This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Shadow frowned. "Keep an eye on me? I'm not some property that needs babysitting. I'm capable of keeping an eye on myself, so bug off." She turned on her heel and kept walking.
He walked up to her and handed her a piece of paper. "Well here, swing by my place sometime and I'll answer any questions you or your partner have." He told her.
She took the paper, folded it up, and slid it into the back of her right hand glove. "You're missing a finger by the way." Smirking, she looked at one of the building's address. 'Ditch the escort, you're almost home.' She thought.
He out his hand back in his pocket, hiding it. "Yeah, don't bring it up. It's kind of a tragic experience of how I lost it." He said, tipping his hat to hide his face.
"I bet it was very tragic." Shadow replied sarcastically and rolled her eyes. "Now I have business to attend to." She picked up her pace.
He kinda growled at her sarcastic tone, but shook his head. "Alright, swing by my place later." He said, then walked the other way.
Shadow climbed the fire escape silently and quickly. When she got to the top she climbed through the window and sank into the couch. "Shadow! You're home!" A bubbly blonde haired boy rushed into the room. His ears and tail were a soft yellow tabby pattern. "We have to be at the academy tomorrow at noon." Shadow explains, not bothering to return his greeting.
Jack walked back down the street, finishing his gummies. He stopped by at a restaurant and ordered him some lunch. He sat at a table outside the restaurant, rubbing where his finger was missing.
"You joined! Shadow this is great!" The boy hugged her tightly. She flicked her wrist and metal claws slid over her gloves. Aiming carefully, she stuck them into Aridon's side. "Don't touch me." He released her and backed up quickly. "Sorry." He muttered and kept pressure on his wound.
He ordered a plate of fried fish and coffee. Once his food came to him, he quickly ate it quickly and paid for it. He got up and continued his way back home.
"Listen, we have somewhere to go so get ready. We leave in five minutes." Shadow instructed Aridon.
He whimpered. "But my side."
"You'll be fine. You always are."
He whimpered. "But my side."
"You'll be fine. You always are."
He got home and hung his hat and coat up and took his hair out of his topknot. He sat down on the couch and took off his custom katars and sat them on the coffee table.
Aridon came trotting out of his room. "Ready!" He announced. Shadow was engulfed in a cloud of black smoke and emerged as a pure black cat. She stretched before jumping on to Aridon's shoulder and curling around his neck. "Start walking and I'll direct you."
He walked into his room and grabbed a set of small screwdriver and walked back into the living room. He grabbed the sets of katars and began taking them apart.
Shadow directed Aridon through the streets of Death City just like she said until the arrived at their location. Aridon reached out and rang the doorbell.
When he rang the doorbell, the sound of a glass shattering came from inside, followed by a curse. He came to the door and opened it, hold his cheek. "Hey, may I help you?" He asked.
"You said to drop by." Shadow mused from her spot around her twin's neck.
"Oh Shadow, it's you. Come on in, mind the broken glass." He said, opening the door for them.
The cat leaped down and trotted inside. In the same black cloud of smoke as before she became human again. "Nice place." Aridon commented with a grin.
"Thanks, go head and have a seat." He said, pointing to his couch. Blood began dripping off his chin. He went to the bathroom and put a bandage on his cheek. His katars were completely deconstructed on the table, showing it had a mechanism that would fire a smaller blade.
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » OC Soul Eater RP, Magic Involved (closed)
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