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Forums » Looking for RP » Sci-fi Fantasy; Scientists + Sell-swords (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Jakl (played by Derglet)

In the land of Cyldale, everything is in chaos, with a virus breaking out and science experiments disappearing, it's clear to see why. That's why we want you. Lovers of science, lovers of battle, we ask you both to join pen and blade and find the beast that lurks in shadows! An experiment that has escaped, spread an awful disease and has created many casualties, we ask that you study and slay the one dubbed Jakl. It rests within an ancient ruin, guarded by the creatures affected with what we call the Infliction. Please, go in our steed and protect our world!

Argent Labs, 3:46, 1/5/2463

This will be done by PM~
Powers are accepted to some degree! No overly mage-y types please, and please refrain from having around 4+ weapons (Unless they're small daggers). 3 is enough if you have, say, a short sword, blade and/or gun.
Magic 70%
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Technology 70%
Further future, perhaps visit mars or upload your brain
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.


Uh... Hi! I'm interested in your RP, I am new to roleplaying, but I'd love to play this RP, could you reply if this is still alive and running?
Derglet Topic Starter

Of course it is, friend~! Sorry it took a bit to get back to you though! What character are you planning on using? :P
I am highly interested...

Are you still looking for characters?
Derglet Topic Starter

- Phoenix Hey mate! I appreciate the interest, but I'm a little skeptical about the whole 'Using powers from other characters' thingy. Well, more of the powers you already 'have', yeah? I do see a pattern sorta, so I was wondering if it'd be alright to stick to that boney path foe this one, if you're okay with that. ^^;

- Draken Sure! Go ahead and throw out a character~
Yes that's fine. But you do know he is not called the Thunder Beast for nothing. I'm ready for to start the PM whenever...
Furorem (played by Draken901)

I'ed like to use Furorem for this, maybe he can be found in a ruin or tomb or something along the way.
Hello i am Interested in this RP, I am new to RP and this would be my first but i hope that i will be of help and be accepted into this.
Derglet Topic Starter

- Draken Seems 'bout right~

- Azael Alright, show us a characterand we'll see~

Will send PMs out soon; if you have any questions, please ask now :P
Hi, I know it's been a while since anything was posted to this thread. Is it still open to new characters? If so, I'd be interested in joining with Vonara (as a human) or Lola-Maria! If not, I understand. :)

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Sci-fi Fantasy; Scientists + Sell-swords (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus