This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Three trainers, traveling together across our world. Gyms are located in Chicago, L.A., London, Bejing, Tokyo, Sydney, Berlin, and Rio! The Elite Four Located in New York City! Travel around together while I am the wild Pokemon you fight, gym leaders, and rival trainers. It will start in a small American town and you will go from there! PM me and once we have three candidates we'll begin!
Details: Occasional dice use, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
I'm in, Sam can be 18 and starting his journey at a reasonable age for our real world! He chooses Squirtle!
Good idea, trainers will start there adventures at age 18.
Not gonna lie. I am intrigued by this. Count me in. Bard shall be a 18 year old pyromaniac with an attitude and as a result of pyromania chooses good old charmander. Don't mind his profile page. I need to respec it to fit and I'll post as often as I can.
Dude, this is an awesome idea, I so want in! Nick Kell is a pretty anti-social kid who originally didn't want to be a Pokemon Trainer, until he rescued a Pichu from some Beedrill and nursed it back to health. He cared for it until it evolved into a Pikachu which inspired him to become a Pokemon trainer once he turned 18, using his Pikachu as his starter, is that ok, or do you want me to just choose from Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander?
Bulbasaur would be best... But I'll put a pikachu in your path soon

We closed!
Actually Nick, take pikachu and I'll let one more person join if they want Bulbasaur!
Are you sure, I'm fine with taking Bulbasaur, that is in fact the starter I chose for the game, I just REALLLLLYYYY want a Pikachu!
Why didn't you choose pikachu in the game?
And idk if pikachu would work in the story as easily...
And idk if pikachu would work in the story as easily...
Cause I didn't know about the easter egg, I got it like moment it was downloadable, so yeah. Anyway, I'll just take Bulbasaur then, if that would be easier for you.
Wants bulbasaur.
To late?
To late?
Not too late, now we're closed. Your in!
You and nick are up!
I'll post once I get home from work.
How come the jolteon struck twice? And on the same pokèmon? Not that I'm complaining. Overgrowth ftw.
Because story.
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