"Well, I'v had that happen too. As the only mermaid that can't change into a human, people don't really see me as one of their own." Kristy sighed.
Luna nodded in agreement. "Yeah, seeing how I'm the only Luner Angel with black wings I am seen as more of a demon."
"A demon. I'v never met a demon befor." Kristy starec off into the long streach of sea befor her as she thought.
A chill ran down Luan's spin as she though about the demons she'd faced in her life. "Their not something good."
"What are they, anyway?"
Luna shrugged. "They are all something different. Wolves, cheetahs, foxs, anything that lives and isn't human."
Kristy looked over at her. "I'm not human."
Luna nodded. "But there are only animal demons."
"Oh." Kristy gazed at the sun for the time. Its was almost time for low tide. "I need to go soon......" Kristy's voice trailed off.
Luna nodded. "Alright, how much longer till you have to leave?"
"I can't say excatly when but when the sun reached the middle of the sky it will be low tide. Thats when I have to leave."
Luna looked up at the sky and sighed. "Not much time I guess...." She trailed off.
"So what are you doing on the island anyway?"
"I just wonder from place to place, and landed here randomly."
"Oh, well I guess you landed on the right island if you want to stay isolated."
Luna nodded. "I guess I did."
Kristy started to inche her way back into the ocean. "How long will you be staying here?"
Luna shrugged. "Dunno, who knows." Luna usually only staied in one place for a day or two but this is an island in the middle of the ocean.
Kristy paused for a moment. "Well, there are alot fo trees on the island so that should give you some cover. The trees are filled with food, so your good there......" kristy trailed off.
Luna nodded. "Thanks, I could get use to a place like this."
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