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Forums » Looking for RP » Mentor Wanted (Medieval Fantasy) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


Meet Rue, a small creature born into a noble clan of werewolves. Failing to match up to her elder brothers and the expectations of her warlord father, Rue has developed an intense case of short man syndrome. This complex, combined with the constant belittlement from those around her, has spiked an insatiable need to become stronger.

Disregarding her pitiful beast form completely, Rue intends to search for a mentor who can develop her strengths as a human. That's where your character comes in. Regardless of background or occupation, Rue will generously pay any skilled fighter to help develop her own strength and prowess.

Rue is a very new character of mine with little depth to her personality. My aims for this plot are to develop Rue's personal attitudes and social behaviour. Send a message over if you're interested!
I'm quite interested in RPing with you. I think Nishi would be good for Rue's mentor.
This still open? Garlade is a war-hardened dwarf that might be a great mentor!
Baron Topic Starter

It is! I'll shoot a message in a moment.
Jakl (played by Derglet)

Hey there! This happened to catch my eye, and I figured Jakl here might be alright for this. I know his profile is a little eh at the moment, but I hope he's alright for this~! Just, uh, forgetting a bunch of it XD
Baron wrote:
It is! I'll shoot a message in a moment.
A day and a half later... lel, JK! I actually got completely swamped yesterday... good thing you didn't do it yesterday 0_0
Ravilth (played by Yuka)

I'm interested. It could also be quite the challenge for Ravilth as well, as women fighting is still something he is adjusting to accepting. But he certainly needs an income.
Hello. If you are still accepting offers I have a few characters that could perform the role of mentor to your new character, and would definitely be interested in RPing with you.
Ezekiel (played by _Broken_)

Yo! Try Ezekiel. Demons can be good guys to... Or can they?!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Mentor Wanted (Medieval Fantasy) (closed)

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