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Forums » Looking for RP » Ironfall City (Sci Fi/Cyberpunk) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

It is the year 2088 and the entire West coast of the United States has become a mega city called "Ironfall". The culture is a fusion of Russian, American, and Japanese culture. Technology has run rampant, interconnecting almost everything and everyone. Drugs and crime are a common sight in the seedier parts of the sprawling city. Run of the mill criminals,drug dealers and hackers run rampant, as do the police, cracking down on anything they see fit. Mutants and cyborgs roam the streets. Magic and things like telekinesis have become a reality with the help of psionic amplifiers.

What will your life be like in this grimy, neon lit, futuristic cityscape?
Magic 80%
Magic is common.
Technology 70%
Further future, perhaps visit mars or upload your brain
Combat 70%
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

This looks pretty interesting.
Multiple player thing?
floatch Topic Starter

Thewriterevans wrote:
This looks pretty interesting.
Multiple player thing?

Oooohh fancy.

I am interested in this, but the only character who would fit is an Exo from destiny so I would have to either work with that or create a new character, a plight which plagues you not. Anyhow.

Psychics eh?

I RP as one. I may join.
Her profile is incomplete, but Nina might fit in as the low-tech alchemist?
Black Datura (played by Zelphyr)

Maybe I could do a non-spacy version of this character? If not, or if there's not room, it won't break my heart. ^^
Regan Orzof (played by Virus)

Mind if I include a Daft Punk/Tron inspired DJ with hacking skills into the mix?
Gabriel Bates (played anonymously)

Sounds fun! The profile isn't exactly done, but I guess a cyborg thief would fit well in this?
floatch Topic Starter

All your guy's characters sound fantastic for the setting and yes there is still room.
When can we expect to see this begin to form and take off?

Let us know.
Amzi Iko (played anonymously)

Hey, is there any room for another person to join?
floatch Topic Starter

Yep. Sorry guys I've been busy. I'll put the thread up tonight or tomorrow.
Hurry! We are all so excited!!!
May I join this? This sounds very interesting!
floatch Topic Starter

Hey guys- the thread is up, right here.

I shall jump in as Akira.
Amzi Iko (played anonymously)

Sweet, Ima go ahead and jump in

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Ironfall City (Sci Fi/Cyberpunk) (closed)

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