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Forums » Introductions » Old RPer, New Site

Hello everyone! A friend sent me the link to this page after I failed to find a new site to use for roleplay. I have many characters that have yet to be added. I typically play in a fantasy setting, but I have alternate universe versions of a few characters that can be used in a more modern setting.

Here's some stuff about me!

I'm a 22 year old mom. :)
I really enjoy writing with others.
I have been roleplaying since I was 13 years old.
I'm a digital artist on FurAffinity.
I'm very friendly and love meeting new people!
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!

Welcome! Lots of fantasy RP here for sure and some great people. Hit me up if you need anything or have any questions! It's a great community here.

Is there a specific setting in fantasy that you like?
Hi corgiON, welcome to RPR! :)

hello there! :D i hope you'll find this a comfy home for your characters!

the mods here are a super friendly bunch and willing to listen to any questions, so don't be afraid to poke one!

if you're ever wanting to chat, feel free to try out the OOC chat thread sometime! there's usually a couple people hanging around, and you might make some new friends/rp partners! it can be turned into a live chat by pressing the button at the bottom of the page.

see you around!
corgiON Topic Starter

Guardian_Girl wrote:
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!

Thank you so much!!
corgiON Topic Starter

DragonShard wrote:
Welcome! Lots of fantasy RP here for sure and some great people. Hit me up if you need anything or have any questions! It's a great community here.

Is there a specific setting in fantasy that you like?

Thanks so much!
I like just about anything. My favorites are more D&D/Medieval.
corgiON Topic Starter

MSochist wrote:
Hi corgiON, welcome to RPR! :)

Thank you!
corgiON Topic Starter

rat wrote:
hello there! :D i hope you'll find this a comfy home for your characters!

the mods here are a super friendly bunch and willing to listen to any questions, so don't be afraid to poke one!

if you're ever wanting to chat, feel free to try out the OOC chat thread sometime! there's usually a couple people hanging around, and you might make some new friends/rp partners! it can be turned into a live chat by pressing the button at the bottom of the page.

see you around!

Thank you for the tips! I really appreciate it! :)
Welcome to RPR! I hope you have a lot of fun. It's really great here :) I'm been here a few months now and it's like home to me!
Kim Site Admin

When you say D&D, does that mean that you're a tabletopper too? :D
corgiON Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
When you say D&D, does that mean that you're a tabletopper too? :D

I've tried to play but the groups I've been in always fall apart after a couple of sessions. D: I'm a tabletop noob but I've developed several of my characters that have been created for 3.5/Pathfinder.
corgiON Topic Starter

damnationfromafar wrote:
Welcome to RPR! I hope you have a lot of fun. It's really great here :) I'm been here a few months now and it's like home to me!

That's great to know!! :D
Welcome to RPR! Hope you're enjoying the site so far :D
Sanne Moderator

Welcome, corgiON! I hope you'll have more luck here. :) Let us know if we can help you out!
Kim Site Admin

corgiON wrote:
Kim wrote:
When you say D&D, does that mean that you're a tabletopper too? :D

I've tried to play but the groups I've been in always fall apart after a couple of sessions. D: I'm a tabletop noob but I've developed several of my characters that have been created for 3.5/Pathfinder.

Oh that's too bad, but I know exactly how that can be. It can definitely take a number of runs at it to find a group that really works well together, is fun to play in, and whose schedules all work out.

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