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Forums » Looking for RP » Rpg? (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

This is an idea I've had for a while but hasn't seemed to been lasting long on other sites. This is basically a roleplay that acts like a standard rpg. There are the classes (Warrior, mage, rouge, etc.), races (Human, elf, Halfling, etc.) and more. The roleplay would mainly consist of exploring the labyrinths, ruins, and other types of dungeons (At least that's how I see it...). I'm mainly just wanting to see if this'll work for once because I've really wanted to try and hope that it interests people.
If this includes rolling dice, I'm always willing to play. Even if it doesn't, I would still play. And if you're looking for more roleplaying games on the forum, I'm currently a part of an open ended game that includes dice rolling and some custom races. Much like a Skyrim adventure, there's no classes.

And other good things, to be sure.
Imaginaria Topic Starter

Miss wrote:
If this includes rolling dice, I'm always willing to play. Even if it doesn't, I would still play. And if you're looking for more roleplaying games on the forum, I'm currently a part of an open ended game that includes dice rolling and some custom races. Much like a Skyrim adventure, there's no classes.

And other good things, to be sure.
Ok, cool. Not sure what the rolling dice means yet though.
Rolling dice is just rolling dice. It looks like this...

rolled 1d20 and got 19
This is a dice roll.

rolled 1d100 and got a natural 50. After the modifier of +800, got 850
This is a -bigger- dice roll

Imaginaria Topic Starter

Miss wrote:
Rolling dice is just rolling dice. It looks like this...
Adelbard Laudessagne (played anonymously)

In traditional pen and paper roleplaying, like Dungeons and Dragons, players roll dice to see if their character's actions are successful or not. For example, if Adelbard was attacking an orc, we might decide that he needs a minimum of 10 on a 20-sided die for the attack to land. On the RPR, you don't see the result of a dice roll before you post, so let's see how he does! :D

rolled 1d20 and got 7

It's been ages since I got to play D&D, or at least something similar to it. I'd like to be involved if you are still accepting people. Would this character be all right?

I usually post about once or twice a day, depending on my work schedule.
I would love to join! I'm a pretty active role player X3

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Rpg? (closed)

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