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Forums » Smalltalk » Video Juegos!

Or video games to those who don't know any Spanish and might be a little bad at context clues!

Seems like a lot of us here play video games in some form or fashion, so why not share some love and connect off-forums for some hot gaming action? I love playing games with awesome people I meet in other places. I just recently picked up Rock Band again to play with one of my RP partners and found out we make a pretty rockin' singer and drums duet. It was awesome!

I have:
XBox 360
Gamertag: californaya (shared with my husband)
Favorite things to play:
Left 4 Dead 2
Rock Band (I have 1, 2, Beatles and Lego, working on getting 3 soon. We have, literally hundreds of dollars worth of DLC for 2.)
X-Men Arcade
Dance Masters*
Kinect Sports*
Kinect Adventures*


I actually JUST got a PS3 and have yet to set up my PSN name, but I will soon!
Favorite things to play:
And because I just bought it, I don't have too many games. I got Little Big Planet 2 and we're getting Marvel vs Capcom today.

Obviously, we have have PCs to I figured this should be included.
Favorite things to play:
TF2 (though I don't play this very often since it turned into an MMO. Also, I'm terrible at it)
Killing Floor (when I can get to actually run)
Dofus (I haven't played at all lately but I pop on every now and again)
Various games on Pogo (SCRABBLE!)
Kim Site Admin

I. Love. DDR.
Ilmarinen Moderator

My only modern gaming console is my DS lite! I love Pokemon. :3

Other than that, it's all SNES and PS2 for me... so, not so much internetting. XD
Darth_Angelus Moderator

I've been a PC gamer for a long time and while I do have a Wii and an Xbox 360, I still prefer the computer :)


Sins of a Solar Empire
Star Trek Online
Dragonage: Origins (and the sequel is preordered)
Left 4 Dead 2

Xbox 360

Fable 3 (it's great fun to play co-op)
Mass Effect 1 and 2 (can't wait for 3, these literally are my favourite games of the last decade)

I haven't turned my Wii on for some time, the game selection ended up being more disapointing than I'd hoped from launch.

And just for the fun of it, some of my old favourites (all for PC):

X-Com series (the first two games anyway)
Master of Orion
TIE Fighter (the first game I ever played where you get to be the bad guy)
Homeworld: Cataclysm (I like the other two but this one was my favourite)
Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series
Knights of the Old Republic
The Dig
Freespace 1 and 2
Dragonfire Moderator

I don't do a whole lotta gaming online these days, but I'm in the middle of probably five or six different games. Almost finished DKCR, getting through Bayonetta, just got the ship in Golden Sun: DD, playing Kirby's Epic Yarn with my husband, and eventually will start a second game of Metroid Prime 3 on the Trilogy pack. (...If anyone wants to trade friend vouchers when I get around to that, I'll be open!)
Then it's waiting for the new copies of Pokemon (probs getting White), and Okamiden, and trying to track down a copy of Lufia DS, and getting and playing Mass Effect and Dragon Age, and...

I'm wavering between getting a gold membership for XBL, though. I've got a lot of catching up to do on the console library itself, and I'm not really sure how much of it'll be online at this point. ^^; I do have a Kinect, though! Came with the console.

...And I used to be pretty decent at DDR - nine footers level - but I haven't played in quite some time. It's kinda rude to do so in an apartment. :P
Tasha Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
I. Love. DDR.
You should upgrade to Dance Masters or Dance Central! Seriously. I loved DDR/ITG/PIT but these two games make them look LAME.
darth_angelus wrote:
I've been a PC gamer for a long time and while I do have a Wii and an Xbox 360, I still prefer the computer :)
I share about the same view, almost purely for the modding experience. If that was brought to the console world, I think I'd make the switch over for two things: I'm cheap and I like achievements. For some reason, though, I get a more in-depth experience when I play something on the pooter rather than the xbox or playstation - even if its the same game. Here's a brief list from me, and if I remember more, I'll add to it:

Half-Life 1, 2, and the episodes
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, Underground 1 and 2, Most Wanted, Undercover, Shit
Test Drive Unlimited
Team Fortress 2
Fallout 1, 2, 3, New Vegas
Dragon Age
A bunch of other games which I'm forgetting

Exbacks 360
Sonic Mega Collection
So many things I've forgotten.

Praystation 3
DBZ Raging Blast 2, Burst Limit
Gran Turismo 5 (at this point, you can probably tell I enjoy racing games)
Madden 2011
Battlefield Bad Company
and so on, and so forth.
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Modding is definitely part of the appeal for PC gaming. Even if they allow console games to be modded, you still need a PC to do it, so why not just stick to that?

For me, it's also about the games themselves. If you look at my list, most of those in the PC section and the old favourites, won't work on a console. And if they or similiar games have been ported, the results have not been pretty.

Brace for long list.

The whole Final Fantasy series. Yes, whole. Even Dissidia, the remakes, and the Tactics series. But not 13 and X-2. Also Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. Love FF9.

Suikoden 2. Tried getting the others. Either too expensive or just no import for mystery!country.

Morrowind. Damn I love it. Dagoth Ur needs more love.

Civilization 4, it rocks.

Lionheart Legacy of the Crusader, a Renaissance Fallout no one knows.

Rise of Nations.

Sierra's City Building Series.

Warlords Battlecry 2 and 3. <3

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.

Megaman: the Legends series.

Chrono Trigger, but not Cross.

The first two Phoenix Wright games.

Diablo 2.

I will stop for now. Thank you.
Tasha Topic Starter

SeraphicStar wrote:
Chrono Trigger, but
Oh cool! I love-
SeraphicStar wrote:
not Cross.
Chrono Cross is literally my favorite game of all time. I even named my son after Serge. Yes, my son's named Serge because I'm a huge, terrible nerd. Andbecauseit'ssuchaPOWERNAMEyeay!
Dragonfire Moderator

Tasha wrote:
Yes, my son's named Serge because I'm a huge, terrible nerd.

I knew it! XD I never asked, and I don't think I've ever heard you say that much, but I just had a feeling, haha.

I wasn't in the frame of mind to follow Cross's plot through when I last played it (probably 13 or 14 at the time), but damn, the soundtrack is the best thing in all videogamedom.
Darth_Angelus Moderator

I installed Gratuitous Space Battles on my laptop yesterday and I can't believe I forgot to include Minecraft on my list of pc games.
We need some Diablo 3 up in here, even though it hasn't been released yet.

Also, this might get me in pretty deep dookey but I have never played minecraft. I don't even know what it's about/what you do/etc. I know/think I've heard that you get to make your own levels and all that awesome stuff, but I literally know nothing about it othan that.
Tasha Topic Starter

Dragonfire wrote:
Tasha wrote:
Yes, my son's named Serge because I'm a huge, terrible nerd.

I knew it! XD I never asked, and I don't think I've ever heard you say that much, but I just had a feeling, haha.

I wasn't in the frame of mind to follow Cross's plot through when I last played it (probably 13 or 14 at the time), but damn, the soundtrack is the best thing in all videogamedom.

#SQ Yesssssss. Only the nerdiest of nerd recognize the name, I think. I love it though. But just because of the character, it's just a call name on its own.

But yeah, the plot is kind of hard to follow if you don't know what's going on. I don't think I really got it until my third playthrough (we won't talk about how many times I've played it...). And you have to know what went on in Trigger to get some of the major references too. Kind of like starting to read a book on chapter 10 and not really knowing what happened in any of the previous chapters except for small bits you can pick up through context clues.

I REALLY wish they would re-copyright "Chrono Break" and make it though! D:<

@Tasha (because I cannot use the quote thingy as well as you guys): Honestly, I gave the game three shots. Of three hours each. Couldn't hook me - gave up. :P
So uh...looking at all this stuff, and not really knowing much of them at all, makes me certainly feel like...NOT the gamer I thought I was. xD

Video games. Okay.

Sonic Colors
Prince Of Persia: Rival Swords
Twilight Princess
SSBM (Super Smash Brothers Melee. Brawl was lost in an unfortunate accident that cost us over half of our best video games)
Mario Party 4
Halo (when my bf is over)

Oh yeah, all of these are playable on the Wii. Which is the only thing I have. I only play Halo when my boyfriend brings his xbox when he comes to see me. xD
Uh...I have more, but those are at least the ones I've played recently/semi-recently that I can remember. I still haven't beaten that danged PoP game. Dx
Video gamage eh? Now you guys are speaking my language. Let's see here. As it pertains to current...

Smackdown vs raw 2010 and 2011.
Star wars the force unleashed 1 and 2.

Well that's all I own right now. Through out my life though I've owned nearly every system that's been out and too many games to remember. My all time favorites though were the final fantasy series. In it's entirety. The need for speed series. Burnout series. And a classic. Street fighter. Why pay the money to go get street fighter tournament edition when you can just put in a code to unlock it in the regular one? Heh. Hmm... Let's see. I also have a firm liking mostly for RPGs and this includes both chrono trigger and chrono cross. Though I will openly say I didn't get very far in cross cause soon after I started it I discovered legend of the dragoon. Heh.

Legend of Dragoon. Now there's a good game.

My favorite character is so not based on that game's primary antagonist. <.<
SeraphicStar wrote:
Legend of Dragoon. Now there's a good game.

My favorite character is so not based on that game's primary antagonist. <.<

OMG I LOVE THAT GAME!! I have(had?) it on the original playstation! I was playing it last year whenever I got sick, but JUST as I got to the second disk the stupid thing had issues and wiped my saved game!! D:
I was so mad. It took so long to get there. But that game is just...epic. My Playstation is deceased now. I wish I could play Legend of Dragoon again. x.x

Just to make you jealous. I ordered a used copy. Should be arriving this week. :D

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