The thunder crashed loudly as Sky stood under an awning to stay out of the rain. ~of all the days to be evicted from my apartment~ she thought a large backpack on her back and another at her feet . ~ I can't help the fact nobody will higher me. ~ she thought, shaking her head. ~ My parents don't want me, I have no place to go now... I dought anyone would care of I was to die~ she shook her head and closed her pink eyes. ~ can nobody see or hear me? Or douse nobody care~ she thought. the rain had slacked off enough and she began to move away from the front of her old apartment and headed down the sidewalk. As she walked she came to an old church that had been abandoned, scheduled to be torn down with in the month. ~ better than being in the rain~ she thought as she looked around and found a way inside and out of the rain.
Sariel was running down the street, holding a sheet over his head. He knew his target was somewhere nearby, but not quite sure where. He followed where he figured she'd be- As an angel, he had a pretty easy time finding a target. The problem being that they don't know someone's looking for them.
"There's gotta be someplace outta the rain!" he mumbled to himself.
"There's gotta be someplace outta the rain!" he mumbled to himself.
Sky pulled a blanket out of her bag and a towel to dry her black and teal hair. The old church was untouched by vandals and the interior was simply stunning ~why would anyone tear down such a pretty place?~ she thought with a sigh.
Stay on this path, a voice said to him. He followed the path for a few minutes, looking down at the mud on his shoes. There was probably a better path somewhere else, but that might take longer. Besides, this was the right path. He started to sink slightly in the mud with every step, making it harder to walk.
Sky stood up and kept her blanket pulled around her as she walked through the sanctuary of the old church. The storm had picked up again and she realized a good portion of the roof was missing ~ so that's why it's being torn down~ she though looking up through the hole... Suddenly there was a very bright very loud crash that sent her flying back, as a bolt f lightning struck the floor in front of her catching the old wood on fire. Sky hit the floor hard and knocked out cold.
Sariel arrived in front of a church. He didn't want to track mud inside, or take off his shoes, or ruin the grass or anything. There was probably a doormat or something inside, though. He opened the door and walked in, looking around.
The interior of the church was old and mostly subsumed to being abandoned, most of the roof had caved in from years of nobody keeping the place kept. There was a small fire that had caught on the floor from where the lightning had stuck. Sky lay unconscious on the floor nor far away from the fire.
Sariel slowly approached Sky.
That's her, the voice said. He looked down at her, then at the fire, then for a way to put out the fire.
That's her, the voice said. He looked down at her, then at the fire, then for a way to put out the fire.
The rain was enough to put out the small fire. Sky groaned a little from where she lay, not wanting to move as she was still a little out of it. ~ damn it what happen~ she thought.
"Uh... Are you okay?" he asked the girl. This isn't how this usually goes, Sariel thought. Most people would at least be conscious...
sky groaned and open her pink eyes hearing the voice " i think so..." she said pushing herself up and rubbed her head. she looked over at him " you trying to get out of the rain to?" she asked
"Yeah," he replied. It was a half-truth, and that was good enough. He held out his hand for her. "Need help?" Sariel looked friendly enough- He had light brown eyes and dark brown hair, and resting surprised face, so... He looked very concerned.
sky hesitated a moment before taking his hand and stood up. She had light pink colored eyes, her hair was black except for the teal dyed bangs. A few pink and teal feathers hung from her hair as well " Thanks". she said picking up her blanket and walked over to her stuff and sighed taking out another towl and tossed it over to him
He caught it and muttered his thanks. He used the towel to dry off his arms and put it over his shoulders.
"So, you're here 'causs'a the rain?"
"So, you're here 'causs'a the rain?"
Sky sighed " yeah and because i got evicted from my apartment due to not being able to pay rent" she sighed shaking her head ~ don't know why they chose to kick me out today"
"Oh, you were... Kicked out..." At least I have a place to go... What do I do? I'm sure you'll find someplace."
" I can't get a job so unless people start wanting to buy these hair clips I make then I can't pay for another apartment," she said
"... Maybe I could buy a few?" I have long enough hair... He took down his ponytail, then started retying it, as it had been loose. "I can afford it."
Sky blinked " i.. don't have any right now... i'm out of feathers" she sighed sitting down and put her head. she was still soaked from the rain and with her wet loths it was easy to see how thin she was.
I do... "Excuse me, Miss..." What's her name!? "I'll be back." He walked away into another room.
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