This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
(Fantasy) June looked nervous, standing at the corner of the pub on a slightly raised platform. Her fingers hesitated on the strings of her harp. She realized she didn't know how to play any actual songs, they were always made up and this was a very... Traditional city. Her face began to grow red under her freckles as her eyes roved over the impatient audience. People began breaking the silence with titters and jokes. Frantic now, her hazel eyes landed on you and she strummed up a tune, singing a panicked but respectable song about your appearance. Another rowdy pubgoer said something along the lines of "You'd do better in my Bed, Goat girl!" to a roar of laughter, and just as quickly her song began it ended, and she changed it to a very Traditional jibe song, adjusting the lyrics to ones about Him, insulting his appearance, smell, and parents. The crowd was going wild with enjoyment but went silent as he drew a sword.
Your character is welcome as any gender and species, and is generally expected to defend June. The two would then:
-venture out together to either help her become a better bard
-allow her to repay her life debt to your character
-become your characters personal servant/lackey/mage in less stressful situations
- your own idea
Your character is welcome as any gender and species, and is generally expected to defend June. The two would then:
-venture out together to either help her become a better bard
-allow her to repay her life debt to your character
-become your characters personal servant/lackey/mage in less stressful situations
- your own idea
Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
Hey, if you're still looking for someone, I have a theif named Alton that would be willing for an adventure. If not, no worries. C:
I as well would like to rp using this idea. This characters rather, eccentric appearance would fit the beginning prologue rather well if I do say so myself. However it is up to you to either decline or except.
Hello! This sounds really interesting -- I'd love to play it if you're still open for it! You're welcome to take your pick from any of my characters, but I think the one who would best fit this situation would be Spence.
If you're still looking, I'd be willing to RP with you! If not, that's fine as well.
I'd also like to note that I'm really new to this site, so I'll probably be a little confused about how this whole thing works, if you don't mind that. Just a warning!
The character of mine that I have in mind would be Nara, my elven mage lady. She tends to stick up for the little guys, though Brynn's just as likely to, too.
I'd also like to note that I'm really new to this site, so I'll probably be a little confused about how this whole thing works, if you don't mind that. Just a warning!
The character of mine that I have in mind would be Nara, my elven mage lady. She tends to stick up for the little guys, though Brynn's just as likely to, too.
Check my profile on Ciacco I'm sure your character and him will get on like strawberries and cream 😊
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