I love working with lineart. The digital medium lets me get in real close and get those shades just right. But my favorite thing about digital art is the freedom I get to use with color!
I tend to draw the eyes first, and try and make teh rest fit... idk why, eyes were never my strong suit.
I draw more noses than is healthy. I also spend ridiculous amounts of Time on character noses, even characters that aren't normally drawn with noses, because everyone needs a nose. All of the noses.

I also tend to make the faces I'm drawing. I don't know why, but it seems to help. Since I sometimes draw some especially ridiculous expressions, the effect would probably be quite entertaining to passers-by if I wasn't one of those artists that flails and flaps to hide the evidence of any sort of productivity when someone tries to peer at the sketchbook or computer screen.
Kim Site Admin

Wizard wrote:
I also tend to make the faces I'm drawing. I don't know why, but it seems to help.

Darth_Angelus Moderator

When I was a kid, I would draw a lot and it would usually be accompanied by sound effects :)
I usually bend really close to the page as if I am demanding that it turns out good, or I am a Master making sure my hand is doing precisely what I will of it. But I do tend to draw one side of the face first, either that or start with a circle. My biggest difficulty is with the hands of my characters which end up being way too small are way too big.
I always start with the head. Maybe it's just out of habit and following all those How To Draw Anime books I had as a teen, which always started with the head after the skeleton/framework was formed, but I find the head to be the easiest place to begin the body at.

I also have to have music to listen to while I work. It doesn't matter what kind, as long as I like it (so for example, no rap or "screamo" stuff). This often means when on Youtube I have to pause what I'm busy with to switch to a new song or hit replay, but ah well! Doesn't bother me in the least!

And then when everything's done, I find new things to tweek and go back to the same piece fiftymillion times over.
Darth_Angelus wrote:
accompanied by sound effects :)

This guy is crazy. I don't even watch for help with painting. (I draw more often, and when I paint it's usually figures rather than landscapes.)
The point is, he makes lots of sound effects, particularly for curves in mountains, roofs on cabins and of course, waterfalls. "Woosh.. You have to make the sound effects. It's just not the same without it."

My oddest process?
.. No matter what I'm drawing, I always start with the head.
Even when I'm drawing a cup ;)

Copper_Dragon wrote:
I always start with the head.
Oh. How'd I miss this.

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