This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Hello! This is an idea revolving around a flexible story plot that anyone can influence through rolling dice. The system I have in mind is classic D&D/Pathfinder, as they are very much the same. For simplicity, we will use variant AC (Armor Class), where your armor bonus is DR (Damage Reduction). For instance, studded leather armor provides a bonus of 2, so if the character was hit, they would take 2 less damage. And we will use Pathfinder's skill listings, so that stealthing is not made up of the Hide and Move Silently, but rather just Stealth.
All races will be acceptable, all classes acceptable! Anything you can find and show to others will be accepted. This is an open ended adventure and will include a mix of objectives and varying levels of down-time.
But back to the idea! The players of the adventure can influence or directly change the story at any point! By simply rolling a d100 for Plot Whatever, the player can alter the scene in any way they please. Other players, when they see one player roll, may challenge that roll if they also have an idea of what the scene should change to. This is not a truly serious adventure, but it could be, or could not be, depending on the players' choice. The highest number between the players dictates who wins and is allowed to make changes to the scene. And it doesn't have to be the scene they are currently in, like in the example below.
Here is an example: Torag, the grumpy dwarf scoundrel, has spent days scouting out the town for the best house to ransack. He finally comes to the conclusion that the house of Henritta the Widow is loaded with easy access points and treasures of the deceased husband. So he goes to her door and tries to sweet-talk his way in, but fails. One-Eye, the goblin wizard, finishes his post about toasting some giants and adds a Plot Whatever roll at the end of his post and he wins (the other players have no idea why he's rolling and simply let him). One-Eye's player decides that he doens't want to take direct control of Henritta's decision, so he sends a message to the DM of Henritta that she should let him in, trick him into drinking poison, and tie him up to suck on his blood because she's secretly a vampire!
And thus, Henritta the Widow became a vampire-in-hiding and Torag was dwarf-napped. His friends return from giant toasting to find him missing...Will Torag escape on his own in time to warn the others, or will the others have to ask around town for their friend and confront the terrifying creature? Only dice rolls will tell!
All races will be acceptable, all classes acceptable! Anything you can find and show to others will be accepted. This is an open ended adventure and will include a mix of objectives and varying levels of down-time.
But back to the idea! The players of the adventure can influence or directly change the story at any point! By simply rolling a d100 for Plot Whatever, the player can alter the scene in any way they please. Other players, when they see one player roll, may challenge that roll if they also have an idea of what the scene should change to. This is not a truly serious adventure, but it could be, or could not be, depending on the players' choice. The highest number between the players dictates who wins and is allowed to make changes to the scene. And it doesn't have to be the scene they are currently in, like in the example below.
Here is an example: Torag, the grumpy dwarf scoundrel, has spent days scouting out the town for the best house to ransack. He finally comes to the conclusion that the house of Henritta the Widow is loaded with easy access points and treasures of the deceased husband. So he goes to her door and tries to sweet-talk his way in, but fails. One-Eye, the goblin wizard, finishes his post about toasting some giants and adds a Plot Whatever roll at the end of his post and he wins (the other players have no idea why he's rolling and simply let him). One-Eye's player decides that he doens't want to take direct control of Henritta's decision, so he sends a message to the DM of Henritta that she should let him in, trick him into drinking poison, and tie him up to suck on his blood because she's secretly a vampire!
And thus, Henritta the Widow became a vampire-in-hiding and Torag was dwarf-napped. His friends return from giant toasting to find him missing...Will Torag escape on his own in time to warn the others, or will the others have to ask around town for their friend and confront the terrifying creature? Only dice rolls will tell!
Mundane? What's that? Magic permeates every part of the setting. Almost everyone has access to strong magic.
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Details: Character sheets & strict mechanics, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
Here is an example character sheet:
Full Name: Dog Du' Evard
Race: Human/ Silverblooded Werewolf
Class/Levels: Theurge/1
Gender: Female
Size: Medium
Age: Adult
Special Abilities: Change Shape, Curse of Lycanthropy, Lunar Sympathy, Lycanthropic Empathy
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: None
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Infernal, Gnome, Dwarf
Occupation: Forest witch
(Characters will use 25 point buy, check out this link)
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 8
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 20 (with +2 bonus from human)
Wisdom: 19 (with +2 bonus from S. werewolf )
Charisma: 7 (with -2 bonus from S. werewolf )
Special Item: Her mother's hand made robes and hat that soak lunar energy to assist Dog's ailment. -2 to Con damage received when the moon wanes.
And then other important information as needed, such as spell casting, class abilities, feats, maneuvers, saves, AC, weapons, and similar items would be below this point. For this example, I list Dog's spells known and per day use.
Spells Known:
All cantrips (0 level spells)
3+5 (Intelligence Modifier) level 1 spells.
All orisons (0 level divine spells)
3+4 (Wisdom Modifier) level 1 spells.
Spells per day:
2+1, 2 cantrips, 1 orisons
1+1, 1 arcane, 1 divine.
Full Name: Dog Du' Evard
Race: Human/ Silverblooded Werewolf
Class/Levels: Theurge/1
Gender: Female
Size: Medium
Age: Adult
Special Abilities: Change Shape, Curse of Lycanthropy, Lunar Sympathy, Lycanthropic Empathy
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: None
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Infernal, Gnome, Dwarf
Occupation: Forest witch
(Characters will use 25 point buy, check out this link)
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 8
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 20 (with +2 bonus from human)
Wisdom: 19 (with +2 bonus from S. werewolf )
Charisma: 7 (with -2 bonus from S. werewolf )
Special Item: Her mother's hand made robes and hat that soak lunar energy to assist Dog's ailment. -2 to Con damage received when the moon wanes.
And then other important information as needed, such as spell casting, class abilities, feats, maneuvers, saves, AC, weapons, and similar items would be below this point. For this example, I list Dog's spells known and per day use.
Spells Known:
All cantrips (0 level spells)
3+5 (Intelligence Modifier) level 1 spells.
All orisons (0 level divine spells)
3+4 (Wisdom Modifier) level 1 spells.
Spells per day:
2+1, 2 cantrips, 1 orisons
1+1, 1 arcane, 1 divine.
Hey Miss.
I'd definitely be interested in this. If you're still taking applicants. I'd like to use Zhouken. Any preference as to the level of the character. (Currently have Zhouken written up as level 10 so I'd have to rework a few things to make him fit the 25 point buy) but that's easily fixable.
I'd definitely be interested in this. If you're still taking applicants. I'd like to use Zhouken. Any preference as to the level of the character. (Currently have Zhouken written up as level 10 so I'd have to rework a few things to make him fit the 25 point buy) but that's easily fixable.
I would be lying if I didn't believe you would be interested, Red! I'm always accepting and you may use whoever you wish. The setting isn't strict. I believe level 3 is a very good starting point; Dog has a +2 CR template, which is why she is only level 1 in the example.
Just so others know, templates are completely viable!
Just so others know, templates are completely viable!
Awesome sauce. Well then here's my write up of Zhouken for level 3
Full Name: Zhouken Taishin
Race: Human
Class/Levels: Mystic/3
Gender: Male
Size: Medium
Age: Adult (29)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: None
Languages: Common, Elven
Occupation: Wanderer
STR: 13 +1
DEX: 18 +4
CON: 10
INT: 12 +1
WIS: 16 +3
CHA: 10
Special Info:
BAB- +2
DEF- 15 (Chain Shirt+Arcane Defense) DR/4
REF- 5
Initiative- +8
Attack- Weapon - Katana (Suzaku) - +6 - 1d10+1
Armor- Chain Shirt - DEF 4 - DR/4
Class Abilities-
Animus (Su): A mystic’s martial prowess is in part fueled by a reservoir of roiling, turbulent energy within her soul, and the passion and danger of combat causes this arcane energy to overflow outwards. This power, called animus, waxes and wanes with a mystic’s use of her maneuvers in battle. Outside combat, a mystic has no animus to spend, but her inner power can still be used for more subtle arcane arts. Her levels in mystic count as arcane spellcaster levels for the purposes of qualifying for prerequisites (such as those of item creation feats or the Arcane Strike feat), and if a mystic ever develops arcane spellcasting from another class, she may add her mystic level to her levels in that class to determine her overall caster level for the purposes of item creation feats. When a mystic enters combat, she gains an animus pool equal to 1 + her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) at the start of her first turn, and adds one point of animus to her animus pool at the start of each turn thereafter. Her animus pool persists for one minute after the last enemy combatant is defeated or the encounter otherwise ends. At the end of any round in which the mystic initiates a maneuver (a strike, boost, or counter), she adds an additional point of animus to her pool. Certain abilities, such as some class features, maneuvers, and feats, require the mystic to expend points of animus to use. The primal power of animus can be used in several ways – the foremost of which is the augmentation of maneuvers. Many maneuvers in the Elemental Flux discipline can be augmented by spending points of animus (see the maneuver descriptions for more details), and the mystic can augment maneuvers in additional ways as well. Starting at 1st level, a mystic may spend a single point of animus to augment a maneuver as part of that maneuver’s initiation action to apply one of the following effects to it (if applicable):
Enhance Maneuver: For each point of animus spent, the mystic adds a cumulative +2 insight bonus to all d20 rolls made (including attack rolls, CMB rolls, and skill checks) when initiating that maneuver (maximum of three animus may be spent on this augmentation); if the maneuver allows the user to make multiple attacks, then this bonus only applies to the first attack.
Increase DC: For each point of animus spent, the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against that maneuver increases by 1.
When the mystic reaches 4th level, she may spend up to two points of animus on maneuver augmentations, rather than one, and she gains access to the following additional augmentations:
Anima Burn: The mystic adds ½ her class level to damage rolls made during that maneuver. This augment costs two points of animus, and can only be applied once to a given maneuver.
Increase Potency: For each point of animus spent, you may ignore 10 points of energy resistance or 5 points of damage reduction.
When the mystic reaches 9th level, she may now spend up to three points of animus on maneuver augmentations, and gains access to the following additional augmentation:
Increase Range: The mystic may target a creature within 30 feet with a strike that normally uses a meleeattack. Resolve the strike normally, as if the targeted creature was within the mystic’s melee reach. This augmentation costs two points of animus.
Animus Rush: The mystic make move up to her base movement speed as part of the initiation action for the maneuver before initiating the strike. This is a teleportation effect and the mystic must clearly see her destination. This augmentation costs three points of animus.
At 13th level you may spend up to four points of animus on maneuver augmentation, and again at 19th level, you may increase this to five points of animus per augmentation.
Elemental Attunement (Su): A mystic contains incredible elemental power within her body, surging energies that constantly flow through her blood and muscle. Bringing these energies to bear is as easy as breathing for a mystic, shifting the flow of power with the subtle movements of her martial stances. When a mystic readies her maneuvers, she may select one of the following elements (and associated energy type) to be her active element: air (electricity), earth (acid), fire (fire), and water (cold). After readying maneuvers, a mystic can change her active element by taking a standard action to focus inwards, or by expending one point of animus as a free action while assuming a new stance. Whenever she initiates a maneuver that deals damage, she may spend one point of animus as part of its initiation action to change all damage the maneuver deals to her active element’s associated energy type. For example, if a mystic whose active element is currently Air initiated the Cursed Fate Veiled Moon strike, she could spend one point of animus to change her attack’s damage (including the strike’s bonus damage) to from her weapon’s normal damage type to electricity damage. If the mystic has access to the Elemental Flux discipline, then her active element from this class feature is the same as her active element for Elemental Flux maneuvers. Likewise, if she is psionic and has an active energy type, her active energy type and your active element are synonymous, and any effect which changes one changes both (exception being acid and sonic damage, which for these purposes are both considered earth for Elemental Attunement and Elemental Flux).
Blade Meditation (Su): When a mystic finds that her martial power is beginning to wane or that few options remain available for use, she can pause in battle, drawing on her inner well of animus to reinvigorate her body and mind. As a full round action, a mystic can spend one point of animus to grant herself all her remaining withheld maneuvers, then immediately expend them in a raging cadence of arcane power. As there are no remaining maneuvers to be granted, a new set of maneuvers is granted to the mystic at the end of her turn, as normal. In addition, until the start of her next turn, creatures that target the mystic with melee attacks are engulfed in the explosion of energy, taking 1d6 points of damage of your active energy type, plus an additional 1d6 points of damage for every two points of animus remaining in the mystic’s animus pool.
Arcane Defense (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, the sorcerous power within her body makes her resilient to the supernatural. These energies defend her from magical and psionic powers, granting her a +1 insight bonus to her AC and saving throws against psionic powers, psi-like abilities, spells, and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 at 6th level, and again at 11th level, 16th level, and 20th level.
Elemental Glyph (Su): Starting at 3rd level, a mystic learns to aid her friends with the arcane power of the elements. Although at first this surging energy was raw and unformed, she has begun to master this ability, and can use it to empower her allies, granting them benefits in combat. As a move action, the mystic can spend one point of animus to apply an elemental glyph to a number of allies equal to her mystic initiation modifier modifier within her sight. The effect of this glyph depends on the element it is associated with, but all glyphs last for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the mystic’s initiation modifier. A mystic is not limited to casting glyphs of her active element (as darkness, illumination, and metal have no elemental type). Allies may only be affected by one of her glyphs at a time, with new glyphs ending the current glyph in effect and replacing it on the affected ally. The benefits of these glyphs are cumulative (for example, an 8th level mystic grants both the 3rd level and 8th level benefits to her allies). Different glyphs from different mystics may apply to the same target. Glyphs are supernatural abilities and not subject to spells or effects like dispel magic but do not function within an antimagic field or similar effect.
Fire: The unquenchable flames of passion drive the mystic’s allies to feats of glory.
• At 3rd level, affected allies gain a circumstance bonus to attack rolls equal to 1/4 the mystic’s class level (minimum +1).
• At 8th level, affected allies add 1/2 the mystic’s class level as fire damage to attacks they make.
• At 13th level, affected allies’ attacks ignore a number of points of energy resistance equal to the mystic’s class level.
• At 19th level, whenever an affected ally is targeted by a melee attack, the attacker takes fire damage equal to the mystic’s class level, regardless of whether or not the attack hits.
Illumination: The light of the universe reveals truth wherever it hides.
• At 3rd level, affected allies’ attacks ignore the miss chance from concealment granted to targets by anything less than total concealment.
• At 8th level, affected allies gain a circumstance bonus to Will saving throws against illusion spells and effects equal to the mystic’s Wisdom modifier.
• At 13th level, affected allies gain the effects of a true seeing spell out to a range of 30 feet.
• At 19th level, affected allies are protected from any falsehood, gaining the effects of a mind blank spell.
Acrobatics (Dex): +9
Autohypnosis (Wis): +3
Craft (Int): +1
Intimidate (Cha):
Knowledge-Local (Int): +6
Perception (Wis): +8
Perform-Dance (Dex): +9
Profession (Wis): +3
Sense Motive (Wis): +8
Spellcraft (Int): +6
Stealth (Dex): +4
Use Magical Device (Cha):
Katana Expertise [Combat]
Your grace skill with a Katana is on the level of a prodigy.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with Katana
Benefits: Increase the damage die of katanas you wield by one die step. Additionally, you may treat katanas as light weapons for the purpose of Weapon Finesse.
Weapon Finesse [Combat]
You are trained in using your agility in melee combat, as opposed to brute strength.
Benefit: With a light weapon, elven curve blade, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.
Special: Natural weapons are considered light weapons.
Improved Initiative [Combat]
Your quick reflexes allow you to react rapidly to danger.
Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on initiative checks.
Quick Draw [Combat](Bonus)
You can draw weapons faster than most.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a move action. A character who has selected this feat may throw weapons at his full normal rate of attacks (much like a character with a bow). Alchemical items, potions, scrolls, and wands cannot be drawn quickly using this feat.
Normal: Without this feat, you may draw a weapon as a move action, or (if your base attack bonus is +1 or higher) as a free action as part of movement. Without this feat, you can draw a hidden weapon as a standard action.
Traits-Agile Dancer [Social]: You can use Perform (Dance) in place of Acrobatics and can use the higher of your Dexterity or Charisma modifiers for Perform (Dance) checks.
Maneuvers -
Readied - 6 (3)
LVL 1:
Discipline: Mithral Current (Counter)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Like the flowing water that inspired your art, you sidestep and work around foes instead of fighting them directly. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack (including touch or ranged touch spell attacks) being made against you. Make a Perform (dance) check, using your opponent’s attack roll as the DC. If you succeed, the attack is negated and you may take a 5-foot step as a free action, even if you have already taken one this round.
Discipline: Mithral Current (Boost)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
By utilizing the momentum of your body and blade, you turn a charge into disabling slash that leaves your opponent on the ground. After initiating this boost, you can make a trip attempt against the next creature you charge this round as a free action, using a Perform (dance) check in place of your combat maneuver check. This combat maneuver attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
One of the basic tenets of the Mithral Current is that all momentum can be turned into a powerful offensive tool. As an initiate of the discipline, you can use the momentum of drawing your blade from its sheath to increase a strike’s power. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 1d6 points of damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, your target is considered flat-footed against this attack.
Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: Up to two creatures
Duration: Instantaneous
As a disciple of the Mithral Current discipline, your skill and grace comes from your flowing movements and lightning-quick attacks. You make a swift slash, striking through multiple enemies with your swing. Make a melee attack roll and compare it to the AC of two creatures within your reach. If the attack roll hits a target, the attack deals weapon damage as normal. Use the same damage roll for each target. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you gain a +2 bonus on your attack roll.
LVL 2:
Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
With a sudden reversal of direction, you strike an enemy when they least expect it—at the instant after they’d already been hit. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make a second attack against the same target with a –2 penalty on the attack roll.
Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
By letting the power of the elements flow through you and into your attack, you’re able to strike true with raw primal energies at your unlucky foe. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d4 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type.
Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to increase this strike’s additional damage to 3d4.
Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
Coating your feet in the power of the elements, you alter your movement to grant you a burst of speed and maneuverability. This boost has one of the following effects, based on your active element:
• Fire Your base land speed increases by 10 feet for one round.
Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous (see text)
Filling your weapon with the power of the elements,you lash out with barely-contained eldritch power. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus one of the following effects, based on your active element:
• Fire If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or catch on fire for 1d4 rounds.
Discipline: Elemental Flux (Counter)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: One attack or effect
By drawing upon the elements, you are capable of defending against energy effects. You can initiate this counter when you are affected by an attack, spell, or effect that deals acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic damage. You gain energy resistance 10 to each of those energy types against that attack, spell, or effect.
Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to increase this energy resistance to 20.
Stances- 2
Discipline: Mithral Current (Stance)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
You have the ability to draw your weapon with blinding speed, channeling that motion into deadly attacks. While you maintain this stance, you are considered to be threatening all squares within reach of your weapon even if it is sheathed, and can draw your weapon when making any type of maneuver or attack (including attacks of opportunity), even while flat-footed. In addition, you gain the benefits of the Combat Reflexes feat, even if you do not meet the normal prerequisites. You use you initiation modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier when determining the number of additional attacks of opportunity you can make each round.
Discipline: Elemental Flux (Stance)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
Channeling the strength of the elements lends your attacks strength and fury. While you maintain this stance, you gain one of the following benefits, based on your active element:
• Fire Your attacks deal additional fire damage equal to your initiation modifier. At initiator level 10th, this damage increases to be equal to twice your initiation modifier.
Full Name: Zhouken Taishin
Race: Human
Class/Levels: Mystic/3
Gender: Male
Size: Medium
Age: Adult (29)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: None
Languages: Common, Elven
Occupation: Wanderer
STR: 13 +1
DEX: 18 +4
CON: 10
INT: 12 +1
WIS: 16 +3
CHA: 10
Special Info:
BAB- +2
DEF- 15 (Chain Shirt+Arcane Defense) DR/4
REF- 5
Initiative- +8
Attack- Weapon - Katana (Suzaku) - +6 - 1d10+1
Armor- Chain Shirt - DEF 4 - DR/4
Class Abilities-
Animus (Su): A mystic’s martial prowess is in part fueled by a reservoir of roiling, turbulent energy within her soul, and the passion and danger of combat causes this arcane energy to overflow outwards. This power, called animus, waxes and wanes with a mystic’s use of her maneuvers in battle. Outside combat, a mystic has no animus to spend, but her inner power can still be used for more subtle arcane arts. Her levels in mystic count as arcane spellcaster levels for the purposes of qualifying for prerequisites (such as those of item creation feats or the Arcane Strike feat), and if a mystic ever develops arcane spellcasting from another class, she may add her mystic level to her levels in that class to determine her overall caster level for the purposes of item creation feats. When a mystic enters combat, she gains an animus pool equal to 1 + her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) at the start of her first turn, and adds one point of animus to her animus pool at the start of each turn thereafter. Her animus pool persists for one minute after the last enemy combatant is defeated or the encounter otherwise ends. At the end of any round in which the mystic initiates a maneuver (a strike, boost, or counter), she adds an additional point of animus to her pool. Certain abilities, such as some class features, maneuvers, and feats, require the mystic to expend points of animus to use. The primal power of animus can be used in several ways – the foremost of which is the augmentation of maneuvers. Many maneuvers in the Elemental Flux discipline can be augmented by spending points of animus (see the maneuver descriptions for more details), and the mystic can augment maneuvers in additional ways as well. Starting at 1st level, a mystic may spend a single point of animus to augment a maneuver as part of that maneuver’s initiation action to apply one of the following effects to it (if applicable):
Enhance Maneuver: For each point of animus spent, the mystic adds a cumulative +2 insight bonus to all d20 rolls made (including attack rolls, CMB rolls, and skill checks) when initiating that maneuver (maximum of three animus may be spent on this augmentation); if the maneuver allows the user to make multiple attacks, then this bonus only applies to the first attack.
Increase DC: For each point of animus spent, the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against that maneuver increases by 1.
When the mystic reaches 4th level, she may spend up to two points of animus on maneuver augmentations, rather than one, and she gains access to the following additional augmentations:
Anima Burn: The mystic adds ½ her class level to damage rolls made during that maneuver. This augment costs two points of animus, and can only be applied once to a given maneuver.
Increase Potency: For each point of animus spent, you may ignore 10 points of energy resistance or 5 points of damage reduction.
When the mystic reaches 9th level, she may now spend up to three points of animus on maneuver augmentations, and gains access to the following additional augmentation:
Increase Range: The mystic may target a creature within 30 feet with a strike that normally uses a meleeattack. Resolve the strike normally, as if the targeted creature was within the mystic’s melee reach. This augmentation costs two points of animus.
Animus Rush: The mystic make move up to her base movement speed as part of the initiation action for the maneuver before initiating the strike. This is a teleportation effect and the mystic must clearly see her destination. This augmentation costs three points of animus.
At 13th level you may spend up to four points of animus on maneuver augmentation, and again at 19th level, you may increase this to five points of animus per augmentation.
Elemental Attunement (Su): A mystic contains incredible elemental power within her body, surging energies that constantly flow through her blood and muscle. Bringing these energies to bear is as easy as breathing for a mystic, shifting the flow of power with the subtle movements of her martial stances. When a mystic readies her maneuvers, she may select one of the following elements (and associated energy type) to be her active element: air (electricity), earth (acid), fire (fire), and water (cold). After readying maneuvers, a mystic can change her active element by taking a standard action to focus inwards, or by expending one point of animus as a free action while assuming a new stance. Whenever she initiates a maneuver that deals damage, she may spend one point of animus as part of its initiation action to change all damage the maneuver deals to her active element’s associated energy type. For example, if a mystic whose active element is currently Air initiated the Cursed Fate Veiled Moon strike, she could spend one point of animus to change her attack’s damage (including the strike’s bonus damage) to from her weapon’s normal damage type to electricity damage. If the mystic has access to the Elemental Flux discipline, then her active element from this class feature is the same as her active element for Elemental Flux maneuvers. Likewise, if she is psionic and has an active energy type, her active energy type and your active element are synonymous, and any effect which changes one changes both (exception being acid and sonic damage, which for these purposes are both considered earth for Elemental Attunement and Elemental Flux).
Blade Meditation (Su): When a mystic finds that her martial power is beginning to wane or that few options remain available for use, she can pause in battle, drawing on her inner well of animus to reinvigorate her body and mind. As a full round action, a mystic can spend one point of animus to grant herself all her remaining withheld maneuvers, then immediately expend them in a raging cadence of arcane power. As there are no remaining maneuvers to be granted, a new set of maneuvers is granted to the mystic at the end of her turn, as normal. In addition, until the start of her next turn, creatures that target the mystic with melee attacks are engulfed in the explosion of energy, taking 1d6 points of damage of your active energy type, plus an additional 1d6 points of damage for every two points of animus remaining in the mystic’s animus pool.
Arcane Defense (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, the sorcerous power within her body makes her resilient to the supernatural. These energies defend her from magical and psionic powers, granting her a +1 insight bonus to her AC and saving throws against psionic powers, psi-like abilities, spells, and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 at 6th level, and again at 11th level, 16th level, and 20th level.
Elemental Glyph (Su): Starting at 3rd level, a mystic learns to aid her friends with the arcane power of the elements. Although at first this surging energy was raw and unformed, she has begun to master this ability, and can use it to empower her allies, granting them benefits in combat. As a move action, the mystic can spend one point of animus to apply an elemental glyph to a number of allies equal to her mystic initiation modifier modifier within her sight. The effect of this glyph depends on the element it is associated with, but all glyphs last for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the mystic’s initiation modifier. A mystic is not limited to casting glyphs of her active element (as darkness, illumination, and metal have no elemental type). Allies may only be affected by one of her glyphs at a time, with new glyphs ending the current glyph in effect and replacing it on the affected ally. The benefits of these glyphs are cumulative (for example, an 8th level mystic grants both the 3rd level and 8th level benefits to her allies). Different glyphs from different mystics may apply to the same target. Glyphs are supernatural abilities and not subject to spells or effects like dispel magic but do not function within an antimagic field or similar effect.
Fire: The unquenchable flames of passion drive the mystic’s allies to feats of glory.
• At 3rd level, affected allies gain a circumstance bonus to attack rolls equal to 1/4 the mystic’s class level (minimum +1).
• At 8th level, affected allies add 1/2 the mystic’s class level as fire damage to attacks they make.
• At 13th level, affected allies’ attacks ignore a number of points of energy resistance equal to the mystic’s class level.
• At 19th level, whenever an affected ally is targeted by a melee attack, the attacker takes fire damage equal to the mystic’s class level, regardless of whether or not the attack hits.
Illumination: The light of the universe reveals truth wherever it hides.
• At 3rd level, affected allies’ attacks ignore the miss chance from concealment granted to targets by anything less than total concealment.
• At 8th level, affected allies gain a circumstance bonus to Will saving throws against illusion spells and effects equal to the mystic’s Wisdom modifier.
• At 13th level, affected allies gain the effects of a true seeing spell out to a range of 30 feet.
• At 19th level, affected allies are protected from any falsehood, gaining the effects of a mind blank spell.
Acrobatics (Dex): +9
Autohypnosis (Wis): +3
Craft (Int): +1
Intimidate (Cha):
Knowledge-Local (Int): +6
Perception (Wis): +8
Perform-Dance (Dex): +9
Profession (Wis): +3
Sense Motive (Wis): +8
Spellcraft (Int): +6
Stealth (Dex): +4
Use Magical Device (Cha):
Katana Expertise [Combat]
Your grace skill with a Katana is on the level of a prodigy.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with Katana
Benefits: Increase the damage die of katanas you wield by one die step. Additionally, you may treat katanas as light weapons for the purpose of Weapon Finesse.
Weapon Finesse [Combat]
You are trained in using your agility in melee combat, as opposed to brute strength.
Benefit: With a light weapon, elven curve blade, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.
Special: Natural weapons are considered light weapons.
Improved Initiative [Combat]
Your quick reflexes allow you to react rapidly to danger.
Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on initiative checks.
Quick Draw [Combat](Bonus)
You can draw weapons faster than most.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a move action. A character who has selected this feat may throw weapons at his full normal rate of attacks (much like a character with a bow). Alchemical items, potions, scrolls, and wands cannot be drawn quickly using this feat.
Normal: Without this feat, you may draw a weapon as a move action, or (if your base attack bonus is +1 or higher) as a free action as part of movement. Without this feat, you can draw a hidden weapon as a standard action.
Traits-Agile Dancer [Social]: You can use Perform (Dance) in place of Acrobatics and can use the higher of your Dexterity or Charisma modifiers for Perform (Dance) checks.
Maneuvers -
Readied - 6 (3)
LVL 1:
Discipline: Mithral Current (Counter)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Like the flowing water that inspired your art, you sidestep and work around foes instead of fighting them directly. You can initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack (including touch or ranged touch spell attacks) being made against you. Make a Perform (dance) check, using your opponent’s attack roll as the DC. If you succeed, the attack is negated and you may take a 5-foot step as a free action, even if you have already taken one this round.
Discipline: Mithral Current (Boost)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
By utilizing the momentum of your body and blade, you turn a charge into disabling slash that leaves your opponent on the ground. After initiating this boost, you can make a trip attempt against the next creature you charge this round as a free action, using a Perform (dance) check in place of your combat maneuver check. This combat maneuver attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
One of the basic tenets of the Mithral Current is that all momentum can be turned into a powerful offensive tool. As an initiate of the discipline, you can use the momentum of drawing your blade from its sheath to increase a strike’s power. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 1d6 points of damage. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, your target is considered flat-footed against this attack.
Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: Up to two creatures
Duration: Instantaneous
As a disciple of the Mithral Current discipline, your skill and grace comes from your flowing movements and lightning-quick attacks. You make a swift slash, striking through multiple enemies with your swing. Make a melee attack roll and compare it to the AC of two creatures within your reach. If the attack roll hits a target, the attack deals weapon damage as normal. Use the same damage roll for each target. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you gain a +2 bonus on your attack roll.
LVL 2:
Discipline: Mithral Current (Strike)
Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
With a sudden reversal of direction, you strike an enemy when they least expect it—at the instant after they’d already been hit. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal. If you drew your weapon as part of this strike, you can make a second attack against the same target with a –2 penalty on the attack roll.
Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
By letting the power of the elements flow through you and into your attack, you’re able to strike true with raw primal energies at your unlucky foe. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 2d4 points of damage of your active element’s associated energy type.
Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to increase this strike’s additional damage to 3d4.
Discipline: Elemental Flux (Boost)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
Coating your feet in the power of the elements, you alter your movement to grant you a burst of speed and maneuverability. This boost has one of the following effects, based on your active element:
• Fire Your base land speed increases by 10 feet for one round.
Discipline: Elemental Flux (Strike)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous (see text)
Filling your weapon with the power of the elements,you lash out with barely-contained eldritch power. Make an attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus one of the following effects, based on your active element:
• Fire If your attack hits, the target must succeed at a Reflex save or catch on fire for 1d4 rounds.
Discipline: Elemental Flux (Counter)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: One attack or effect
By drawing upon the elements, you are capable of defending against energy effects. You can initiate this counter when you are affected by an attack, spell, or effect that deals acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic damage. You gain energy resistance 10 to each of those energy types against that attack, spell, or effect.
Animus augmentation: You may spend one point of animus to increase this energy resistance to 20.
Stances- 2
Discipline: Mithral Current (Stance)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
You have the ability to draw your weapon with blinding speed, channeling that motion into deadly attacks. While you maintain this stance, you are considered to be threatening all squares within reach of your weapon even if it is sheathed, and can draw your weapon when making any type of maneuver or attack (including attacks of opportunity), even while flat-footed. In addition, you gain the benefits of the Combat Reflexes feat, even if you do not meet the normal prerequisites. You use you initiation modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier when determining the number of additional attacks of opportunity you can make each round.
Discipline: Elemental Flux (Stance)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance
Channeling the strength of the elements lends your attacks strength and fury. While you maintain this stance, you gain one of the following benefits, based on your active element:
• Fire Your attacks deal additional fire damage equal to your initiation modifier. At initiator level 10th, this damage increases to be equal to twice your initiation modifier.
Kind of want to use my character Bronto, but I want to mature his character up a bit. I'm not sure singing and wearing clothes would fit him in an RP like this, although I might keep a little bit of the singing if it's alright and I decide to. I'm also trying to work on a past for him.
Full Name: Bronto (Just Bronto)
Race: Intelligent Bear
Class/Levels: Sponge Brawler/1 (A "Sponge Brawler" is capable of taking lots and lots of damage, but tends to be very very slow. Often makes a better support unit as he works best defensively rather than offensively despite his great offensive power.)
Gender: Male
Size: Large
Age: Adult
Special Abilities:
Wave Swipe: Can attack everyone directly to his left, right and in front of him, but not behind him.
Stance Change: He can attack on all fours or his hind legs. On all fours, he's faster and more mobile, but not as strong and takes more damage. On his hind legs he is stronger and can attack two squares away, but has bad speed and terrible mobility.
Ursine Earthquake: He can only use this on his hind stance. He slams into the ground on all fours, dealing a little damage to things that are two squares away from him in any direction, while potentially stunning them.
Ursine Roar: A beastly roar that can potentially unnerve opponents. While in his hind stance, it only effects two squares around him, but effects in a broad circle around him. In his quad stance, it effects a cone formation four squares away.
Beastly Charge: He can only use this on his quad stance. Bronto rushes forward to a target four or less squares away in a straight line. He can chain this attack into one of three moves.
[*] Mighty Swipe: Bronto slams his paw into the target, dealing big damage to him. Safer damage than his other two, but doesn't offer the damage potential.
[*] Size Force: Before impact, Bronto leaps onto his hind legs and slams his torso into his opponent, which will knock-back enemies smaller than Huge. This offers less initial damage than his other attacks and forces Bronto into hind stance, but the knockback could potentially have a greater effect if the target is pushed into a trap.
[*] Bear Teeth: Bronto latches onto the opponent with his teeth. This attack deals good initial damage, and has the potential for more damage. This will put him into a Grapple State and his opponent into a Trapped state. Every turn, Bronto must either use Bear Teeth again, or let go of his target. If he uses Bear Teeth again, he must roll to keep the opponent locked in his jaw and deal more damage. Alternatively, the target must roll every turn to break free until doing so.
Alignment: Neutral
Deity: None
Languages: Common
Occupation: None
(Characters will use 25 point buy, check out this link)
Strength: 21
Dexterity: 6
Constitution: 22
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 14
Special Item: He carries with him a rabbit's skull. This was the first thing his son had killed, and the first step he took to being a full-fledged bear. He carries the skull with him to remind him of his son, who was killed by orcs.
Bronto has no spells outside of his own ability.
Would I also need to write out a bio for him? I don't think the one on his page is going to cut it. The skull mentions a main point in his story, though. Also, RedHeadSamurai, you put a lot of work into your character.
Full Name: Bronto (Just Bronto)
Race: Intelligent Bear
Class/Levels: Sponge Brawler/1 (A "Sponge Brawler" is capable of taking lots and lots of damage, but tends to be very very slow. Often makes a better support unit as he works best defensively rather than offensively despite his great offensive power.)
Gender: Male
Size: Large
Age: Adult
Special Abilities:
Wave Swipe: Can attack everyone directly to his left, right and in front of him, but not behind him.
Stance Change: He can attack on all fours or his hind legs. On all fours, he's faster and more mobile, but not as strong and takes more damage. On his hind legs he is stronger and can attack two squares away, but has bad speed and terrible mobility.
Ursine Earthquake: He can only use this on his hind stance. He slams into the ground on all fours, dealing a little damage to things that are two squares away from him in any direction, while potentially stunning them.
Ursine Roar: A beastly roar that can potentially unnerve opponents. While in his hind stance, it only effects two squares around him, but effects in a broad circle around him. In his quad stance, it effects a cone formation four squares away.
Beastly Charge: He can only use this on his quad stance. Bronto rushes forward to a target four or less squares away in a straight line. He can chain this attack into one of three moves.
[*] Mighty Swipe: Bronto slams his paw into the target, dealing big damage to him. Safer damage than his other two, but doesn't offer the damage potential.
[*] Size Force: Before impact, Bronto leaps onto his hind legs and slams his torso into his opponent, which will knock-back enemies smaller than Huge. This offers less initial damage than his other attacks and forces Bronto into hind stance, but the knockback could potentially have a greater effect if the target is pushed into a trap.
[*] Bear Teeth: Bronto latches onto the opponent with his teeth. This attack deals good initial damage, and has the potential for more damage. This will put him into a Grapple State and his opponent into a Trapped state. Every turn, Bronto must either use Bear Teeth again, or let go of his target. If he uses Bear Teeth again, he must roll to keep the opponent locked in his jaw and deal more damage. Alternatively, the target must roll every turn to break free until doing so.
Alignment: Neutral
Deity: None
Languages: Common
Occupation: None
(Characters will use 25 point buy, check out this link)
Strength: 21
Dexterity: 6
Constitution: 22
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 14
Special Item: He carries with him a rabbit's skull. This was the first thing his son had killed, and the first step he took to being a full-fledged bear. He carries the skull with him to remind him of his son, who was killed by orcs.
Bronto has no spells outside of his own ability.
Would I also need to write out a bio for him? I don't think the one on his page is going to cut it. The skull mentions a main point in his story, though. Also, RedHeadSamurai, you put a lot of work into your character.

I'm certain that singing and wearing clothes is perfectly acceptable. Oh, he's a bear! That is fine too. These characters look to be acceptable!
I believe two characters is an adequate start. Now, if either of you would like to roll a d100, the winner may choose where the story starts and the other can select the beginning, over-arching conflict. Or we can use the "Setting & Conflict Out of a Hat" method, which I have available.
RedHeadSamurai has the better character, I think RedHead should choose who does who. I don't want to end up with what he'd rather do.
He simply has more things to record! Path of War has a lot of content for a character to use.
I guess I'll roll.
rolled 1d100 and got 20
I'd like to join but it might take me a bit to make a whole character sheet for Merrick.
No problem! You may take as long as you wish, as a character can be added into the story at any point. Because I am magical.
Sounds good to me. whatever the plot we decide. I'm not to picky. Though letting everyone know I'm starting a new job today. So I'll probably only be able to post once a day until my days off.
Rollin' more than 1d100 to provide options for DM
Rollin' more than 1d100 to provide options for DM
rolled 3d100 and got 190
rolled 1d100 and got 51
rolled 1d100 and got 11
rolled 1d100 and got 49
Very well! Red, if you wish to pick the general setting that the story starts in, you are free to do so. If not, we will pull one from the hat.
And Mugo, if you wish to pick a general conflict in the setting, you are free to do so. If not, we will pull one from the hat. Pulling ideas from the hat is my solution for all of my problems.
And Mugo, if you wish to pick a general conflict in the setting, you are free to do so. If not, we will pull one from the hat. Pulling ideas from the hat is my solution for all of my problems.
OK then. Well. I'm always a big fan of intrigue, so shadow games, courts of intrigue and that sort, which can always lead to grand adventure and exploration. I'm down for anything Miss. So Think of me as a wonderful facilitator. You have a story you want to tell, then I'm more than happy to be along for the ride.
My preferred setting is Eberron since Dungeonpunk is awesome, but generic homebrew worlds work as well. As I said. I'm not picky.
My preferred setting is Eberron since Dungeonpunk is awesome, but generic homebrew worlds work as well. As I said. I'm not picky.
A setting of intrigue! So it shall be. I believe I have just the idea then.
Hmmm, a conflict, eh? I tend to like a little satire in my stories. Like there are a lot of stories where the main villain is trying to resurrect an all-powerful dragon god. Maybe reverse this a little and have a dragonkin sorcerer try to resurrect a more human looking god to wipe out all the species he has a problem with? It's kind of dumb, but...
Great! One all-powerful dragonkin will do nicely. I will create the starting post when I return from my nightly adventure, or perhaps tomorrow if the adventure drags on.
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