Kristy layed on a near by rock by the shore of some unknown island. The end of her scaly tail layed in the ice cold water that surounded her. Her hand dangled above the water as she longed to go on shore. She still had no idea how to change into a human like the rest of her people, who could stay on land all day and retreat back to the ocean. She created little waves with her tail by splashing it up and down and since no one was around she was hoping to get to try for her human for again.
Luna saw the mermaid girl as she seemed to want to be on land. Luna had landed on this strang island just a few days ago without knowing where she was or what the name of the place was. Her wings were still out because no matter what she did they refused to hide inside of her back. She debated weather she should go and talk to the mermaid or just watch.
Kristy sighed at her own grife and slowly made her way towrds the island. Once there, she sat in the shore, naking sure some part of her was still in the water, and she closed her eyes. Human, human! She chanted to herself closing her fists tightly.
Luna noticed that the girl was trying something and walked carefully towards her. She put her hand on the girls shoulder, along with a few of her long black feathers falling. "Are you alright, miss?"
Kristy quickly turned to see an angel with black wings behind her. "You scared me, I thought you were a hunter." She said under her breath.
Luna shook her head. "No, not a hunter." She said the phrase very simply and sat down next to the girl with her legs crossed.
"You wouldn't have a way to turn me into my human form, would you?" Kristy asked sarcastically.
Luna shook her head, not very happy about the sarcasm. "No, that I don't believe I can help you with."
"I thought not." Kristy looked down at her tail with dispare.
Luna looked at the girl with confusion. "Why would you want to be human?"
"Well," Kristy began. "My people can reach their human easily, right at birth, while I have strugled with it for eighteen years." She picked up a handfull of sand and watched it run between her fingers.
Luna nodded. "I usually have hard times at night to hide my wings, for some reason today they wouldn't listen to whatever say." Luna grabbed a rock and threw it, letting it skim the water.
Kristy smiled and held out her hand. "I'm Kristy." She said greatfuly
Luna smiled back and shook Kirsty's hand. "I'm Luna."
"So your an angel?" Kristy asked looking at Luna's wings.
Luna shrugged. "More or less. Luner Angel to be exact."
"Luner? I thought Luner Angel's wings were suppost to be white."
Luna nodded and stared out at the ocean. "Yes, but it depends on how light their hair is, the lighter the hair, the darker the wings. I have silvery white hair and black wings. I'm the outcast of all my kind."
"Well shame on them for judgeing you on looks." Kristy said while moving her tail side to side.
Luna nodded. "Yeah, it happens alot with those snoty stuck-up asses known as angels" Luna snorted at the word angels.
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