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Forums » Introductions » Bonjour

Hi I am rather new to here but hi.
Bonjour Lilly, welcome to RPR :)
bonjour, lilybear welcome to RPR and enjoy your time here
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!
Hi! Welcome to RPR :-) I hope you'll find what you're looking for and have lots of fun :-)
Kim Site Admin

Hello there! Glad you've joined us. :)

I know we'd all love to learn more about you For example, stuff like... What's your favorite animal? How long have you been RPing? What do you hope to find here?

This is a pretty big site with a lot of features and areas, so if you need help, there's a few ways to get help. Probably the first thing to try is just typing your question into the search box, or you can go to the Help section to see a list of popular articles. If you can't find it there, everyone here is awesome and friendly. Please don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it!
Welcome to one of the friendliest places of the internet! There is a large about of people on here you like Furry culture and Furry RP. I know you will find people to RP with and willing to train you!

Bienvenue, Lilly!

J'aime practique mon français avec les personnes. Peut-être nous pouvons essayer à jeu de rôle en français? C'est juste une suggestion, mais je suis toujours à votre service~

Hi hi! Welcome to RPR! I hope you've met some amazing people and are fitting in nicely X3 If you need anything, either chat or a roleplay buddy, feel free to PM me

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