Rozial had been looking for a vampire to feed off of but with no luck. Rumors started to spread about her among other vampires and they always avioded her at all costs. She was even having a hard time even getting a human alone. Her paitetion was wearing thin along with her sanity. She kept under control when around humans but when left alone she would scream her head off. She was in the same old town she had always been in for over fire thousand years. She went on her usually prowl tonight, trying to stalk down her next meal. She wore the same old outfit she wears to get a males attetion. Her wipe was by her side but hidden under her long alburn and black streaked hair. Who well it be tonight? She though with a smrik crepping on her blood red lips.
Valendeer was out and about. Her over large purple sweater swayed at her thighs as she moved through the dirty old town. She was far from her up scale estate, and she only came this far to find something new to do. the smell of another vamp peaked her interest though
Rozial caught the scent of the other vampire and a smile cam to her face, but it wasn't a smile of pure joy, it was a smile that came with twisted thoughts. She knew that the other vampire was female which made it only harder for her to get them alone. She usually aimed for males but she knew she had no room to be picky.
"Alright, I know your around here, may as well come out." Val piped up and she stood in the middle of an empty sidewalk. 'I hate meeting new vampires in this area. They always seem to think Ill run them off or some shit...' she thought as she searched for the female. Val had been the only Vampire in these parts for a while, other vamps seemed to think she had a shareing problem and always made a fuss.
Rozial smiled and walked out of the shadows that surrond her and made herself known. "I'm sorry for the strange meeting, I was just on the.... prowl tonight." Her smile depended, as she thought of the last time she had drank from a vampire. The tangy, sweet bitter taste, how long had it been since then? Ten? Tweny years? Maybe.
((You're using Harren, btw))
Rozial shrugged, not caring what others though of her looks. She knew that she has always looked drop dead sexy, at least that is what her previous vicitum said. "You're not bad yourself." She gave the female vampire a sly smile.
Rozial shrugged, not caring what others though of her looks. She knew that she has always looked drop dead sexy, at least that is what her previous vicitum said. "You're not bad yourself." She gave the female vampire a sly smile.
{That keeps happening :p it makes me made... :C }
Valendeer smiled and moved closer, "And your name?"
Valendeer smiled and moved closer, "And your name?"
{It happens C:}
Rozial smriked at the girls intrest. "Rozial, and you, my dear?"
Rozial smriked at the girls intrest. "Rozial, and you, my dear?"
"Im Valendeer Rossa~" Val brushed stay hair from her pale face, her red lips gleaming in the little street light.
Rozial gave Valendeer a sly smiled. "So what brings you out at this time of night?"
"Well there is more than enough humans to go around." Rozial gestured towards the near by bar with plenty drunk men and women.
"Human blood get... boring." Val said as she leaded to the wall.
Rozial nodded. "Yes it does but there are other vampires around for you to try, that is if I haven't killed them off yet." She smriked at the possible truth.
Rozial nodded. "Yes, why do you think I came to this town?"
"There are more than enough vampires to go around here." Rozial smiled wide enough to where you could see her white fangs.
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