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Forums » Introductions » Hey there

Yo, I'm Kidd!

I've been role playing for about ten years, and was recently recommended RPR. So here I am! I'll role play almost anything, my favorite being modern fantasy; though I'll avoid super-duper futuristic/high tech science fiction. I'm currently a college student with two+ jobs at any given time, so I don't have ALL the time in the world to RP, but I try my best to make time.

Feel free to hmu so we can chat or plan some role plays, but I'm probably the worst person to chat with one-on-one, to be honest. I'm just bad at it.

So, how are y'all? What are your favorite and least favorite things about RPR? Any tips?
Hi! Welcome to RPR :-)

As for your questions:

I'm doing just fine :-) How are you?

My favourite thing is that almost everyone seems to be sensible by default. That and mostly friendly.

Tips - check out the Help section, it's awesome!
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!
Hi Kidd, welcome to RPR :)

Favorite- The friendly and welcoming community

Least Favorite- Don't really have any qualms with this site. Any problems I do have are my fault.
Welcome to RPR! Everyone here is super friendly so I'm sure you won't have trouble making new friends and RP buddies :D
Kidd Topic Starter

Thanks everyone! :D

The atmosphere definitely feels friendly already.
Hi and welcome! I have yet to find anything I don't like about this place and have found a bunch of things I love. The community I'd have to say is my favourite thing out of all the others.
Kim Site Admin

Welcome! Your schedule sounds packed, I'm impressed you find any time at all to RP. What are your 2 jobs? :)
Well hi there and welcome to RPR! I'm Lucree, but call me Light or whatever you like! It's really sweet to meet you!

Hmm... The best things about RPR? The customization and the friendly community! You can really make your profiles and groups feel like your very own, and with our very welcoming community, you feel right at home! Hey, that rhymed!

Worst things? ...Not much to say on that; I haven't seen anything here that I don't like yet. Sorry!

But if you have any questions about anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask any of us!
Kidd Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
Welcome! Your schedule sounds packed, I'm impressed you find any time at all to RP. What are your 2 jobs? :)

I work at the college, as front desk security/assistance at the dorms and at the local pizza place! And when school starts again, I'll also work in the Dean's office for my college. Thanks for asking! :)
Kim Site Admin

I hope you get discounts on the pizza there so you have lots of food for late study sessions! :)

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