Val at a descent bar, her head in her hand as she sipped slowly at a sweet bar drink. Blood was on her mind, she was hungry and was tired of drinking from her butler. Her newest friend was relaxing at him, kai, a vampire she met at a club not that long ago, but now she needed blood....~
((so you know, though Damon is a half vampire his blood is still... Edible))
Damon stood in the alley, shrouded by darkness. In front of him on the ground, a boy, looking to be about the age of 17. But something was wrong about the teen. His skin was white, his eyes were red, and a trail of blood trailed from his lips, hiding elongated fangs. Something in Damon's hand caught a ray of moonlight. A gun, the barrel pressed painfully in the vampire's head.
"P-Please Slayer, spare me, I'll-I'll give you anything you want, money, women... Men?"
The gun pressed harder.
"I'll do anything! I promise!"
"I don't take promises from vampires."
As Damon spoke a glint came from his mouth. A fang, halfway between human and vampire"
"heh-heh, your hungry aren't you Slayer? Blood may run through your veins but we both know that your vampire half still controls your... appetite? I can get some for you. The sweetest blood you'll ever drink. I could..."
Damon pulled the trigger, the sound echoed in the alley.
The vampire wasn't dead, but it gave Damon enough time to stake him and leave him for the sun.
He pocketed the used stake, paladins loved to use used stakes to make sword hilts, and they paid well.
Damon stepped out of the alley, adjusted his hat and tightened his coat.
"I need a drink"
He crossed the street to the bar, ignoring the sideways glances, and opened the bar door.
Damon stood in the alley, shrouded by darkness. In front of him on the ground, a boy, looking to be about the age of 17. But something was wrong about the teen. His skin was white, his eyes were red, and a trail of blood trailed from his lips, hiding elongated fangs. Something in Damon's hand caught a ray of moonlight. A gun, the barrel pressed painfully in the vampire's head.
"P-Please Slayer, spare me, I'll-I'll give you anything you want, money, women... Men?"
The gun pressed harder.
"I'll do anything! I promise!"
"I don't take promises from vampires."
As Damon spoke a glint came from his mouth. A fang, halfway between human and vampire"
"heh-heh, your hungry aren't you Slayer? Blood may run through your veins but we both know that your vampire half still controls your... appetite? I can get some for you. The sweetest blood you'll ever drink. I could..."
Damon pulled the trigger, the sound echoed in the alley.
The vampire wasn't dead, but it gave Damon enough time to stake him and leave him for the sun.
He pocketed the used stake, paladins loved to use used stakes to make sword hilts, and they paid well.
Damon stepped out of the alley, adjusted his hat and tightened his coat.
"I need a drink"
He crossed the street to the bar, ignoring the sideways glances, and opened the bar door.
Val scented him even before he opened the door. 'mmmm~ a vampire? No, not a full vampire. But... the smell of death lingers on him?' Valendeer's eyes lingered on him. Her beer totally forgotten. Val loved to have a new vampire around, for a few reasons. One, she was a lonely female... Two, she had a unique taste for her own kinds blood. And tree, they were normally pure fun. But sadly, her didnt seem normal, he reeked of anger. 'Who are you?' She wandered.
Val was wearing her large purple sweater, that looked like a dress on her, a very short dress. It only made her short body to look even more small. She was pretty, and knew it. Most vampires where after all.
Val was wearing her large purple sweater, that looked like a dress on her, a very short dress. It only made her short body to look even more small. She was pretty, and knew it. Most vampires where after all.
Damon walked over to the bar keeping his head low, he sat down on a random barstool and caught the bartender's attention.
"whiskey, leave the bottle"
The bartender got to work on his order placing a shot glass and whiskey bottle in front on him. It had been a long day. One of the werewolf Alphas hired him to 'dispose' of a few vampires. Few meaning 25 full fledged, peak of 'life', vampires. He noted to charge extra for 'inaccurate amounts'.
He finished his first glass when something purple caught his eye. He glanced over. It was a girl, he could tell easily that she was a vampire (when you kill something enough times...). She was pretty even for a vampire, young, and had a glint in her eye he's seen to many times, hunger. he noticed that she was looking at him.
"If your sizing me up for your next meal, my right is my good side"
"whiskey, leave the bottle"
The bartender got to work on his order placing a shot glass and whiskey bottle in front on him. It had been a long day. One of the werewolf Alphas hired him to 'dispose' of a few vampires. Few meaning 25 full fledged, peak of 'life', vampires. He noted to charge extra for 'inaccurate amounts'.
He finished his first glass when something purple caught his eye. He glanced over. It was a girl, he could tell easily that she was a vampire (when you kill something enough times...). She was pretty even for a vampire, young, and had a glint in her eye he's seen to many times, hunger. he noticed that she was looking at him.
"If your sizing me up for your next meal, my right is my good side"
Valendeer couldn't help but giggle, making her way to him. "Now, why do you just assume I'm sizing you up?" Valendeer sat next to him, her hand moving for the waiter to hit her with a bloody marry. 'You are a smart one mister~' Val smiled at him. "Been killing tonight? Are you some slayer~" Valendeer wasnt scared, life was life and she had lived hers. Death was no fear to her.
He was attractive, well built, and part vampire~ What was to come of them meeting? Val didnt have a clue. But she was willing to test the water and take a chance.
He was attractive, well built, and part vampire~ What was to come of them meeting? Val didnt have a clue. But she was willing to test the water and take a chance.
Damon glanced her over, pouring another glass for himself. She was even more beautiful up close, but she had an aura about her that spoke of danger yet could lure any lesser man easily. Death never held him back before, why would it now. He returned his gaze to his drink and took a sip.
"Tonight? Yes, as I do almost every night. I'm a vampire slayer mainly, but I'll kill just about anyone if you have enough coin. As long as you don't have any rich enemies you don't have to worry"
He took another sip and turned to the girl.
"What about you? We've established that your a vampire but what is your name? Hobbies beside examining men while they have a drink?"
"Tonight? Yes, as I do almost every night. I'm a vampire slayer mainly, but I'll kill just about anyone if you have enough coin. As long as you don't have any rich enemies you don't have to worry"
He took another sip and turned to the girl.
"What about you? We've established that your a vampire but what is your name? Hobbies beside examining men while they have a drink?"
"Im Valendeer Rossa~" she smiled and drank in her beer. "I enjoy to drink, party now and then, and maybe drink from a vampire now and then....?" Val eyed his neck, what would he think of her?
"Damon Adams at your service. I am a fan of a good drink, classical music, and telling hungry vampires that my neck is a little more expensive then that"
He chuckled to himself and took a sip.
"good luck if you believe in it"
He chuckled to himself and took a sip.
"good luck if you believe in it"
Valendeer gave a fake pout. "Not even a nibble?" Val smiled and tugged on his sleeve. "Do you dance Damon? Surely you can a little bit, hmmm~?"
((sorry short post))
Damon drained his glass and gave a sigh.
"If you really want to"
He let Valendeer lead him by his sleeve.
Damon drained his glass and gave a sigh.
"If you really want to"
He let Valendeer lead him by his sleeve.
She gave him a dashing smiled as she made her way to the dancing people. "Im glad you said yes, not many men have the guts to dance with a lady." Val put her fingers with his.
((I'm not much of a dancer in real life so please forgive my vaigeness))
Damon began a dance he knew for two. It was old fashion but fit the mood and music.
Soon after he began he tilted her head up by her chin.
"why not? I don't see why anyone wouldn't want to dance with such a beauty"
He sent an equally dashing smile her way.
Why did I say that. That whiskey must have been stronger then I thought
Damon began a dance he knew for two. It was old fashion but fit the mood and music.
Soon after he began he tilted her head up by her chin.
"why not? I don't see why anyone wouldn't want to dance with such a beauty"
He sent an equally dashing smile her way.
Why did I say that. That whiskey must have been stronger then I thought
A small blush made its way on Val's pale skin. "I really dont know... I think many sense Im not all right and fear me." She looked at him through her long, dark lashes. Her body was flush to his now, almost no space between.
((sorry short post))
Damon blushed a bit himself, the closeness caught him off guard. For once, his carefully placed armor slipped.
"You look just fine to me"
Damon blushed a bit himself, the closeness caught him off guard. For once, his carefully placed armor slipped.
"You look just fine to me"
"Thanks kind fellow." Vanlendeer said softly. She was enjoying herself with the odd man
((sorry for the late (and short) reply, it might be summer but I'm busy as a bee))
The song ended and Damon stepped back to bow to his partner.
"My pleasure, miss"
The song ended and Damon stepped back to bow to his partner.
"My pleasure, miss"
Valendeer gave a toothy, bright smile. Curtsying to him. "Id love to see more someday~" She wiggled her bottom and turned back to the bar, but turned again. "Your name again please? I dont wish to forget..."
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