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Forums » Introductions » Greetings, salutations, and hello

As per suggestion of a good friend, I have made this account. I am quite unexperienced with forum writing and role-playing, but I shall do my best. Anyways, hello, and how do you do? You can call me whatever, but I go by Serena (or Siri). I am 22, and have not written even a single line of prose or story in many moons. Therefore, I shall be observing you. Learning from you. Watching you... ANYWHO, I look forward to writing with you.

*Sings* Welcome! *giggles* you shall have soooooo much fun here!
Hi Serena, welcome to RPR! :)

also, if you need practice im open to teaching you the ropes! a few good friends of mine might help out as well...if ya wanna?

what the...?


ya know what...i dont even wanna know Petrovalyc...
Welcome to one of the friendliest places of the internet!
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!
Hello and welcome to RPR. I hope you like it here.
Welcome to RPR! Everyone here is really friendly, so don't be afraid to PM someone and ask for RP if their character strikes your fancy! :D
Wellllllllcome to then RPR. Have a great time here and I hope you make lots of new friends.
....*feels awkward underneath all the watching, clears throat* W-welcome to RPR! It's really nice to meet you. I'm Lucree but you can call me Light!

I've actually had that problem for a while now... I can't write an actual story worth much, but I think RP helps with ideas. If nothing else, it passes the time until the next great idea hits!

But I hope you enjoy yourself here! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Hi! :-) Welcome to RPR and I hope you have fun here!
Kim Site Admin

Hello there! Pleasure to meet you. :D

When getting started with RP, I really recommend this primer on basic RP concepts as a starting place. Even if you have some RP experience, it can be a nice way to see what the general norm is here.

We also had some community discussions awhile back about how to improve at RP.. I boiled them down into interesting articles for those who are interested. Here's a selection of my favorite ones:

Writing for RP
The responsibility of ALL RPers (getting this one right will generally make people sing your praises!)
And if you want to put a slightly more advanced technique in your back pocket for now and again: Using dice to enhance RP

This is a pretty big site with a lot of features and areas, so if you need help, there's a couple things you can try. Probably the first thing to try is just typing your question into the search box, or you can go to the Help section to see a list of popular articles. If you still need more help, everyone here is awesome and friendly. Please don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it!

yahello! You're already in TGW, so i suppose we already got all those formalities out of the way~

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