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Forums » Introductions » Hello

Hey, I'm new to this site, and already I love it. It's very easy to get started and I'm glad I can roleplay with OCs and not have to be at least 18. So, I'm not the best roleplayer, a bit rusty since I have not roleplayed in a while, but I have been roleplaying for years. I don't usually use much description in my roleplays, but if my rp partner prefers some details, then I am willing to do that. Despite it might get difficult at times. Generally I use * for actions. Other small info I can throw in here is I am a hobbyist artist, hoping to go into paleontology (study of fossils) after high school. To let y'all know, I am generally a kind person and I don't like fighting. Unless while roleplaying. I do roleplay males and females, but rarely humans. I just want to make this clear, I don't do sexual rps, considering I am young, and most characters I have are in relationships.(you'd be surprised how often I get asked this.)
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!
Hi Jaguar, welcome to RPR :)
Jaguar24 Topic Starter

Thank you Guardian and MSochist!
Welcome to the site~ Hopefully you've been having a great time so far :2
Jaguar24 Topic Starter

Reima wrote:
Welcome to the site~ Hopefully you've been having a great time so far :2
still learning the basics, but sofar it's good
Kim Site Admin

I am thrilled to hear that you're having a good time so far, and that using the site has been easy for you. :) I'm here to answer any questions if you find you have them, no need to be shy. There are no dumb questions! :)
Welcome to RPR! I hope you're having a super awesome time here! :D
Well hi there and welcome to RPR! I'm Lucree, but call me Light or whatever you like! It's sweet to meet you.

I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the site. Do you have any genres of RP that you like?
Jaguar24 Topic Starter

LightSide-Lucree wrote:
Well hi there and welcome to RPR! I'm Lucree, but call me Light or whatever you like! It's sweet to meet you.

I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the site. Do you have any genres of RP that you like?

I mostly do Fantasy, but mix Fantasy with adventure at times.

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