...And I've just been roped in by a good friend to join Rp Repository, yaaay~.
I, like quite a lot of us it seems, am a longtime rper [by no means the longest no doubt, at 15+ yr] but only have just recently heard of this here good site, but I think I'm a fan already. I've thrown up one OC so far, and I think I'll add just a few more: they'll be ones that a) be able to keep up with and b) are the most versatile of my collection, haha. I'm on a huge Castlevania, Fire Emblem, and FFVII high, so I hope I can get in some roleplaying with characters from those series, too. I tend to write mostly in the fantasy, adventure, love [platonic, sexual, romantic, etc.], and slice of life; more power to you if you want to mix them all together.
Making crossover continuity make sense gives me great joy. AUs are awesome. And yes, I ship it.
Good on you if you get the '4649373', high-five from afar.
I, like quite a lot of us it seems, am a longtime rper [by no means the longest no doubt, at 15+ yr] but only have just recently heard of this here good site, but I think I'm a fan already. I've thrown up one OC so far, and I think I'll add just a few more: they'll be ones that a) be able to keep up with and b) are the most versatile of my collection, haha. I'm on a huge Castlevania, Fire Emblem, and FFVII high, so I hope I can get in some roleplaying with characters from those series, too. I tend to write mostly in the fantasy, adventure, love [platonic, sexual, romantic, etc.], and slice of life; more power to you if you want to mix them all together.
Making crossover continuity make sense gives me great joy. AUs are awesome. And yes, I ship it.
Good on you if you get the '4649373', high-five from afar.
Welcome to one of the friendliest places of the internet! People are generally very nice about response times on this website

Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!
Hiya and welcome to rpr, fella!
I hope you enjoy your time here
I hope you enjoy your time here

Hi overlord, welcome to RPR

Welcome to RPR! Hope you like it here!
I feel uncool, I'm not sure what the number references... Can you clue me in?
Speaking of which, do you have any questions about the site we can help out with?
I feel uncool, I'm not sure what the number references... Can you clue me in?

Speaking of which, do you have any questions about the site we can help out with?

Welcome to RPR!
Sounds like you're into a great variety of genres and themes, which probably means you shouldn't have too much trouble finding what you're looking for. 
I'm looking forward to see your character's profile fleshed out!

I'm looking forward to see your character's profile fleshed out!
Final Fantasy 7 fan? You have caught my interest. Have you played any other FF games? But before I spaz out, let me introduce myself! My name's Lucree but you can call me Light or whatever you like that's nice. It's sweet to meet you!
Like Kim said, the genres you listed should make finding RP tons easier since a lot of people are interested in the same things you are! I'm sure you'll settle in nicely here; we're all uber-friendly and willing to help you with anything you need~ All you need to do is ask!
Like Kim said, the genres you listed should make finding RP tons easier since a lot of people are interested in the same things you are! I'm sure you'll settle in nicely here; we're all uber-friendly and willing to help you with anything you need~ All you need to do is ask!
You had me at Fire Emblem.
I'm new to this particular site too and I really like it as well. It seems like you do a bunch of different genres so hopefully you're find something that strikes your fancy.

Waow waow waow~, thanks, fam, you so nice~ *Sparkle eyes.* What a warm welcome, I feel I might be able to keep up with things, haha.
I'm glad my genre stats appeal to the comm lots. I'm always up for most other kinds though, if I think I can finagle it.
If we cross paths, let's go all out~. ^__^/
[My favorite punctuation marks are the tilde '~' and brackets, in case that didn't make itself apparent enough, haha.]
I'm glad my genre stats appeal to the comm lots. I'm always up for most other kinds though, if I think I can finagle it.
If we cross paths, let's go all out~. ^__^/
[My favorite punctuation marks are the tilde '~' and brackets, in case that didn't make itself apparent enough, haha.]
Kim wrote:
I feel uncool, I'm not sure what the number references... Can you clue me in?
Speaking of which, do you have any questions about the site we can help out with?
I feel uncool, I'm not sure what the number references... Can you clue me in?

Speaking of which, do you have any questions about the site we can help out with?

No no, you're probably the cooler one for not knowing, haha, on a scale of how deep in the otaku trash pile I'm in, haha. It's called goroawase number.
Goroawase numbers are read digit for digit, with each digit arbitrarily assigned a kun'yomi [Japanese reading], on'yomi [Chinese derived meaning], or Gratuitous English reading, often shortened to the first syllable or phonetically modified.
So 4649373, with each digit read out in Japanese [by one of the possible readings]: 'yo-ro-shi-ku', roughly 'hello, hey~'. Additionally, 373 with each digit read out: 'mi-na-san', or 'everybody'.
Altogether, 4649373, 'heya everybody~'. My go to intro shoutout for basically anything, haha.
As for the site, I haven't run into any issues or anything I wasn't able to figure out, thank you. ^__^7
LightSide-Lucree wrote:
Final Fantasy 7 fan? You have caught my interest. Have you played any other FF games? But before I spaz out, let me introduce myself! My name's Lucree but you can call me Light or whatever you like that's nice. It's sweet to meet you!
Like Kim said, the genres you listed should make finding RP tons easier since a lot of people are interested in the same things you are! I'm sure you'll settle in nicely here; we're all uber-friendly and willing to help you with anything you need~ All you need to do is ask!
Like Kim said, the genres you listed should make finding RP tons easier since a lot of people are interested in the same things you are! I'm sure you'll settle in nicely here; we're all uber-friendly and willing to help you with anything you need~ All you need to do is ask!
I've gotten through IV and IV after years, and I started FFI via the PSP port and haven't finished, because I immediately got sucked into Dissidia and duodecim, haha. I also cannot bring myself to finish Type-0 even though I know how it ends. I'm all aboard that hype train for XV. I've been playing Brave Exvius meanwhile, haha.
*High five.* I've felt the warm welcome already thanks to you and everyone, thank you~.
biancaLight wrote:
You had me at Fire Emblem.
I'm new to this particular site too and I really like it as well. It seems like you do a bunch of different genres so hopefully you're find something that strikes your fancy.

*Fiery eyes.* Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire Embleeeeeeeeeeeeeem~....! Yo Conquest route of Fates kicked my ass, but it was goooood. I hope I can S rank with some FE fans, as it were, pfft.
Welcome to RPR! I hope you enjoy your time here.
Fire Emblem for Gamecube and Gameboy Advance kick-started many of my early roleplay characters and ideas, and it still occasionally inspires ideas now. The series is pretty great, and I'm happy to see other fans of it.
Fire Emblem for Gamecube and Gameboy Advance kick-started many of my early roleplay characters and ideas, and it still occasionally inspires ideas now. The series is pretty great, and I'm happy to see other fans of it.
Hello and welcome ^o^ I hope you're having a great time settling in! If you ever want to talk, you're more than welcome to send me a message X3 have fun out there!
Dat Turk Vincent life~ [also Tseng and Crisis Core Senpairoth, haha.]
overlord_kaltz wrote:
Kim wrote:
I feel uncool, I'm not sure what the number references... Can you clue me in?
Speaking of which, do you have any questions about the site we can help out with?
I feel uncool, I'm not sure what the number references... Can you clue me in?

Speaking of which, do you have any questions about the site we can help out with?

No no, you're probably the cooler one for not knowing, haha, on a scale of how deep in the otaku trash pile I'm in, haha. It's called goroawase number.
Goroawase numbers are read digit for digit, with each digit arbitrarily assigned a kun'yomi [Japanese reading], on'yomi [Chinese derived meaning], or Gratuitous English reading, often shortened to the first syllable or phonetically modified.
So 4649373, with each digit read out in Japanese [by one of the possible readings]: 'yo-ro-shi-ku', roughly 'hello, hey~'. Additionally, 373 with each digit read out: 'mi-na-san', or 'everybody'.
Altogether, 4649373, 'heya everybody~'. My go to intro shoutout for basically anything, haha.
As for the site, I haven't run into any issues or anything I wasn't able to figure out, thank you. ^__^7
Oh boy I never, ever would have known this. Thank you so much for teaching me something new!
Hi and Welcome to RPR enjoy
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