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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » A fight for survival

Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"kind is the last thing i was expecting"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie sighed " its special "
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

jarvis got near the portal "so i just go through?"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie looked " yes, but i will go with you " She took out a long sword, it was sharp and was covered in the fairies blood
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"one thing though i take the gods life"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie looked at him " Will see "
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"it makes me fell way better that you agree"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie looked " maybe "
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

jarvis jumped through the portal
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie followed, her sword close. The god flew away at the sight of them
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"Hades come down here,please"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Hades looked at them " no "

Cassie held her sword hidden
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

" i dont come to kill you i just need your help"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Hades flew down and looked " What "
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"i need you to lend me some of your power"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Hades growled " why? "
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"your brother, Zeus, he has kept you prisoner for a long time in here. i will fee you if you help me"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Hades nodded his head and then let Jarvis have some of his powers, making him weaker
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"fool" said jarvis he tied Hades up with the golden rope of Hephaestus and dragged him to the ground " are all you gods this stupid?"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Hades tryed to move away

Cassie took out her sword and looked at the god

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