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Forums » Introductions » Hello, looking to "Embrace the community"

So what's up?
Kim Site Admin

Hi! So nice to meet you. :) Not too much is up in my day yet, just working and trying to remind myself that Friday is tomorrow.

Do you feel comfortable sharing anything else to help us get to know you? For example, stuff like... What's your favorite subject in school? How long have you been RPing? What would make your time on the RPR awesome in your eyes?

This is a pretty big site with a lot of features and areas, so if you have questions or curiosities, there's a few ways to get help. Probably the first thing to try is just typing your question into the search box, or you can go to the Help section to see a list of popular articles. If you still need more help, everyone here is awesome and friendly. Always feel free to ask for help if you need it!
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!
Hi Sir-Realism, welcome to RPR! :)

Embrace the community with all your heart! This place gives back and treats its members with the best kind of hospitality. Welcome to RPR!
Sir-Realism Topic Starter

Okay then, I feel embraced.
Welcome to the RPR!!!! Hope you have a really great time here and make lots of new friends.

hi & welcome!
Welcome to one of the friendliest places of the internet!
Welcome to RPR! :) As you can see everyone here is pretty friendly so don't be afraid to jump right into things! :D
Then consider yourself embraced, good sir! It's a pleasure to meet you, by the by. I'm Lucree, but you can call me Lotus or Light. Welcome to RPR!

I have to second what Kim said. Can you tell us a bit more about yourself? We'd all love to hear a bit about you!
Sir-Realism Topic Starter

Well, I'm a robot hired to prevent the nazi party from spreading influence in specific websites.

Being a patriotic robot I enjoy trying to stuff cheeseburgers into my voice speaker and buying a ridiculous amount of unnecessary firearms, despite being equipped with laser vision.

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Hello, looking to "Embrace the community"

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