This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
*The Chernobyl disaster was a radio-active event of which 31 are known to be dead, and some who still have effects from it. This took place around/effected parts of Europe, of which wolves live. Now, the radio-active effect was dreadful for humans, but it was different upon animals. There was a pack of wolves near by, which used to be called "The Solar pack", the only animals brave enough to get close to the radio-active waste, for the dogs were taken away from it. The pack is now referred to as "The Elemental Pack", for when they made contact with the radio-active waste, they began to form powers for their own will. At first nothing happened, but the first problem started with Rose, the life wolf. When she pcked up a flower and put it in her thick mane, it lasted for months. When she took it out, letting it fall to the ground, it wilted into what it would've looked like if Rose wasn't there. She reported this to the rest of the pack, but thought nothing of it. Until Bay, the water wolf, discovered a problem too. When he was drinking some water out of a creek, the water that flicked in the air, stayed there, waiting for Bay to drink it. He had his eyes closed, but when he opened them, his eyes filled with terror for what he saw. Each pack member got their power One by One.
Rose: Life
Bay: Water
Spark: Fire
Dagon: Earth (boy name of Hebrew origin meaning "earth, grain")
Opal: Dark Matter (I was thinking onyx or opal and opal fits it better)
These wolves used their power for good, like wolf superheros. But, everything good and bad must come to an end. One by One, just like how they got their powers, died by old age. First Dagon, Then Bay, Spark, Opal, and then Rose. The powers had no where to go, since their hosts had died. The powers then decided to do this, once the old host dies, the powers go to the closest host who is worthy. This passed on for 4 dog years until some wolves found out, and formed a pack called the out-siders. When more wolves heard of this, another pack formed, the mocking... in-siders (good job brain -,-). Now, the powers have found new hosts, the wolves in the in-siders. You are the wolves in the in-siders, and you choose whowins, who fails, and who dies!
A note from me:
put in () name-gender-age-power RiRP
mating is acceptable, but no acting out
swearing IS ok, but not constantly
the only ranked wolf are the alpha pair
Extra info about the powers:
Life: is alpha (preferably female)
Water: also controls ice and storm clouds
Fire: also controls the smoke, which can kill your
Earth: this includes, rocks, dirt, gems, ect.
Dark Matter: is alpha (preferably male)
(Hunter-Male-2 in a half-Dark Matter) *As an Alpha, Hunter usually is busy, and never really gets to hunt. Today he decided to sneak off and go hunt. He found a doe and a fawl by themselves. He brushed through the bushes, waiting to strike... then he took a leap for the doe's neck, killing it pretty fast. Hunter was deaf to the scared squeaks of the running away fawl. He got as much as he could in his muzzle and headed back, sniffing up his own scent. Once he got back he said* "Hey, im back with some food!". *He knew he was gonna looked down upon because of his get-away.*
Rose: Life
Bay: Water
Spark: Fire
Dagon: Earth (boy name of Hebrew origin meaning "earth, grain")
Opal: Dark Matter (I was thinking onyx or opal and opal fits it better)
These wolves used their power for good, like wolf superheros. But, everything good and bad must come to an end. One by One, just like how they got their powers, died by old age. First Dagon, Then Bay, Spark, Opal, and then Rose. The powers had no where to go, since their hosts had died. The powers then decided to do this, once the old host dies, the powers go to the closest host who is worthy. This passed on for 4 dog years until some wolves found out, and formed a pack called the out-siders. When more wolves heard of this, another pack formed, the mocking... in-siders (good job brain -,-). Now, the powers have found new hosts, the wolves in the in-siders. You are the wolves in the in-siders, and you choose whowins, who fails, and who dies!
A note from me:
put in () name-gender-age-power RiRP
mating is acceptable, but no acting out
swearing IS ok, but not constantly
the only ranked wolf are the alpha pair
Extra info about the powers:
Life: is alpha (preferably female)
Water: also controls ice and storm clouds
Fire: also controls the smoke, which can kill your
Earth: this includes, rocks, dirt, gems, ect.
Dark Matter: is alpha (preferably male)
(Hunter-Male-2 in a half-Dark Matter) *As an Alpha, Hunter usually is busy, and never really gets to hunt. Today he decided to sneak off and go hunt. He found a doe and a fawl by themselves. He brushed through the bushes, waiting to strike... then he took a leap for the doe's neck, killing it pretty fast. Hunter was deaf to the scared squeaks of the running away fawl. He got as much as he could in his muzzle and headed back, sniffing up his own scent. Once he got back he said* "Hey, im back with some food!". *He knew he was gonna looked down upon because of his get-away.*
Magic is common.
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Radio-Wolves (closed)
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