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Forums » Looking for RP » Dragon Ball Xenoverse (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Carnage (played anonymously)

So, I made this character a while back, and have yet to have a chance to use him. So I thought I might as well create my own chance. So I was thinking we basically go through Xenoverse, going through time, kicking butt, and eventually destroying a demon god. Why have it Xenoverse? Because that isn't canon, so it's ok if we modify the story a little. So, if anyone's interested, shoot me a pm or reply here.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.


Hey Carnage, I've been having massive DragonBall Z fever ever since DB Xenoverse 2 has been announced. Fortunately I've been working on a Frieza clansmen character in preparation for future roleplays and the game itself. If you're interested in speaking further about your xenoverse rp reply when you're ready.
Carnage (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Dracon25697 wrote:
Hey Carnage, I've been having massive DragonBall Z fever ever since DB Xenoverse 2 has been announced. Fortunately I've been working on a Frieza clansmen character in preparation for future roleplays and the game itself. If you're interested in speaking further about your xenoverse rp reply when you're ready.

I'm glad you're interested. Shoot me a pm when you want to discuss this further.
Ironically I actually had a dbz themed character on here at one point. He was set to be portrayed as existing far in the future. Like way far. Beyond Goku Jr and Vegeta Jr time far. If I could remember the notes I had for him I could bring him back and hop on this train with him. Heck I could make it easier and just use my character from XenoVerse to do that.
Carnage (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Carnage (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Long overdue bump.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Dragon Ball Xenoverse (closed)

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