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Forums » Introductions » A Guy says Hi

Hey folks!

Telling a bit about myself seems fitting, no? Well, where to start.....

I am an apprentice tattoo artist and a bearer of an excessively expensive piece of paper that says "Bachelor of Fine Arts." I am father of one (soon to be two) boys, a guitar player and for the past two years, a fairly avid RPer!

And since I have been RPing, I have been creating character sketches for not just my own characters on The Elder Scrolls Online, but have been doing them for other folks as well! You can check out my works here where I am best known as Sings-In-Shade.

So I got my first little taste of RP with the World of Darkness series, doing a short couple month stint of Chat based RP. It wouldnt be for another 5 years that I would get the RP bug with The Elder Scrolls Online, where I have been RPing consistantly for the past two years now. I have been trying to weasel back into some chat based WoD RP, but the storytellers havnt gotten around to giving me feedback/approving my characters, so we will have to wait and see where that leads. I'm the kind of guy who gets really fired up and excited about something, and if there isnt something to fuel that fire rather quickly, the fire tends to burn itself out :P

But now that I feel I have a taste and some sort of compotence with RP, I have just started to delve into a long time love affair I have never had the chance to persue, which is D&D. I participated in my first introductory session last week on , and I am stoked for more! I am currently rolling a Half-Elf bard and working out the details of his backstory and all that fun stuff.

Anywho, thats me, so ya...hi!
Hi Jubes, welcome to RPR :)

Welcome to RPR :D If you ever feel the need to talk to someone, you're more than welcome to PM me :3
Well hey there, Jubes! Sounds like you have a very amazing life so far. What's it like working as a tattoo artist? Is it.... Is it really as painful as everyone says to get one? Just curious.

But welcome to RPR. Name's Lucree, but call me Light, Lotus... Whatever you like that's nice! It's really sweet to meet you!
Welcome to RPR! Being a tattoo artist sounds like a super cool job! I only have one tattoo, but I already want more XD I actually used roll20 to play a game of pathfinder with some RL friends that live far away and it's a really neat system. Hope you find some awesome people to RP with and congrats on the new baby! :D
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!
Kim Site Admin

Your art is super, super cute. Thank you so much for sharing. And congrats on baby #2 on the way!

Also: I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU THAT YOU FINALLY GOT TO TRY D&D! Tabletop has its own special energy, and as much as I love freeform chat/forum RP, I crave tabletop alongside it. I have been playing tabletop for close to a decade now, but in the last two weeks I just got my first experience of DMing, and man does it feel amazing. I want to run more stories. Moooore!

So I hope you have a great time here, make tons of friends, and get to scratch all your RP itches. :) Please don't hesitate to ask if you run into any problems or questions! :D
Jubes Topic Starter


I suppose you are speaking of my most recent piece on my thread because usually I am never told my art is cute haha, but thank you!
Kim Site Admin


Yeah, it was this one. :D

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