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Forums » Art & Creativity » CHEAP Commissies :(

Hey, its summer time and well... I'm low on money and need it to pay bills since I'm jobless.

I'm willing to do some cheap (Somewhat decent, I'm not very good) drawings for people.

So how about this.

    Bust: $3 (Additional characters 1$ each)
    Full body: 10$ (Additional Characters 6$ each)
    Chibi: 5$ (Additional Characters 3$ each)

    Bust: $6 (Additional characters 3$ each)
    Full body: 20$ (Additional Characters 8$ each)
    Chibi: 10$ (Additional Characters 6$ each)
    Add a background to any: 10$ (If I end up making a crappybackground, I’ll lower the price, because I suck at them.)

Also, if you want a group picture full body (+3) I am going to have to charge a bit more than listed. Thats a lot of work.

I think these are pretty cheap and I really need the money right now.

Heres some idea of what you'd be getting:

Bust: elise_bust_by_reeno_alchemist-d4u2op4.png

Full Body: dark_eyes_by_reeno_alchemist-d418tqs.png

Chibi: a_night_at_the_ball_by_reeno_alchemist-d4jwczq.png

and of course theres more art Here:

I am willing to negotiate prices. I also accept Paypal for payment.

One last thing. I CANNOT draw furries to save my life. I am willing to try, but there are no guarantees...
How would you feel about some of my characters? Line art full body for Bailey and Sam, color full body for Tyler and one of Jones and the Captain?
I second Jones and the Captain!! :D
InquisitorCat Topic Starter

JayBird wrote:
How would you feel about some of my characters? Line art full body for Bailey and Sam, color full body for Tyler and one of Jones and the Captain?

I can do all of those for you :) If you wanna private message me tell me exactly what you want and link me their pages (I couldn't find Jones and the captain on your page) along with some good descriptions if you have no references. Then I can give you a price range and get to work on it :)
InquisitorCat Topic Starter


Here you are!
Yayy!!!!! SO excited.... thank you so much!!!!!!
<3 <3 <3
InquisitorCat Topic Starter

I am so glad ^-^

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