This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Hey, just to get this out of the way, I prefer this to be a private 1v1 rp. I can make a group for it, if there are those who want to do it like that. Just say if you're interested in either a private 1v1 or group rp. If you're wondering or at confused about anything, let me know and I'll help you out. Also, I may add links to music which ranges from scores, songs from groups like Two Steps from Hell and Audiomachine, rock, and sings from different animes at different scenes to give it a bit of a mood or vibe.
Earth, the birthplace of humanity. Also, the culmination point of a sinister evil. In the 21st century, scientists have discovered a way to open portals, allowing people to simply walk to another country or continent. The first portal was only big enough to transport something the size of an apple, but scientists continued research. They eventually were able to send something the size of a car through the portal. Unbeknown to them, the two portals they created lead to an entirely different place all together, not on Earth, but an entirely different plane of existence. To test and see if the portals would work, they sent a car with a chimp in it through the portal. After a minute, the scientists began to wonder why the car didn't come out. Then as they prepared to go back ti their calculations and tests, the car came back out. The doors were ripped off, the glass obliterated, the hood torn to shreds by something with large claws, the interior and shards of the windshield covered in blood from the chimp as it's arm laid in the seat it was in. Then, they came through, demons flooded out the portals, killing all in the labs. As they tried to close the portal, it stayed open, now able to stay open on its own. Then, portals started opening up around the world, unleashing an onslaught of demons with a lust for blood and flesh, especially humans. Humanity was pushed the the brink of extinction, driven underground and building entire cities underground. In their darkest hour, four beings known as Sentinels, came through the portals and helped humanity. They were dressed in blood red robes and wore metal masks shaped like skulls with a certain marking on the forehead. The four spread out over the globe, teaching humans magic from the demonic plane. The only problem was that anyone who wasn't fit to wield the magic were killed. So the four made a test to see if someone was able to learn their magic. Each person who wanted to learn magic had to put a drop of their blood in a bowl of a green liquid called Mircath. If it turned clear as water, they were worthy of learning magic. The ones who were worthy of learning and using this magic were called Guardians. Out of the few of those who are worthy, there are those who can learn two different types of magic, who are called Elite Guardians.
Each if the four beings had names and specific magic. The first Sentinel, named Corath, was recognized by a circle with a triangle in with a three eyes in the triangle. Corath magic was based on perception and mind, allowing people to see through walls, see things at long distances as if they were close to them, and able to sense lifeforms around them, whether human or demon. The second Sentinel, named Emontra, was recognized by an open hand with the symbols for the four elements, earth, air, fire, and water, on the palm. Emontra's teaching were focused on elemental manipulation. The third one, named Montak, was reconized by a pentagram. Montak's teachings were focused on shape-shifting, allowing the user to turn into a demon, fighting fire with fire. The last one, Oma, was reconized by a circle, one half having a skull on it and the other having a heart on it. One's teaching were focused on life and death, healing people while also able to steal the life energy from humans and demons. The user can manifest the life energy they have into various objects and weapons. Once they taught humans their magic, they went back through the portals to close them. The managed to close the smaller portals, but not the large, main portals. There was one main portal for each Continent.
But that was as over 100 years ago. Now humanity live both above and underground in cities made from the rubble of their old world. Guardians serve as the main guards of their city. There are now schools in every town and city that teaches the ways of the Sentinels, one instructor for each Sentinel. Demons still wonder the earth, but not as bad as when they started.
Now, there is a man who went through the portal and came out alive and not corrupt by the demons. He talks that he heard the Sentinels speaking to him, telling him of a way to close the portal forever and kill all demons on Earth as well.
Will you, Guardian, rise up and free the humanity of its demonic curse?
Earth, the birthplace of humanity. Also, the culmination point of a sinister evil. In the 21st century, scientists have discovered a way to open portals, allowing people to simply walk to another country or continent. The first portal was only big enough to transport something the size of an apple, but scientists continued research. They eventually were able to send something the size of a car through the portal. Unbeknown to them, the two portals they created lead to an entirely different place all together, not on Earth, but an entirely different plane of existence. To test and see if the portals would work, they sent a car with a chimp in it through the portal. After a minute, the scientists began to wonder why the car didn't come out. Then as they prepared to go back ti their calculations and tests, the car came back out. The doors were ripped off, the glass obliterated, the hood torn to shreds by something with large claws, the interior and shards of the windshield covered in blood from the chimp as it's arm laid in the seat it was in. Then, they came through, demons flooded out the portals, killing all in the labs. As they tried to close the portal, it stayed open, now able to stay open on its own. Then, portals started opening up around the world, unleashing an onslaught of demons with a lust for blood and flesh, especially humans. Humanity was pushed the the brink of extinction, driven underground and building entire cities underground. In their darkest hour, four beings known as Sentinels, came through the portals and helped humanity. They were dressed in blood red robes and wore metal masks shaped like skulls with a certain marking on the forehead. The four spread out over the globe, teaching humans magic from the demonic plane. The only problem was that anyone who wasn't fit to wield the magic were killed. So the four made a test to see if someone was able to learn their magic. Each person who wanted to learn magic had to put a drop of their blood in a bowl of a green liquid called Mircath. If it turned clear as water, they were worthy of learning magic. The ones who were worthy of learning and using this magic were called Guardians. Out of the few of those who are worthy, there are those who can learn two different types of magic, who are called Elite Guardians.
Each if the four beings had names and specific magic. The first Sentinel, named Corath, was recognized by a circle with a triangle in with a three eyes in the triangle. Corath magic was based on perception and mind, allowing people to see through walls, see things at long distances as if they were close to them, and able to sense lifeforms around them, whether human or demon. The second Sentinel, named Emontra, was recognized by an open hand with the symbols for the four elements, earth, air, fire, and water, on the palm. Emontra's teaching were focused on elemental manipulation. The third one, named Montak, was reconized by a pentagram. Montak's teachings were focused on shape-shifting, allowing the user to turn into a demon, fighting fire with fire. The last one, Oma, was reconized by a circle, one half having a skull on it and the other having a heart on it. One's teaching were focused on life and death, healing people while also able to steal the life energy from humans and demons. The user can manifest the life energy they have into various objects and weapons. Once they taught humans their magic, they went back through the portals to close them. The managed to close the smaller portals, but not the large, main portals. There was one main portal for each Continent.
But that was as over 100 years ago. Now humanity live both above and underground in cities made from the rubble of their old world. Guardians serve as the main guards of their city. There are now schools in every town and city that teaches the ways of the Sentinels, one instructor for each Sentinel. Demons still wonder the earth, but not as bad as when they started.
Now, there is a man who went through the portal and came out alive and not corrupt by the demons. He talks that he heard the Sentinels speaking to him, telling him of a way to close the portal forever and kill all demons on Earth as well.
Will you, Guardian, rise up and free the humanity of its demonic curse?
Mundane? What's that? Magic permeates every part of the setting. Almost everyone has access to strong magic.
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
I'm hooked.
Draken901 wrote:
Sorry, I had to do that.
Sorry, I had to do that.

Ha, it does sound like it.
floatch wrote:
I'm hooked.
Alright, do you want a 1v1 or group rp
I saw this now so it might be late. This is an awesome plot. Read through everything, (sore eyes), and I think it's bien.
I saw this now so it might be late. This is an awesome plot. Read through everything, (sore eyes), and I think it's bien.
If it's not to late could I join?
Yea, both of you can join. Do you two want to do a group rp or two different 1v1 RPs.
May I join this RP?
Yes, you can join. 1v1 or group rp.
I don't really mind, either way! Whatever you think is best will work for me!
I would prefer to do this in a group if anyone else wants to.
Group would be fine by me
Could I join as well please? If its not too much of a problem i'd rather do a group role-play
Yeah, so looks like we'll have a big group rp.
Ok! That sounds great!
Okay, now that we have a group, who will everyone be using.
I'll be using this guy.
I'll be using this one!
I'll be using her

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