This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Hello again!
I'm looking to recruit Guardians for a new edition of my Oraclos RP. It can be from any setting, though to keep it from being too easy to kill things, if the character owns a gun, it's going to break when traveling through worlds.
So here's the general storyline:
The Goddess Ora created the world of Oraclos for her younger sister Mira. In the beginning, it was only full of animals, but Mira wanted beings that looked like them so she could converse and make friends. Ora begrudgingly obliged and created humans out of six species: Dragons, Serpents, Griffins, Wolves, Tigers, and Pegasus, creating the people of Oraclos, those who could shift between animal and human.
Because they were human now, they had free will, and soon they betrayed the Goddess Mira and killed her. Ora, enraged, cursed them into a new world, Miraclos, a mirror of their own heaven, and cast them inside along with her sister's body. Then, she abandoned the world.
Over time, the hateful feelings of the traitors, along with the power seeping out of Mira as she slept, mutated the traitors into demon-like Monsters. Taking advantage of tears in the barrier between Oraclos and Miraclos (caused by the lack of the Goddess's grace) they invaded. A hero rose and begged the goddess for help. Feeling sorry for those who did nothing wrong, she granted them a fraction of her power to send the Monsters back to their own world. It came in the form of a stone which was known as the Calling Stone. With it, the Hero King Cassius cast the monsters back into Miraclos. (And promptly died).
Fast forward to about a thousand years in the future. The Monsters are invading again and have slain the King of Oraclos. Before they could get the stone, Prince Kiro took it and fled from the castle. Three days later, he learned that the Capital was taken. To save his kingdom from the spreading darkness, he must undergo the Guardian's Ritual, appointing six Guardians who will share the power of the Goddess between them (buffering him from the effects) and protect him as King.
So yeah, that's you guys.
The Goddess will pluck your character from your world and drop them in hers to do her dirty work. Here's the requirements:
- Willing to accept what's happening >w>;
- Chaotic Neutral and above
- If they have a gun, it will break. Please understand that shooting everything dead would be too easy and there would be no story
even with limited bullets
- Willing to stick with a long-term, Group RP
And finally, here's the Guardian positions that are open as of the moment
Fire - Flames, magma, lightning
Water - Ice, water, mist
Earth [Reserved] - plants, earth, stone
Air - wind, air, etc.
Shadow [Reserved] - shadow, darkness, lack of light
Light - Light, holy, illusion
There is a Group for this, as well. Let me know if you'd rather rp in the group or in the general forums
I'm looking to recruit Guardians for a new edition of my Oraclos RP. It can be from any setting, though to keep it from being too easy to kill things, if the character owns a gun, it's going to break when traveling through worlds.
So here's the general storyline:
The Goddess Ora created the world of Oraclos for her younger sister Mira. In the beginning, it was only full of animals, but Mira wanted beings that looked like them so she could converse and make friends. Ora begrudgingly obliged and created humans out of six species: Dragons, Serpents, Griffins, Wolves, Tigers, and Pegasus, creating the people of Oraclos, those who could shift between animal and human.
Because they were human now, they had free will, and soon they betrayed the Goddess Mira and killed her. Ora, enraged, cursed them into a new world, Miraclos, a mirror of their own heaven, and cast them inside along with her sister's body. Then, she abandoned the world.
Over time, the hateful feelings of the traitors, along with the power seeping out of Mira as she slept, mutated the traitors into demon-like Monsters. Taking advantage of tears in the barrier between Oraclos and Miraclos (caused by the lack of the Goddess's grace) they invaded. A hero rose and begged the goddess for help. Feeling sorry for those who did nothing wrong, she granted them a fraction of her power to send the Monsters back to their own world. It came in the form of a stone which was known as the Calling Stone. With it, the Hero King Cassius cast the monsters back into Miraclos. (And promptly died).
Fast forward to about a thousand years in the future. The Monsters are invading again and have slain the King of Oraclos. Before they could get the stone, Prince Kiro took it and fled from the castle. Three days later, he learned that the Capital was taken. To save his kingdom from the spreading darkness, he must undergo the Guardian's Ritual, appointing six Guardians who will share the power of the Goddess between them (buffering him from the effects) and protect him as King.
So yeah, that's you guys.

- Willing to accept what's happening >w>;
- Chaotic Neutral and above
- If they have a gun, it will break. Please understand that shooting everything dead would be too easy and there would be no story

- Willing to stick with a long-term, Group RP
And finally, here's the Guardian positions that are open as of the moment
Fire - Flames, magma, lightning
Water - Ice, water, mist
Earth [Reserved] - plants, earth, stone
Air - wind, air, etc.
Shadow [Reserved] - shadow, darkness, lack of light
Light - Light, holy, illusion
There is a Group for this, as well. Let me know if you'd rather rp in the group or in the general forums

Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
Iron age
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
I should explain something quick, before it gets out of hand
Here's the ACTUAL rules:
1. Obey the laws of the land and its future king. (When in Rome, do as the Romans)
2. By no means threaten any of your allies. (Don't try to kill the other players, this is Co-op)
3. Do not try to match the power of a Goddess, you will always fail. (No god-modding or over-powering)
4. If you abandon the quest, you will be expelled from this world and replaced without question. (If you don't post for more than a month, you will be booted)
5. There shall be no graphic depictions of romantic encounters or wounds in battle or otherwise. (nothing over PG)
6. If the quest veers off course or does not please you, send a message to the prince suggesting a better course of action. (If you have ideas for plot, feel free to let me know! But also, try not to like, usurp the story. If it's character development, fine, but this is a story about Oraclos, and it isn't suddenly going to be up to your character alone to save the world, and your character alone is not going to stop the war
This is Co-op.)

1. Obey the laws of the land and its future king. (When in Rome, do as the Romans)
2. By no means threaten any of your allies. (Don't try to kill the other players, this is Co-op)
3. Do not try to match the power of a Goddess, you will always fail. (No god-modding or over-powering)
4. If you abandon the quest, you will be expelled from this world and replaced without question. (If you don't post for more than a month, you will be booted)
5. There shall be no graphic depictions of romantic encounters or wounds in battle or otherwise. (nothing over PG)
6. If the quest veers off course or does not please you, send a message to the prince suggesting a better course of action. (If you have ideas for plot, feel free to let me know! But also, try not to like, usurp the story. If it's character development, fine, but this is a story about Oraclos, and it isn't suddenly going to be up to your character alone to save the world, and your character alone is not going to stop the war

I am interested but have a question. You have all those elements and such listed so would we have to choose one and like, use it? Or is it you choose a category?
Any specific race the characters need to be? Cause I've got a fire dragon I would love to use.
I'm interested in putting more action into this character so if you still have water available I would like to join.
Guardian_Girl wrote:
Any specific race the characters need to be? Cause I've got a fire dragon I would love to use.
Just noticed this, instead id like to do light so that GG can do fire.
I have this guy instead who is like illusion, so light.
Wow! Ok so the spaces have filled up fast.
Light - Michi no Kage
Shadow - pending
Earth - Draken901
Fire - Guardian Girl
Water - Jian Ya
Wind - Vanil Stormblade
We'll have to wait about a week for the person playing shadow to confirm, if that's alright with everyone.
Here's some bonus info I forgot to say:
All abilities from the prior worlds will remain when your characters are brought here. You will just be gaining additional abilities.
I have a spell list I can post later, suggesting some abilities you guys can use with your new powers once you get them. (Ftr u will not all be getting them at the same time bcuz its a ritual thing)
If you have more questions in the meantime feel free to ask. If you're more curious about the story, check out the group and kiro's character page
Lastly would you guys want to play in the general forums or in the group?
Light - Michi no Kage
Shadow - pending
Earth - Draken901
Fire - Guardian Girl
Water - Jian Ya
Wind - Vanil Stormblade
We'll have to wait about a week for the person playing shadow to confirm, if that's alright with everyone.
Here's some bonus info I forgot to say:
All abilities from the prior worlds will remain when your characters are brought here. You will just be gaining additional abilities.
I have a spell list I can post later, suggesting some abilities you guys can use with your new powers once you get them. (Ftr u will not all be getting them at the same time bcuz its a ritual thing)
If you have more questions in the meantime feel free to ask. If you're more curious about the story, check out the group and kiro's character page

Lastly would you guys want to play in the general forums or in the group?
Here is the spell list again:
Shadow (Guardian of the Swamp)
1. Hide - Hide things from others.
2. Nightmare - Freeze an enemy in their tracks by projecting their worst Nightmare. Reactions may vary.
3. Shadow Weapon - Turns the caster's own shadow into whatever weapon they desire. Remember, a weapon is only as good as the one who wields it.
4. Shadow Puppetry - Control a person by manipulating their shadow. The one controlled mimics what the one controlling them does. Spell does not work if the area is too dark or too bright to the point where no shadow is cast.
5. Transmit Matter - Caster touches an object and uses a portal to transmit the matter between its intended target. The intended target must be visible.
6. Decay - With the touch of a finger, the caster can completely disintegrate one large target. If trying to use the spell outside of its bounds (say, disintegrate a larger object than what is normally allowed) the caster will experience drawbacks. Can only cast once a day.
Light (Guardian of the Desert)
1. See Truth - See through illusions/hidden intentions.
2. Mirage - Projects enemy's greatest desire, can coerce the enemy.
3. Mirror - Makes clones that are physical, but very delicate, like glass. When destroyed, they flash and explode, harming those who had destroyed them.
4. Refract - Anything coming in the direction of the caster is immediately redirected. The caster must be looking at the thing approaching them.
5. Heal - Heals wounds, but cannot heal mortal wounds.
6. Purify - Calls a large pillar of light down to the battlefield and smites everything caught within a 20 foot radius. Can only be used once a day.
Wind (Guardian of the Valley)
1. Cool Breeze - Summon a light breeze to carry objects 20 pounds or less. Also used to trigger traps, cast sails, or make projectiles fly faster.
2. Breath - Purifies toxins in the air and can allow breathing where you can't normally.
3. Air cutters - Throw small intense gusts of winds, like throwing knives or shuriken.
4. Feather Light - Walk on air, move with incredible speed, all the while uninhibited. However, if you run into a wall, splat is definitely a possibility.
5. Wind Storm - Calls a harsh storm of wind to cause general destruction. Creates larger air blades, and destroys the area around it.
6. Suffocation - Steals the breath of one target. But, if concentration concentration is broken, so is the spell. Can only be used once a day.
Fire (Guardian of the Mountain)
1. Warm Fuzzies - Can generate warmth from your core to endure cold environments. Also warms a small area around the caster, and causes you to glow.
2. Flame Tongue - Breathe fire with the intensity of a mechanical torch.
3. Fireball - Mobile fire. The intensity of the flames depends on the caster's body temperature. Use with Warm Fuzzies to get maximum potential.
4. Lightning - Summons a bolt of lightning from the sky. Must be used around conductive materials or risk self harm.
5. Heat Wave - Send out waves of fire and heat, pulsing along with the caster's heartbeat.
6. Hell Fire - An eruption of Rock and Flame from the earth akin to a mini volcano. Difficult to control, and must be let to run wild and extinguish itself, so its dangerous to use. Can only be used once a day.
Earth (Guardian of the Forest)
1. Sproutling - Grow any full-sized plant from a seed instantly.
2. Natural Armor - Create instant armor, while wearing it, breathing is difficult and movement is almost impossible. But, you're practically impenetrable.
3. Spike - Create rock spires to jut out of the ground. Can also make flat walls to block attacks.
4. Malleable - Reform rock or metal into a crude, usable weapon with a touch. Also works to change enemy weapons, but they must be reformed into some other solid object, not just a puddle. Cannot use on organic material.
5. Leech Roots - Control plants at your will, but to do so means letting them feed off of you. However, you can also use others as their fodder.
6. Tectonic - Create earthquakes or faults in the earth to a certain extent. Can only be used once a day.
Water (Guardian of the Sea)
1. Create Water - Take water from the air, but not from organic material. Can cool the water to act like warm fuzzies, but to cool off in warm environments. Once control over the water is let go, it cannot be used again.
2. Water Hazard - Pools water beneath enemies, dropping them into the giant puddle. If frozen over, can trap them and drown them.
3. Ice Spikes/Weapons - Make ice in an form instantly. Used properly with Create water to make any form you wish, even ice prisons.
4. Siren's Reverberation - All ice on the field instant shatters, shooting out shrapnel. Can hurt enemies and allies alike. If an enemy themselves is frozen, can shatter them. If unable to use voice, spell does not work.
5. Vapor Gun - Shoots pressurized water vapor/steam like darts.
6. Dead Man's Mist - A mist that oversaturates cells if in the mist too long. Eventually, can drown the enemy. Can hurt enemies or friends alike. Lasts for 1 hour, and takes about 30 minutes to kill an average human. Can only be used once a day.
If you'd like to make edits let me know
Shadow (Guardian of the Swamp)
1. Hide - Hide things from others.
2. Nightmare - Freeze an enemy in their tracks by projecting their worst Nightmare. Reactions may vary.
3. Shadow Weapon - Turns the caster's own shadow into whatever weapon they desire. Remember, a weapon is only as good as the one who wields it.
4. Shadow Puppetry - Control a person by manipulating their shadow. The one controlled mimics what the one controlling them does. Spell does not work if the area is too dark or too bright to the point where no shadow is cast.
5. Transmit Matter - Caster touches an object and uses a portal to transmit the matter between its intended target. The intended target must be visible.
6. Decay - With the touch of a finger, the caster can completely disintegrate one large target. If trying to use the spell outside of its bounds (say, disintegrate a larger object than what is normally allowed) the caster will experience drawbacks. Can only cast once a day.
Light (Guardian of the Desert)
1. See Truth - See through illusions/hidden intentions.
2. Mirage - Projects enemy's greatest desire, can coerce the enemy.
3. Mirror - Makes clones that are physical, but very delicate, like glass. When destroyed, they flash and explode, harming those who had destroyed them.
4. Refract - Anything coming in the direction of the caster is immediately redirected. The caster must be looking at the thing approaching them.
5. Heal - Heals wounds, but cannot heal mortal wounds.
6. Purify - Calls a large pillar of light down to the battlefield and smites everything caught within a 20 foot radius. Can only be used once a day.
Wind (Guardian of the Valley)
1. Cool Breeze - Summon a light breeze to carry objects 20 pounds or less. Also used to trigger traps, cast sails, or make projectiles fly faster.
2. Breath - Purifies toxins in the air and can allow breathing where you can't normally.
3. Air cutters - Throw small intense gusts of winds, like throwing knives or shuriken.
4. Feather Light - Walk on air, move with incredible speed, all the while uninhibited. However, if you run into a wall, splat is definitely a possibility.
5. Wind Storm - Calls a harsh storm of wind to cause general destruction. Creates larger air blades, and destroys the area around it.
6. Suffocation - Steals the breath of one target. But, if concentration concentration is broken, so is the spell. Can only be used once a day.
Fire (Guardian of the Mountain)
1. Warm Fuzzies - Can generate warmth from your core to endure cold environments. Also warms a small area around the caster, and causes you to glow.
2. Flame Tongue - Breathe fire with the intensity of a mechanical torch.
3. Fireball - Mobile fire. The intensity of the flames depends on the caster's body temperature. Use with Warm Fuzzies to get maximum potential.
4. Lightning - Summons a bolt of lightning from the sky. Must be used around conductive materials or risk self harm.
5. Heat Wave - Send out waves of fire and heat, pulsing along with the caster's heartbeat.
6. Hell Fire - An eruption of Rock and Flame from the earth akin to a mini volcano. Difficult to control, and must be let to run wild and extinguish itself, so its dangerous to use. Can only be used once a day.
Earth (Guardian of the Forest)
1. Sproutling - Grow any full-sized plant from a seed instantly.
2. Natural Armor - Create instant armor, while wearing it, breathing is difficult and movement is almost impossible. But, you're practically impenetrable.
3. Spike - Create rock spires to jut out of the ground. Can also make flat walls to block attacks.
4. Malleable - Reform rock or metal into a crude, usable weapon with a touch. Also works to change enemy weapons, but they must be reformed into some other solid object, not just a puddle. Cannot use on organic material.
5. Leech Roots - Control plants at your will, but to do so means letting them feed off of you. However, you can also use others as their fodder.
6. Tectonic - Create earthquakes or faults in the earth to a certain extent. Can only be used once a day.
Water (Guardian of the Sea)
1. Create Water - Take water from the air, but not from organic material. Can cool the water to act like warm fuzzies, but to cool off in warm environments. Once control over the water is let go, it cannot be used again.
2. Water Hazard - Pools water beneath enemies, dropping them into the giant puddle. If frozen over, can trap them and drown them.
3. Ice Spikes/Weapons - Make ice in an form instantly. Used properly with Create water to make any form you wish, even ice prisons.
4. Siren's Reverberation - All ice on the field instant shatters, shooting out shrapnel. Can hurt enemies and allies alike. If an enemy themselves is frozen, can shatter them. If unable to use voice, spell does not work.
5. Vapor Gun - Shoots pressurized water vapor/steam like darts.
6. Dead Man's Mist - A mist that oversaturates cells if in the mist too long. Eventually, can drown the enemy. Can hurt enemies or friends alike. Lasts for 1 hour, and takes about 30 minutes to kill an average human. Can only be used once a day.
If you'd like to make edits let me know
Sweet. Alexis is my girl. And I'm okay with whatever the rest want to use.
Are the new abilities learned, or do they already know they have them when they arrive?
they'll be learned when they undergo the ritual 
like levelling up

like levelling up
Is there any spaces still available? if so I would love to join!
i'd like to discuss a complete overhaul of the water abilities concerning Jian if that's okay with you, because i find that most of the abilities are awkward when coupled with him. unlike the gracefulness that seems to be one of the components of the essence, Jian is a rather savage being since he embodies the brutality of a shark quite literally. if these abilities are set in stone, i'll still do my best to work with them.
Jian Ya wrote:
i'd like to discuss a complete overhaul of the water abilities concerning Jian if that's okay with you, because i find that most of the abilities are awkward when coupled with him. unlike the gracefulness that seems to be one of the components of the essence, Jian is a rather savage being since he embodies the brutality of a shark quite literally. if these abilities are set in stone, i'll still do my best to work with them.
Sure! Send me a message with your ideas.
The levels of complexity and power go from 1-6 in ascending order.
(The current spells are just suggestions anyway. As an undead pirate once said, they're merely "guidelines" lol )
Sorry for the wait everyone, I sent a message.
@ Jian Ya: if you could send me your ideas, I'd be willing to discuss other spell options
@ Water rose: I sent you a message, please look into it.
Btw, if I happen to get any more interest from other people, I might consider making a third rp. >w< So just because the spots are filled does not mean that there is no hope of joining one, for anyone else looking in to the thread.
Also, for those who have already been accepted, please let me know if you'd rather have a thread in the fantasy forum or in the group. So far, I've heard that people don't really care, so I'm thinking of putting the thread in the group. If you don't want this, please let me know.
@ Jian Ya: if you could send me your ideas, I'd be willing to discuss other spell options

@ Water rose: I sent you a message, please look into it.
Btw, if I happen to get any more interest from other people, I might consider making a third rp. >w< So just because the spots are filled does not mean that there is no hope of joining one, for anyone else looking in to the thread.
Also, for those who have already been accepted, please let me know if you'd rather have a thread in the fantasy forum or in the group. So far, I've heard that people don't really care, so I'm thinking of putting the thread in the group. If you don't want this, please let me know.
I do think the group could be a bit more convenient
Ok so the shadow person said they'd join ^^ so all the spots are filled.
The shadow guardian will be played by Phoenixcan whose character is named Lavender
I'll make the thread in the group either later tonight or tomorrow ^^
Please submit applications in the meantime
Here's the link!
Thanks everyone!
The shadow guardian will be played by Phoenixcan whose character is named Lavender

I'll make the thread in the group either later tonight or tomorrow ^^
Please submit applications in the meantime

Thanks everyone!
Mh so...
I'm gonna be doing another one <w<;
rn I've got
Light - Marcus Wonderland
Shadow - open
Earth - [tbd]
Water - WaterRose
Fire - open
Wind - open
Sooo if anyone is still interested in joining i've got some spots open
I'm gonna be doing another one <w<;
rn I've got
Light - Marcus Wonderland
Shadow - open
Earth - [tbd]
Water - WaterRose
Fire - open
Wind - open
Sooo if anyone is still interested in joining i've got some spots open

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