Groups of people charged Ryder from both sides. Looking calmly around, she was uncertain on how to deal with more than seventy people at one time. Something caught her eye and she quickly looked up at a nearby tree. A thick branch was low enough for her to reach by jumping.
Letting out a breath she didnt know she was holding, Ryder charged forward and leapt at the branch. Barely managing to grab onto the branch, she quickly hauled herself up. Just before several people tried and grab her ankle. Ryder climbed up the tree, reaching the near top before she had to come to a stop.
Waiting for hours until the noise died down and she saw the people retreat, Ryder climbed back down to the low hanging branch. She made herself comfortable, leaning against the trunk of the tree. Slowly sleep overtook her but her senses stayed alert.
(ooc:Im really looking for a male character for this story. Thank you.)
Letting out a breath she didnt know she was holding, Ryder charged forward and leapt at the branch. Barely managing to grab onto the branch, she quickly hauled herself up. Just before several people tried and grab her ankle. Ryder climbed up the tree, reaching the near top before she had to come to a stop.
Waiting for hours until the noise died down and she saw the people retreat, Ryder climbed back down to the low hanging branch. She made herself comfortable, leaning against the trunk of the tree. Slowly sleep overtook her but her senses stayed alert.
(ooc:Im really looking for a male character for this story. Thank you.)
Jake stood near the entrance of the place. It was his job to protect the place but by the way this person looked, she had to be safe. He kept his cross bow hidden and his sword in the silver wall paper so she could not see it. About twenty guards ran to him asking about the girl but he shock his head. " never seen her. I got it here " The guys left and the doors locked.
He kept his bow pointed at some trees and caught the girl. She looked normal but could not beleive it until it was provin
He kept his bow pointed at some trees and caught the girl. She looked normal but could not beleive it until it was provin
Ryder woke up as she felt eyes trained on her. Slowly silver blades slipped out of the tops of her forearm. They were long enough to go a few inches farther than the tips of her fingers. Standing, she balanced on the branch, before jumping down to the ground. Looking around, she made sure she was safe for now. Quickly, she fled farther into the trees and toward the feeling of being watched.
Whoever was watching her had to be dealt with. Quickly. She had to be unknown here, her safety was vital.
Whoever was watching her had to be dealt with. Quickly. She had to be unknown here, her safety was vital.
Jake saw the girl flee quickly. This made him worry but the biggest problems were those blades but he had powers too. He kept his bow loaded and then arrow turned into a expolive arrow. " Show yourself and you won't get shot in the head quickly. I really mean no harm " He said watching everything
Ryder froze and looked around. Balling her hands into fists, she looked wearily to where she thought the voice came. Though she never said a word, her canines grew longer and she soon had fangs. A tiger's tail appeared and she lashed her tail back and forth. Prepared for any enemy that came at her, Ryder did not trust people easily.
Jake saw this and then shape shifted into a leapord. " Show yourself now! " He said roaring. He made his claws grow and his fangs. They were sharp and could brake skin with a touch
Ryder teleported to the voice, pinpointing it. Suddenly the tail and fangs disappeared. The blades retracted back into her skin and she relaxed.
"So your the one i suppose," she murmured into his ear, from behind.
Though Ryder meant to pose no threat to the leopard.
"So your the one i suppose," she murmured into his ear, from behind.
Though Ryder meant to pose no threat to the leopard.
Jake turned and jumped back. " and your the girl " his eyes meeting hers as he pointed to her " you kno I just let you go little girl "
Flames flared in Ryder's eyes and flashed in front of him faster than the blink of an eye. Her blades slipped out of her skin and were to his throat in half a second.
"I am not little," she growled.
"I am not little," she growled.
Jake snarled and then said " I would be careful and I see you are much older. " he said as his arms turned into fire and started setting her skin on fire. He jumped back getting away from the blades.
Ryder didnt even feel the flames nor did she feel the pain. But she calmly snuffed them out with dirt. Retracting her blades back into her skin she glared daggers at this man.
"What do you want? Im just passing through," Ryder said, venom dripping from her tone.
"What do you want? Im just passing through," Ryder said, venom dripping from her tone.
Jake looked " on one condition. Everybody is looking for you here. Literally, I am surprised they let me stay in this room alone. We could tag up and I could get you out of here. " he walked near the wallpaper and took out a sleek, black bow
Ryder looked at him suspicously. And took a step back when he pulled out a bow.
"Why should i trust you?" she asked , wearily.
"Why should i trust you?" she asked , wearily.
Jake glared at her " why would I lie to my people who could kill me any minute? " he said as the bow started turning light. The arrows turning into different kinds
"I suppose. My name is Ryder. But you can call me Rye," Ryder said with a slight more relaxed tone.
She studied him and figured he probably wasnt a threat. For now.
She studied him and figured he probably wasnt a threat. For now.
Jake placed the bow down. It then shifted into a horse. " Black night meet Rye. " Jake sighed " this is my bow. " the arrows stayed the same but turned into all of these kinds.
Black night snorted at her " we better get going. The guards will be after us soon and by her, it's destine to leave now "
Black night snorted at her " we better get going. The guards will be after us soon and by her, it's destine to leave now "
Ryder looked at Black night then over at the man.
"Do you have a name?" she asked him.
Looking hesitantly to the horse, she wasnt used to riding horses. Not saying she couldnt but the last time wasnt a very enjoyable ride.
"Do you have a name?" she asked him.
Looking hesitantly to the horse, she wasnt used to riding horses. Not saying she couldnt but the last time wasnt a very enjoyable ride.
Black knight glared at the girl and snorted
Jake looked at her " Jake. " he said simply
Jake looked at her " Jake. " he said simply
"And Jake do you plan on me riding that horse?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Jake looked at her " why yes I do "
Black knight snorted at her
Black knight snorted at her
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