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Forums » RP Discussion » A Fun Little Exercise

I wanted to try something here. I'm going to make a short list of base character archetypes, and I want people to use these archetypes to create a badass start-up character. Pick whichever one you want, and once a spot is taken I'll cross it out on the list. When all the spots are filled, I'll do a bad@$$ cast pic in hi-def for everybody! I thought this would be a fun thing to try for everybody. And who knows? Maybe you'll end up liking the characters, and we can roleplay them together sometime? YAY.
  • Female Warrior- Hilde Gaarde
  • Male Wizard- Xyron Waybeard
  • Female Archer/Ranger- A real woodsy-type. Preferably human, just to get away from the Elven Ranger stereotype
  • Male Thief- Non-combat oriented type, in it for the stealing, not the sneaky-stabby stuff.
  • Male Warrior- General fighter type. Preferably uses a weapon that isn't a sword, just to change things up.

Have at it, and have fun!
Note: Pre-existing characters aren't really what I'm looking for. I want something brand new, so get to imagining!

I call male warrior. Now give me time to make him.

spillbloodnotwhiskey Topic Starter

SeraphicStar wrote:
I call male warrior. Now give me time to make him.

Lol sorry Seraph, spots go to the characters I like best, so you gotta make the character first buddeh

I hate you.


*works on male warrior dude, roar*
Awesome! I'm totally in! :D
Question; are we supposed to make a background, or just a description and stuff?
spillbloodnotwhiskey Topic Starter

CelestinaGrey wrote:
Question; are we supposed to make a background, or just a description and stuff?
Hun that's entirely up to you just how in-depth you go. All I -need- are the basic concepts, but if you think that a background might well help better to explain one of those concepts, or just think that it might impress me that much more ;) then by all means, go ahead!
Okay! Also...

when's the end date for this thing? A deadline, lol. I wanna know when I need the char to be done by!
spillbloodnotwhiskey Topic Starter

CelestinaGrey wrote:
Okay! Also...

when's the end date for this thing? A deadline, lol. I wanna know when I need the char to be done by!
For now, I'm going to say there isn't one. A good character can't be rushed. Now, if it starts to look like nothing is being accomplished after an extended period of time, I might decide to place a deadline down, but for the moment, I'm going to say just get 'em in when they're ready :)
Okay :)
Just wanted to make sure I didn't have to get on it RIGHT THIS MINUTE 'cause I'll be eating soon. xD
And it gives me time to brainstorm :)
spillbloodnotwhiskey Topic Starter

CelestinaGrey wrote:
Okay :)
Just wanted to make sure I didn't have to get on it RIGHT THIS MINUTE 'cause I'll be eating soon. xD
And it gives me time to brainstorm :)
Fo schnitzel

Note to self: when making a character, DON'T start by weaving a backstory. Instead, worry about THE FRICKEN CHARACTER.
spillbloodnotwhiskey Topic Starter

SeraphicStar wrote:
Note to self: when making a character, DON'T start by weaving a backstory. Instead, worry about THE FRICKEN CHARACTER.
Ilmarinen Moderator

SeraphicStar wrote:
Note to self: when making a character, DON'T start by weaving a backstory. Instead, worry about THE FRICKEN CHARACTER.

That's what I did, too. <.<;
SeraphicStar wrote:
Note to self: when making a character, DON'T start by weaving a backstory. Instead, worry about THE FRICKEN CHARACTER.

I always start with drawing the character first, getting how it looks down, and then working off of that.
spillbloodnotwhiskey Topic Starter

Minkja wrote:
SeraphicStar wrote:
Note to self: when making a character, DON'T start by weaving a backstory. Instead, worry about THE FRICKEN CHARACTER.

I always start with drawing the character first, getting how it looks down, and then working off of that.
That's close to how I start off, too. I think of a base archetype, draw it up, and then fill in the blanks.
Andryn wrote:
Minkja wrote:
SeraphicStar wrote:
Note to self: when making a character, DON'T start by weaving a backstory. Instead, worry about THE FRICKEN CHARACTER.

I always start with drawing the character first, getting how it looks down, and then working off of that.
That's close to how I start off, too. I think of a base archetype, draw it up, and then fill in the blanks.

I can't draw. =x I wait for inspiration to strike. I usually get some random crazy idea.

Power to the non-drawers! :P
SeraphicStar wrote:
Power to the non-drawers! :P

WOHOO! *highfives*
spillbloodnotwhiskey Topic Starter

ALRIGHTY! We got our first member of the party! Make sure you go back to the beginning of this thread from time to time to check out the updated list, but for now you can see our first member here!

Congrats to Earendill on making one awesome dude for this special challenge!

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