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Forums » Looking for RP » Esmere is Full of Criminals (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Sky High (played by Terminal-JS)

OOC: I'm looking for a detective who is hunting Sky High crew who are well known and have quite the bounty on them. But of course, you don't have to be a detective to have some fun with me, so shoot me a PM! I might possibly make a group for my steampunk world even! :D

This is a steampunk plot, and for steampunk only.

In Ramoh, the ships are now flying, cars are now wagons, trains are traveling in the sky! The city of Esmere, is filled with billions of people, and it's the size of a country. Then again, this world is different from earth. It's much bigger. At least a quarter of Esmere's population is filled with criminals, smugglers, and among other dangerous people. People are always in some trouble, or being mugged, or among other dangerous things. There are always the police and detectives after them. And when I mean them, I mean smugglers, thieves, murderers, all criminals. But especially smugglers. Since the smuggling business has increased majorly, and transporting illegal drugs, weapons, people.

Attik and her crew are one of the best smugglers and criminals in Esmere, and are always looking for deals and dangerous people to mess with. They gain lots of money, but usually lose a lot of it due to repairs on Attik's ship Sky High, or paying for weapons, and searching for recruits.
Magic 30%
Some magic. Few can use it, but most of the players probably won't have it. Magical characters will likely believe that they are all alone.
Technology 40%
Industrial revolution
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Hello! this RP seems really cool, and i'd like to join in if it's okay! i have two characters that could fit, Ezekiel and Maxwell. Of course, if they need any change to fit in, it'll be okay!
And, tbh i don't know which one i could choose, so you can choose! This is my first time in a RP forum, and they are not very developped yet, but i hope i'll improve!
Mitch (played by Derglet)

Hey there! This seems rather interesting, and I'd love to somehow be apart of this. Now, I know that judging by his profile and such, Mitch here may not seem like he'd be the type of person out hunting for Sky High (We can just say he's human, and not some crazy monster freak tooting a gun...Soul... Whatever it is, if that's alright XD ), but I think he'd be kinda desperate for that bounty, but only if you'll have him!
Sky High (played by Terminal-JS) Topic Starter

Ignie wrote:
Hello! this RP seems really cool, and i'd like to join in if it's okay! i have two characters that could fit, Ezekiel and Maxwell. Of course, if they need any change to fit in, it'll be okay!
And, tbh i don't know which one i could choose, so you can choose! This is my first time in a RP forum, and they are not very developped yet, but i hope i'll improve!

Alright! :D I have a group up for this. :3 Criminals in Ramoh
Sky High (played by Terminal-JS) Topic Starter

Mitsuki - MST wrote:
Hey there! This seems rather interesting, and I'd love to somehow be apart of this. Now, I know that judging by his profile and such, Mitch here may not seem like he'd be the type of person out hunting for Sky High (We can just say he's human, and not some crazy monster freak tooting a gun...Soul... Whatever it is, if that's alright XD ), but I think he'd be kinda desperate for that bounty, but only if you'll have him!

I see you are interested. Well come on in! Criminals in Ramoh

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Esmere is Full of Criminals (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus