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Forums » RP Discussion » Furcadia: Canon RP

Ben Moderator

So I have been attempting for god knows how long to get some kind of response going to the whole King Callistin thing. I've tried advertising and starting RP threads on the furcadia forums but that hasn't gone well, and after months of trying I have decided I'm giving it one last attempt. One of my new strategies is to see who might be interested on this website.

Scarhawk Castle is the name of the dream, and just at the moment it's being completely redesigned, thanks to an awesome person that messaged me a couple weeks ago :D

I'm looking for players, specifically magic users but ANYONE who is interested in the canon is welcome, to join in a rebellion against King Callistin. I also need STAFF. I really want to bring some life back to the canon, and one thing I have been noticing is that a lot of players have been becoming increasingly unhappy with the current dragonlands dreams. So this thread is serving two purposes. Reply if you're interested, or if you simply would like to express an opinion about the current state of the dragonlands in Furcadia. How can it be improved? How can I as a dreamowner make it more attractive, and try to undo the severely elitist reputation that seems to have developed?
Kim Site Admin

I've never been a Canon RPer on Furcadia, but I'd like to applaud the tone you're taking toward your frustrations with it: Seeing if there are ways you can help to make it better.

The world needs more players and GMs/DMs/Storytellers/Rahs who take that attitude when something isn't living up to expectations.

Other than that, Ben is really fun to play with you guys. If you're a furcadia canon RPer you should totally hit him up.
Ben Topic Starter Moderator

Aw :) Thanks Kim! I appreciate the endorsement.
I've got a number of Dragonlands characters, but most of them are pretty flitty, and don't associate themselves with these things. Mostly because I'm TERRIBLE with plots. Sadly, my favourite Dragonlands dreams have all temporarily gone under.

I remember popping in on Scarhawk once or twice a long long while ago, though (I was on-and-off considering apping a character). Plus, I see your rebellion posters in ALL the canondream forums EVERYWHERE.

Lately I've been playing around with making a Tavern In The Middle of Nowhere for Dragonlands, somewhere along the equator, in the forested area, along the road and outside of all cities. Not so much as a permanent RP place, but as some place for people to temporarily RP in if their characters are travelling between two dreams/places. Don't know if I'll actually upload it, though. I'm no dreamweaver.
Ben Topic Starter Moderator

Haha, it's nice to see my posters are working. >3

Well if you don't feel like committing to a long term plot we'd still love to see you in dream from time to time. And I wish you the best of luck with working on your own project :) Give me a shout when it's done and I'll throw up your dream on my website as a recognized continuity, so that we can encourage people to use it.
Well, OOCly anyways. My one main character is illiterate. He thinks the logo is pretty, though?

It's mmmmoostly done, I've just been stuck on names.

As for plots--I'd LIKE to get involved, I'm just bad at this stuff. One day!
Ben Topic Starter Moderator

Well this might be a great time to learn! Nobody needs to make a major commitment or take on a continuity-changing role if that's not your style.
Ilmarinen Moderator

I've always wanted to have a dragonlands character, if I had time to get involved in continuities other than SH. I've had many that could work, but always wind up with alterations that make them iffy if not outright noncanon. (Ferrow is the one I'm thinking of right now. He could be modified back to be canon, but... it would be sad.) I actually even had a scarhawk rider character I used all of three or four times before I retired him. ><

However, if I ever come up with a new character, even if they just play a bit part, I could swing them by your place. :)
Ben Topic Starter Moderator

You would be welcome, Heimdall! And if you need any help with developing a character or backtracking one, do let me know. I practically know the canon inside and out by now.
Hi Ben--sorry that I vanished off the face of the internet for a while. Real life is pretty hectic right now, so my available time for RP is... well, next to none. :( I wish you luck, though!
Ben Topic Starter Moderator

No problem :) Best of luck to you as well! I hope your real life calms down <3
I'd certainly be willing to help if you'd like! As for the reputation I've no idea of how it came on. But yes! I'd be willing to lend a helping hand!
I've honestly never done a canon rp...or don't think I have at least but I'd be willing to lend a hand to your cause of furcadia is my proverbial stomping grounds.
Ben Topic Starter Moderator

Thanks guys! Keep your eyes on this thread, I'll be posting more information as things get rolling.
Keiden (played anonymously)

I'm to accredit to half of those posters, at least.
Keiden has been harassing Dragonlands' knights and guards with blue scarhawks for as long as I can remember.

Even posting mock wanted posters for the king in the wee morning hours.
And I'm about to start again in Malgrave, weather they like it or not. >D

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