A man with sandy blonde hair had a sword by his side as he looked over the empty city he had believed would be the best place to find a vampire at the town. He opened the files that was in his hand and looked through the most likely places to find the vampire. It said the vampire was last sighted two days ago before he was choosen to hunt after it. The vampire had killed the previous hunter after them then fled like a coward. There was a picture of the vampire and a bio on them as well. "Hmmm........ I don't believe this is the right place." The man looked back up at the city and closed the floder that held all of the files and wonder if anyone else was in the empty town. The night air was cool as it blew past him. He looked at the reward for this one, it was higher than any of the other vampires he had faced which brought a sly smile to his face. "Looks like the Socity is finally not seeing me as a child." He walked around the city keeping one hand on the hilt of his sword.
Emily hide in the shadows like a stray cat. But she was known to be one. Her coat was black with yellow eyes but her eyes changed black when there was danger. She pranced around in the ally acting smart but she was not. She did not know there was a hunter looking for her. The faint scent of a human grew her attention and she hid in the shadows
John heard the sound of padding that could only come from a cat and stopped. A cat? In the middle of nowhere? He thought to himself. He looked through the folder again and saw a caution sign on it that said that the vampire he was hunting was a shapeshifter as well, he never heard of a shapeshifting vampire. Now he knew why would it would be hard for him to find the vampire because she could change how she looks completely and attack him without ever him guessing. That news brought yet another sly smile, that was saying he was ready for whatever the vampire could throw at him. "A shapeshifter as well? More of a challage." He breathed and closed the folder.
Emily flicked her tail as she could hear the noise of a human. She took a deep breath. No this was more than a human. A.. vampire hunter. The thought sent a shiver up her spine but she quickly made that thought pass away. " Probaly weak like the others.. " She walked in the shadows before she jumped over a puddle of oil and started making her way into a broken building
John saw the same broken building and though something about it seemed..........off. He saw a broken door almost off it's hinges and walked over to it. He pulled the door open more but it broken off and John let it fall with strangly a soft thud. He walked into the building and looked around the place, it was dark and dusty. He coughed a few times with the dust floating all around in the air.
Emily looked at the guy but she quickly jumped out of the window. This is how my games are played. She jumped onto the roof and then she stayed there. She looked at the guy. He's from the same place as the other so he won't be hard. But the other guy said he was one of the top people so maybe he is too. She turned into a bird and flew to a higher building and perched their and watched the guy. She figured out some of his weaknesses and where to bite him.
The eeire feeling surronding the building seemed to disapper which followed with John leaving as well. He was annoied with this game of cat and mouse, he was the youngest out of all the Socity's hunters, but he was trained by the best and was one of the hardest working hunters. He hated vampires for the reasons of them killing his family and master.
Emily smiled on the building. " So what brings such a young stranger here? " She said twirling and then many of herselves stood on the building and she switched places with them before his eyes. The all spoke " So.. tell us ".
John was unfazed by the girls tricks, he had faced shapeshifters before and knew they liked to place tricks on whoever maybe seem fun to them. "Just passing through." He replied to her question. He might have done the most stupidest thing by turning his back towards the girl, being foulish enough to not to think that she might be the vampire he was hunting.
Emily smiled and nodded her head. She flew down and pushed the guy to the floor before flying up again and smiling. " come on weakling " She said teasing him
John stood up and glared at the woman. "Ma'am I do not have time for your foolish games, I have bussisen to attend to." He dusted off his pants, his Socity tatoo on his lower arm showing as he pushed his sleeves up.
Emily looked " Vampire Hunter. Thats always nice to see for other people but me " She smiled showing her sharp things. " look at those papers and then to me " She said smiling
John looked at the folder in his hand and saw the picture of the vampire he was hunting but the picture was fuzzy since it was hard enough to hunt her, not to mention to get a ID photo. He saw the similar looks of the girl in the photo and the girl smiling down at him. He looked up at her and his lips curved into a cocky grin. "You sure have caused some trouble, Emily."
Emily smiled " Well, its been a pleasure to do it too " She said as she touched her fangs. She was right now calm and she battered her eyes lashes at him
John was never one to easily fall for a female vampire's tricks, he had fought enough to know what to do. "Well, are you just going to hide up there like a coward or come down and fight me?" He turned to face her fully.
Emily sighed and the she rolled so she was upside down " Nah, you can come and fight me up here " She said smiling
John sighed. "How do expect me to get up there?" The fire espace to the building was broken be on repair and the inside of the building didn't seem like it would provide much protection.
Emily sighed " Alright " She stood up and flew down and she went into the broken down house and sat down. Her teeth bared but she was acting cute
John grunted in annonce, he knew this was going to be a long night. He walked into the broken building, coughing at the dusty air. He rolled his eyes at Emily trying to act cute to someone who has a deep hatard towards vampires.
Emily yawned at him and picked up a piece of glass and then threw it at him. " you dont know how to have fun do you " She flew straight near his ear and then back to a different room
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