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Forums » Looking for RP » Space battle extravaganza (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

So I'll plead guilty to loving ships, especially starships, of all kinds. Only place I couldn't really identify something at a glance is in most older animes. I've written countless space engagements, and put a lot of thought into the tactics and technologies employed. I've read dozens of military SF novels and have seen all sorts of different ideas tossed around, but find I like the more fantastic stuff. Reads best. So I started a couple threads on my old forum (which is quiet to the point of almost-dead as of this writing) and am looking to start something somewhere where there'll be activity. I've got two ideas, both use characters and places from my little world (though there's nothing little about it) but are separate from my main stories and are open enough that if you wanted to use Star Trek, Star Wars, or something else, you totally can.

The first one is a ship to ship brawl in orbit of a planet. You're the commander of a starfaring warship, with a crew and fighters/bombers (if you'd like), marines and boarding craft (again, if you'd like), and many different offensive and defensive weapons and systems. Ground combat is fine, but the focus is on the ship to ship combat. Here's an example of the one I started on my forum: (Note that while I'm not looking to recruit anyone, but if you see what I can do and like it & feel you could contribute, I sure won't stop you from signing up!)

The second is an expanded version of the first. Instead of commanding a single starship, you are the admiral in charge of a battle group of warships. Scenarios range from a defensive rally to repel a hostile aggressor from a given planet or location, to an attack on a hostile target and its surrounding defenses. Like the first one, ground action is totally allowed but victory or defeat will be decided in space.

I'm partial to long, clear, thought-out and coherent posts, as I tend to do that (because I get carried away LOL) and if you're familiar with military terminology, all the better! Going through the options for new posts, some magic is probably fine, but as Carl Sagan one said, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. I have no real set limit on the number of players in mind, but probably not too many so we don't get lost in the details or spend forever reading everyone else's posts and trying to incorporate anything someone does into what you want to do. So maybe, I dunno... between 5 and 8? Anyways that's what I got, and what I'm looking to do.
Magic 10%
On very, very, rare occasions there may be unexplained, POSSIBLY supernatural events. Minor "environmental" magic. Perhaps implies the existence of a deity or supernatural entity. Or perhaps it's just tricks?
Technology 100%
Far future, perhaps galactic teleporters and fast terraforming
Combat 80%
Wartime/soldier RPs. Combat is a given and will likely be graphic, but there's the potential for non-combat "in the trenches" scenes. World War 2, Vietnam, etc.

Details: Character sheets & strict mechanics, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

-stardust- Topic Starter

Shucks, did I scare everyone off?

The idea is great, I'd love to try it out.
-stardust- Topic Starter

GREAT! There's one. Anyone else interested?

I should add that while I prefer longer posts, it's not an ABSOLUTE requirement...

I can do longer posts, it'll be extra work for me but I don't care long post plays are fun.
-stardust- Topic Starter

I kind of like the idea but I'll be honest, there is a LOT to read though and I'm having a hard time grasping the full idea
-stardust- Topic Starter

Hmm... okay, the barebones is basically you're captain of a starship fighting other ships. You can use any universe or create your own if you prefer. The first thought is you are just one ship, the second is you leading a group of ships against a large group of other ships.
This sounds rather fun. I wouldn't mind testing my custom races ships out a little more in a large scale engagement like this.
-stardust- Topic Starter

Wicked! There's two.

I should point out that you don't need to bring a battlecruiser or something purpose-built for fighting... a friend of mine used a stealth infiltration ship to great effect in the past.
is this a group rp or 1 v 1? (really sorry if it was already mentioned :/)
-stardust- Topic Starter

Ah, suppose I should mention that it'd be player vs NPC, the players will drive the story forward. I don't want to cast anyone in the role of the "bad guy" because I am something of a sore loser ;)
The ship i'll end up using probably will blow your mind XD
-stardust- Topic Starter

Well, if we can avoid god-ships, that would be preferable. It's no fun if someone shows up, fires their phased technomatic handwavium cannon and everyone dies, and we all go home and have a party...

HOWEVER! To paraphrase a good friend of mine, while no god-ships, I didn't say anything about a god... in a ship.


Either way, I look forward to playing with you guys. I want to see what some of you can do! I'll put something up and we'll see who joins in.

I'm still included in this right? I'd love to try this lel
-stardust- Topic Starter

You certainly are. I called it SOLAR SKIRMISH and feel free to take a look! You'll have to forgive me, I didn't see anywhere to invite people...

EDIT: Been a couple days and no activity in it, must have scared everyone off...

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