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Forums » Introductions » It's been a while since I've joined a new place.

Welcome to the RPR Esrael! Hope you have a great time here! :D
Kim Site Admin

Esrael wrote:
I'm Team Mystic! What about you?

I went Instinct, then discovered probably less than 15% of the population in my current city is playing Instinct. >.> It's a challenge! XD
Bell wrote:
Neopets has a chat feature? O.o You mean I could have been rping all that time I was playing faerie bubbles? :o
Esrael wrote:
Neopets did not (and still does not) have a chat feature, but there was a roleplay sub-forum that I and many others made use of despite the 500 character limit! Many people roleplay in guilds as well.

Careful if you do play there, Bell! I didn't realize how super strict their rules were back in the day and got a month ban in middle school for RPing a vampire. I wrote a sentence like "The vampire girl looked up from drinking the man's blood." And that was it for me, no more Neopets forums. >.>
Hi! I'm selfishly hoping you'll end up liking the site's RP-related features and atmosphere enough to join us in RPing at some point, just because it would mean another potential RP partner ;) But even if you don't, it's an awesome place to store characters. Welcome!
Kim wrote:
Careful if you do play there, Bell! I didn't realize how super strict their rules were back in the day and got a month ban in middle school for RPing a vampire. I wrote a sentence like "The vampire girl looked up from drinking the man's blood." And that was it for me, no more Neopets forums. >.>

Oh no. Why would I go back there when I could be playing all sorts of naughty things here on RPR? XD Thanks though Kimmy! I think Esrael and I will have fun (I hope! :O)
Hi there! Welcome to RP Repository! I hope you have had a great time here so far! ^.^
Well welcome to the rpr! I hope you have fun and find everything you like ^^

Hi and welcome to RPR!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » It's been a while since I've joined a new place.

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