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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Fight To The Death (1x1)

Various Characters (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Rixy listened, fishing around for a glo-orb that she lit up and held out to her new comrade. "Here. And yeah, a weapon is pretty important. I'll keep an eye out and let you know if I see any." She smiled at her, then just kept walking, looking around and trying to keep her attention on their surroundings.
More Characters (played by Djinn-n-Tonic)

"I appreciate it." She said, reaching back for the glow orb, looking over it for a moment, before finding something on her person to clip it to. She grew silent after this and continued down. The path was fairly clear, nothing but small animals fleeing from them..

Though ahead she noticed other small animals fleeing their way. She didn't pay much thought to it at first, but she soon stuck her hand back, placing it to Rixy's chest to keep her from moving. "Stay low.. Something is coming this way." She moved against the wall and stuffed the glow orb into one of her pockets, keeping the light from being so noticeable.

Someone had a flashlight.. or something that created light. She could tell as they approached, the walls lit up more and more for her.. For now staying out of sight was wise.. She pushed herself further against the wall and found a low formation of rocks to hide behind. If she could surprise them, then she could maybe have a weapon, if nothing else then she could have a light source and wouldnt need to rely so much on her ability..
Various Characters (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Rixy followed along, but when she was stopped, she listened. Right now she was not the one who had the most experience, so when Inez got down low, she did too. She was starting to see the light as well, and she just stayed quiet, holding her blaster in her hands and hiding behind the rock cluster with Inez.

Silence, listening carefully for the footsteps of whatever was coming with the light. It was going to prove very interesting.
More Characters (played by Djinn-n-Tonic)

After a moment she could see who it was, but had to stay out of sight.. He ended up turning the flashlight off, as he could see the dim lights ahead. No sense in wasting the charge of it, really.

It was the man from before. The one who stabbed someone right out of the gate, and came for her.. They had gotten away from one another, but he did run the opposite direction. He could have easily made it to this cave and killed someone else.

He was wounded, it seemed, but Inez could not tell exactly in what way. As he progressed closer and closer, Inez eventually popped up from her hiding spot and went for him, grabbing the arm with the knife in hand first, before she tried to rip it from his hands.

It didn't work as planned, at least not all the way. They struggled for a moment, before she kicked his leg out and threw him into the wall, scooping the knife up to attempt to plunge down into him, though he was prepared and planted his feet into her stomach to kick her back into Rixy.

His flashlight had been dropped and with a curse or two thrown in her direction, he ran past them, continuing ahead the path he was going in.. At least Inez got a weapon and a useful light source out of it..

It happened so fast and took her a moment to regroup, rolling onto her side to pick herself up. "Are you okay?" She glanced behind her to see if she had infact hit Rixy.. She knew she hit SOMETHING.
Various Characters (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Rixy was just lining up a shot to help finish off the man when Inez was kicked into her, and she hit the wall with an 'oof!' Rixy groaned a little and pushed her off carefully. "Yeah, I'm fine. What about you? What was that all about? I could barely see a thing, that's why it took me so long to try and get a shot." She just knew a fight had been happening, and she'd been able to see a thicker shadow by Inez's smaller one that eminated a tiny bit of light from the waist area, because of the glo orb in her pocket.

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