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Forums » Introductions » Happy Thanksgiving and Hello!

Good afternoon everyone!

I'm CasualOddites, or Jenni and just joined up here to get back into writing again. My favourite kind of RP's are longish ones with a good steady plot and a lot of fun characters and situations to bounce off of. Hoping to find some new people to work with to let all of our characters shine in new stories.

Been role playing since mid highschool which is a bit too long ago to think of without feeling mildly old. No pets and back when I was in school I loved English, History, Psychology and some of the Medical Terminology classes.

Right now I work full time as a Medical Administrator which keeps me busy. I volunteer for a Distress Line but have taken a sabbatical until the New Year because I was feeling a bit burned out. Other than that I spend my time online and occasionally bingeing on Netflix.

Glad to be here and hope to learn how setting up RPs and chatter works. Thankf for reading!
Welcome welcome, seems like you have some interesting things going on lol. I enjoy drawn out stories as well, sometimes I hate when good ones end. lol Feel free to brainstorm with me or OOC chat with me any time.
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!
Hi Jenni, welcome to RPR! :)

Hey there oddities! I love your name, but then again, when we are all oddities, doesn't that make us the same?
Hey, Oddities! Welcome to RPR! This site is really nice and I hope you have fun here! If you ever want to talk or RP with someone, feel free to message me!
CasualOddities Topic Starter

Recrudescence wrote:
Hey there oddities! I love your name, but then again, when we are all oddities, doesn't that make us the same?

Very true! I was just trying to make a play on something like the Bruce Coville anthologies "Oddly Enough" etc : D

Hi and it's nice to meet you. Welcome to RPR.
Kim Site Admin

CasualOddities wrote:
Right now I work full time as a Medical Administrator which keeps me busy. I volunteer for a Distress Line but have taken a sabbatical until the New Year because I was feeling a bit burned out. Other than that I spend my time online and occasionally bingeing on Netflix.

Thank you VERY much for volunteering at a distress line. That is so, so necessary, helps so many people, and is one of the most difficult volunteer positions there is. I applaud you also for taking time off when you need it, as burning out and being unable to help again for months or years doesn't help anyone, but too many people don't feel comfortable with the necessary self-care.

Welcome to the RPR. We're very glad to have you with us! Since you asked about setting up RPs, here's some rambling on the basics:

When it comes to starting RPs, most people start in the Looking For RP forum to find some other players. There's also a search tool that will help you find what you're looking for within that forum - click "Find RP" in the top menu, then "join game" then scroll to the bottom to adjust your preferences for game types. If you want more info on using that search tool, here's a handy help article.

If you end up joining someone else's RP, they'll let you know the details about how to join in.

If you're starting up your own RP, you have a few choices about how to proceed once you've found a RP partner or two.
  1. You can just create a RP topic on one of our 3 public RP forums: General Roleplay, Sci-Fi Roleplay and Fantasy RP. Keep in mind that because these areas are public, you'll have to make sure the RP stays in the PG-13ish range.
  2. You can choose to RP via private messages, and just create a new conversation thread with all your RP partners as recipients. Since this is private, the only rules that tend to apply are not to do OOC illegal things and be nice to your RP partners OOC.
  3. If you're going to have a whole lot of people in your RP, or the RP setting is going to be very strictly defined and you want to have a place to store world building information alongside it, you might consider starting your own group. This gives you access to profile building tools for the group, but also to creating your very own forums!
  4. In some cases, you and your RP partner might even decide to use some other messenger or game to RP on.

By the by, you can use the "launch chat" button at the top and bottom of any forum topic, whether it's in a private group forum or our public RP forums, to turn your topic into a real time chat! There's also a link in the sidebar of private messages that will let you do the same.

And for chattering, there's always the Just Talkin' chat on the smalltalk forums! :D
CasualOddities Topic Starter

HibariHaru wrote:
Hi and it's nice to meet you. Welcome to RPR.

Thank you, it's nice to meet you too!
MSochist wrote:
Hi Jenni, welcome to RPR! :)

Thank you!
CasualOddities Topic Starter

Kim wrote:

Thank you VERY much for volunteering at a distress line. That is so, so necessary, helps so many people, and is one of the most difficult volunteer positions there is. I applaud you also for taking time off when you need it, as burning out and being unable to help again for months or years doesn't help anyone, but too many people don't feel comfortable with the necessary self-care.

Welcome to the RPR. We're very glad to have you with us! Since you asked about setting up RPs, here's some rambling on the basics:....

Wow, thank you! Yes, the work can be difficult (several calls have ended up calling an ambulance, one dealt with child abuse, etc), we also provide a service called Tel-Check. This is where we offer a listening ear, safety checks and medications reminders, or a social time with people who are isolated in our community. Mostly it's for the elderly and us volunteers are usually the only people our callers speak to in the day.

To be honest I was getting burned out because the work was getting tedious. I had the time to volunteer on the weekends only due to transportation issues and work. So that meant every shift dealt with mostly the same people and my energy and patience was being affected.

Thanks for the tips! Been playing with the slide rulers to find something fun.
Kim Site Admin

That sounds like a really valuable service to your community, but I still say it's very understandable that you'd need some time off! :)
Wow, that's really impressive... Like Kim said, thank you so much for all you do. I'm sure in the long run, people appreciate how hard you work to help others out. I know I do!

But welcome to RPR! I'm Lucree, but call me Light or anything you like that's nice. It's really sweet to meet you~

Random question time! What's your favorite snack that you can get enough of? If you don't have one, then what's your favorite food in general?

If you need any help at all, you can ask any of us, and we'll be glad to help you out with what you need answered. Hope you enjoy yourself here!
Welcome to RPR! Hope you're enjoying the site so far! :D

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