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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Depths Below(1x1)

A black and bright purple starship hovered in orbit over Tytus-12, a large Ocean planet. The ship belonged to the Depcys Republic judging by the saucer-like shape and dorsal and ventral spires. Not far below the Starship was a smaller, boomerang shaped ship heading into Tytus-12's atmosphere.

"We still fail to understand why you decided to fund our expedition to this planet, your Highness." Spoke the telepathic voice of the pilot, a Depcys using a Komoros, which looked like four eyed bi-pedal komodo dragons, for its host. Standing next to the Depcys was a tall, white Zordite. Judging by the thick fur, bulky build, and digit-grade legs, he was a mountain Zordite. All he had on was a pair of shorts. "Mostly curiosity. Exploration was always soemthing I enjoyed when I Was younger." Explained the Zordite.

Else where in the ship were a pair of Mercenaries, mostly hired for protection in case anyone were to venture off the ship and into the waters. One of the mercs was a young energetic Zordite girl. The other was a tall and bulky pig-like alien.
Avuk Mor (played by MugoUrth)

The pig man, a Gormaran Mercenary named Avuk Mor, stared at the other creature for a while, but had little to say to it. He was more concerned with other things on his mind. He was eager to go on this expidition, but unfortunately was stuck on guard duty. "*Grunt* They think they can deny me a cut of the earnings, grrr..." He wasn't getting paid for it, either. He didn't pay much attention to the creature across from him, but eventually got kind of angry over something minor. "And what are YOU looking at?" he asked.
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"Your Tusks." Jackie said. "They remind me of my pet back on the Rusty Zorg." Jackie added. So why are you hereo n this mission if you aren't getting paid?" Jackie asked out of curiosity.
Avuk Mor (played by MugoUrth)

"Let's just say I'm a rebel," Avuk replied. "They don't have plans of paying me, but I have plans of getting a cut of the purse whether they intend to give it to me or not." One striking thing about Avuk Mor as a mercenary was that he wasn't carrying a fire arm, only a large beam sword handle on his outfit.
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"Well, good luck with that." Jackie said. "I was hired to hunt down a Depcys Gangster once and the noise those guys can make in your head is insane. Only reason he was captured was because I had a robot with me." Jackie said. "If it helps any, I'm not getting paid either. The king all but marched up to my door step and ordered me to go on this trip" Jackie said, with obvious irritation in her voice.
Avuk Mor (played by MugoUrth)

"Hmph, your job sounds a lot more fun than mine," Avuk said. "Hmmm... still not sure how I'm going to get myself a piece of the cookie. Probably just going to go out there on the expedition and say "Screw them! Avuk Mor doesn't listen to no one but himself! And if they got a problem, they can trip and land on their guns!" Stupid guns."
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"You know, you can just ask to get paid and tell them that if you aren't paid you'd leave." Jackie said. "Uh... if you do go and ask, I'd be appreciative if you could ask if they could pay me too." Jackie added sheepishly
Avuk Mor (played by MugoUrth)

"Hmmm," Avuk sat silently for a few seconds before getting up and seeking out the one in charge on the ship. He had an angry look on his face when he met this creature. "Look here, we are not going to settle for menial tasks with no reward. Me and my cell mate require adequate funds, or we will refuse to do our work."
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

The Depcys glanced over his shoulder at Avuk, before glancing at the King. "You are the one funding this expedition, your highness." The Depcys spoke telepathically. The King looked over at Avuk. "And what do you require for your payment?" The King asked.
Avuk Mor (played by MugoUrth)

"Well, you're going on this expedition, aren't you?" Avuk asked. "Surely you're going to find treasure fit for the lords. I demand a ten percent pay for each of us. We shouldn't have to work for free."
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"Treasure?" The king asked confused. "We don't even know if this planet has, or had, a sentient race much less Treasure. We're here on an expedition to learn about the planet. Grezz here simply wants to know about the life forms o nthis planet, I want to know if it might be a suitable world for a colony." The King said.
Avuk Mor (played by MugoUrth)

Gormarians... weren't known for their intelligence. "Yeah, well I still don't think we deserve to work for free, so..." Avuk whispered an amount that seemed a little high to the kings. Avuk didn't seem to be the best negotiator.
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

The king sighed, shaking his head. "Look, we can negotiate your pay once we return to Zor." He said. "After all it's not like you're being paid now." He added. "Oh, I just remembered!" Suddenly came Grezz's voice. "The lockers in the room you and the other mercenary are in, I had special dive suits designed for you two to wear should I or the King leave the ship." Grezz explained. "In fact I think I may need you two to put those on now." Grezz added, as shallow water was coming up.
Avuk Mor (played by MugoUrth)

"Huh? Oh, right," Avuk said. Meanwhile, another one of the crewmembers was behind Avuk, and he seemed to be carrying a bunch of guns on him. "I can't help but notice that you are not very well equiped," he said. "Perhaps you should take one of these for good measure." He presented Avuk a large hand pistol. Avuk took the gun... and slammed it onto the ground as hard as he could, shattering the gun.

"Now YOU listen here!" Avuk said loudly. "Only cowards use long-ranged weapons! We Gormarians HATE guns!" Avuk was actually quite insulted by the offer. Eventually, he went back to Jackie to tell her the news. "Uhh, the money issue is still pending, but we are suggested to put on wetsuits from the lockers."
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

The Assistant was clearly taken by surprise at Avuk's outburst. "Someone's a bit touchy." Jackie said as Avuk returned. She let out a sigh when Avuk said that their payment was still up in the air, before having a confused look on her face when Avuk mentioned lockers. Jackie glanced around the room, still confused. "Uh... what lockers?" She asked, not recognizing much of the architecture in the room.

"These?" She asked walking over to a set of repeated panels. A Projection suddenly appeared. It had Depcys writingo n it before it began to scramble and change, soon shifting into Zordite writing. "DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!" Jackie yelpedi n surprise. "That is awesome!" She said. "Uh... How do you spell your name?" Jackie asked Avuk.
Avuk Mor (played by MugoUrth)

"A-V-U-K," he responded. "And if there are any diving suits in there, we need to put them on. Either the ship is diving or it sprung a leak." Avuk went over to Jackie and grabbed out something that appeared to be a large, bulky diving suit. Avuk started to put it on. "By the way, I don't think I ever got your name."
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"Yeah, this one's yours." Jackie said before Avuk went over to the locker and retrieving his dive suit. "Name's Jackie." Jackie said as she looked for her locker, coming across it. Her eyes widened when she saw it. "Oooooooh...... It glows....." Jackie said eagerly. She changed into the dive suit and was amazed at all the glowing light on it. "I glooooooooow!" She said enthusiastically.
Avuk Mor (played by MugoUrth)

Avuk's suit didn't glow as brightly, which pleased him as bright lights hurt his eyes. "I'm Avuk Mor, a mercenary by trade. Sorry for the outburst from before. We Gormarian have a strong hatred towards projectile weapons."
Jackie Layci Corazz (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

It took Jackie a few minutes to respond, apparently being mesmerized by the glowing lights on her suit, particularly the eel-like 'tail fin' that was on her tail cover. "Wai-huh-wha?" Jackie said, when she suddenly snapped out of her trance. It took her a few more seconds to process what was said. "Why?" She asked confused.
Avuk Mor (played by MugoUrth)

"We live by an honor code," Avuk said. "To use a gun is to take the cowards way out. Your opponent has little chance to defend himself or attack against one of those things, it is like cheating."

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