Hello there! I'm farny101 and I just joined this website.
I have been Roleplaying on different websites for two years now so not much experience yet. I enjoy Roleplaying humans, animals even ones based on tv shows!
I'm kinda nervous about Roleplaying here has I have very poor grammar and can only write lime 3-4 sentences.. It's pretty bad in all honesty.
Um yea that's about it.. I hope I can make some friends here!
Bye! Farny101
I have been Roleplaying on different websites for two years now so not much experience yet. I enjoy Roleplaying humans, animals even ones based on tv shows!

I'm kinda nervous about Roleplaying here has I have very poor grammar and can only write lime 3-4 sentences.. It's pretty bad in all honesty.
Um yea that's about it.. I hope I can make some friends here!
Bye! Farny101
hi there im celtic and welcome to RPR
Hiya! Im Misty and welcome to the community!
Hi farny101, welcome to RPR!
(I'm Missy)

Welcome to RPR! Don't be embarrassed about your role playing skills, everyone has to start somewhere! Everyone here is really nice and there are so many different play styles I am sure you'll have no trouble finding someone cool to RP with!

Welcome to RPR c:
Dont fuss about your style, it'll grow and expand as time goes on and with practice.
Besides, we all started with one-liners and the like!
Spell check is like, a roleplayer's best friend, by the way. I usually have to check words with google to make sure I'm spelling them right, haha.
Dont fuss about your style, it'll grow and expand as time goes on and with practice.
Besides, we all started with one-liners and the like!
Spell check is like, a roleplayer's best friend, by the way. I usually have to check words with google to make sure I'm spelling them right, haha.
Thank you for the warm welcomes! I'm sure overtime I'll do better it's just my nervousness kicks in and such. But thank you for your replies

Welcom to RPR! You'll get along well with many of the users here, and don't be afraid to ask for advice. You will find a style that your comfortable with once you've spent a few months or even weeks on the site, depending on how active you are.
If you have Chrome for PC you can get Grammarly, it's what I always use, though most of the best things come from a Premium membership and I dunno about you but I'm broke.
Unicorn wrote:
I usually have to check words with google to make sure I'm spelling them right, haha.
If you have Chrome for PC you can get Grammarly, it's what I always use, though most of the best things come from a Premium membership and I dunno about you but I'm broke.
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!
Don't be nervous, sweetie, we all have to start somewhere! Like Unicorn and couple of others have said, spell check is your best friend forever when RPing. Also, we're really nice people here, so I'm sure you'll fit in just fine!
But it's really sweet to meet you! I'm Lucree, but you can call me Light! Welcome to RPR!
But it's really sweet to meet you! I'm Lucree, but you can call me Light! Welcome to RPR!
Welcome to the site!
I personally think that post length is a personal preference/situation dependent, and that longer does not always equal better. The most important thing is to help keep the story moving and interesting, and being able to share the spotlight of the story with other people's characters and ideas.
But if you want to learn to write more, then that's totally valid, too! Practice makes perfect, and we all start somewhere.
I personally think that post length is a personal preference/situation dependent, and that longer does not always equal better. The most important thing is to help keep the story moving and interesting, and being able to share the spotlight of the story with other people's characters and ideas.

Hi Farny and welcome to RPR! Are you getting more comfortable yet?
We're super flexible and as long as you do your best, you'll be good to go.

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