So, I got my hands on 32 vintage style posters that I don't need. I need something to do with them, and I don't want to just give them to a second-hand place when they're awesome posters. Some are WWII, some are Audrey Hepburn, some Impressionist art (Monet and some others) as well as old movie posters like The Birds and The Wizard of Oz.
I want to give them to you guys.
Well, not just give them to give them to you. You have to earn them.
How? I hear you asking, wondering why this is taking so long for me to explain when I'll give you these awesome posters.
I'm running an art contest! Every entry will earn a poster! (so long as there aren't more then 32 entries!)
The Rules are simple!
1. You have to draw any one of my characters. That's right, I've got 16 characters you can choose from!
2. You can draw as many times as you want - but I'll limit how many posters you can get depending on how many people enter.
3. If only a few people enter, it'll be divided up as well as I can.
4. You can only enter this if you're comfortable with giving me a way of sending you the posters. I can't very well send them to you if I don't know where they go!
5. All entries are due by June 9 - that's a little over four weeks.
I was going to run the contest for money, but I can't afford it - it's cheaper for me to send you guys these awesome posters I have. I know y'all love them more than me. I don't put pictures up on my walls. Only my husband does.
When you enter, I'll ask you to rate the four types of posters (Audrey Hepburn, WWII, Movie Posters and Impressionist paintings) and I'll send you one of the type.

Those are some photos of the posters.
Movie Posters
And the eight different WWII posters and of course eight of Audrey too. I don't know the exact names of them, but if you want me to show you all of them, I can take pictures.
I want to give them to you guys.
Well, not just give them to give them to you. You have to earn them.
How? I hear you asking, wondering why this is taking so long for me to explain when I'll give you these awesome posters.
I'm running an art contest! Every entry will earn a poster! (so long as there aren't more then 32 entries!)
The Rules are simple!
1. You have to draw any one of my characters. That's right, I've got 16 characters you can choose from!
2. You can draw as many times as you want - but I'll limit how many posters you can get depending on how many people enter.
3. If only a few people enter, it'll be divided up as well as I can.
4. You can only enter this if you're comfortable with giving me a way of sending you the posters. I can't very well send them to you if I don't know where they go!
5. All entries are due by June 9 - that's a little over four weeks.
I was going to run the contest for money, but I can't afford it - it's cheaper for me to send you guys these awesome posters I have. I know y'all love them more than me. I don't put pictures up on my walls. Only my husband does.
When you enter, I'll ask you to rate the four types of posters (Audrey Hepburn, WWII, Movie Posters and Impressionist paintings) and I'll send you one of the type.

Those are some photos of the posters.
- Waterlily Pond: Pink Harmony - Monet
- Wild Poppies, near Argenteuil - Monet
- Houses of Parliment - Monet
- The Boulevard Monmartre at Night -Pissarro
- a Bar at the Folies-Bergere - Manet
- Path in a Wood - Renoir
- Blue Dancers - Degas
- Oarsmen at Chatou - Renoir
Movie Posters
- The Birds
- The Wizard of Oz
- Gone with the Wind
- Singin' in the Rain
- Some Like it Hot
- Goldfinger
- Breakfast at Tiffany's
- Casablanca
And the eight different WWII posters and of course eight of Audrey too. I don't know the exact names of them, but if you want me to show you all of them, I can take pictures.
I just might have to do this

GAH omg...someone else wants the wizard of oz
*works secretly to put the odds in my favor*

You put July 9th. Did you mean June?
Editted to reflect how I don't know the months of the year. I could be persuaded to extend the contest by a week, if people ask real nice like.

Here, I drew you a picture. It's supposed to be Nis'Tianes, but I'm a little unsure about it. I hope you like it

I will work on my entry as soon as I finish eating!

Okay, I did my entry as Lilura
She was cool. But the jacket isn't colored in because black on black pencil would make everything not show up 

Police were dispatched to the residence of Witness late last night after neighbors called about a noise disturbance. After arriving, the officers made a thorough search of the premises, but could not locate Witness. However, local graphic artist David Leatherhoff was found dead at the scene, slumped over a computer with the words "FORGIVE ME" scrawled on a piece of nearby paper. The police ruled his death as a suicide, although no official cause has been declared at this time. The police also found the following picture saved on the computer next to Leatherhoff, apparently his last work.

Well I decided to try and be more talkative around here! And why not start with Now I do not claim any artistic ability mind you
I decided to doodle something out on my iPad (harder to draw on than I expected!) but none the it it!

Sorry there is no color in it really. The app I used only offered a few colors ....and sorry she is sideways!

Sorry there is no color in it really. The app I used only offered a few colors ....and sorry she is sideways!
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