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Forums » Looking for RP » Protocol (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

The year is 2021. The United States has been placed under martial law after a suspicious attack on the electrical grid and major attacks on other countries. The UN has moved in, locking down the country. The United States is no longer goverened by it's President. Slowly, the global elite take control of the UN, subjecting the citizens of the US to unconstitutional measures, confiscating anything that would threaten their tyrannical rule. Unfortunately for them, a large amount of citizens avoided this, escaping into the forest, desert, and general wilderness. They began freedom fighting, calling themselves the Minutemen, attempting to wake up civilians from their chemical and propaganda induced hazes and reclaiming territory.
Will you be an agent of the NWO or a Founding Father? You decide.

Ooc: Well, just leave a reply if you wish to join. You can suggest things, the plot and structure is flexible.
Magic 10%
On very, very, rare occasions there may be unexplained, POSSIBLY supernatural events. Minor "environmental" magic. Perhaps implies the existence of a deity or supernatural entity. Or perhaps it's just tricks?
Technology 50%
Combat 70%
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Person (played by dave_pod)

this looks like it could be fun. :3 maybe we could figure things out.
floatch Topic Starter

Person wrote:
this looks like it could be fun. :3 maybe we could figure things out.
Okay, anything to suggest?
Person (played by dave_pod)

My character would likely be best to fill a Supporting role for The Founding Fathers. Helping to try and build critical structures such as wells, or fortifications and the like. everyone needs clean water. Though his mostly humble knowledge of Engineering could be turned more towards developing more Direct defensive and offensive devices if placed in a situation where it was asked/required of him.
Well that's interesting, I could do a character in the NWO, either a special operative or a commander or both at the same time (the big bad vilain), it depends on what you need, even if I prefer the big bad vilain MOUAHAHAHAHAH !!!!!
Hrm hrm, more seriously I think this could be interesting, but I must warn you : I will probably create a lot of stuff.
floatch Topic Starter

You can totally be the villain, and feel free to make as much content as you wish.
floatch Topic Starter

Also, I've changed the name of the rebel group to The Minutemen.
You just played a game of Fallout 4 didn't you ?
floatch Topic Starter

Oh is that a thing in Fallout 4? Never played it lol
It's one of the 4 main factions.
I think I'll PM you with suggestions.

Hey you still looking for people?
floatch Topic Starter


I suppose I could use Thomas, the character that I need to fix as his page is currently ridiculously stupid. Anyhow, minuteman would best fit this type of guy.
floatch Topic Starter

BossMcFloss wrote:
I suppose I could use Thomas, the character that I need to fix as his page is currently ridiculously stupid. Anyhow, minuteman would best fit this type of guy.
He'd work fine.
Well, I'll create captain Forest tomorrow (he'll get higher ranks through the adventure).
floatch Topic Starter


You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Protocol (closed)

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