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Forums » Looking for RP » Medieval rp (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Nyx Bellerose (played by Guardian_Girl)

Hey, looking for a medieval rp to do with this character. Don't really have a plot in mind. Ummm..... I'll take most any character. I like action... Romance is possible, but only MxF in that case.. uh..... yea. I don't know. Pm or respond here if you're interested I guess.

I am interested. I sent you a pm to talk about the rp.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697)

Medieval rps tend to strike my interest no matter the topic. So if allowe'd, I would like to rp with Nyx. PM me if this character strikes your fancy. If not I have no room to complain.
Blackarrow (played by Scarletwolf)

I would like to Roleplay with you is black arrow okay.
Talayna Sky (played by BreezyDawn)

Interested! Let me know if my character fits in fine :D Thanks!


I am interested.
Nyx Bellerose (played by Guardian_Girl) Topic Starter

BelovedDreamwalker wrote:

Why don't you shoot me a pm and we can discuss it.

@Boss, I just realized I totally forgot about our :/ I'll go work on a response.
Grulbag DoomHammer (played by Leviathan)

I'm interested do you want me to pm you
Nyx Bellerose (played by Guardian_Girl) Topic Starter

As much as I want to say yes, I'm not sure that character will fit well with Nyx.
Grulbag DoomHammer (played by Leviathan)

(Oh ok)

I completely forgot I was already doing an RP with you, and I joined from here. Lmao.
Don't know if it is too late to say I'm interested, but I'd be willing to give it a shot.
Nyx Bellerose (played by Guardian_Girl) Topic Starter

Not at all too late. Why don't you send me a pm with anything you want to discuss.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Medieval rp (closed)

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