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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick-or-Treat: Military Experience

Canary and Hawk (played by Laineie)

Although Mitya has always been a human's-only country, enforced by the entire wrath of a futuristic army, Halloween has always been a time where non-humans have had a chance to sneak into their borders to get a look at what they've got brewing.

This year, they had quite an array of impressive things going on. Candy Granades-Do not hold in your hand when triggered, Sweet Scent Handguns-Do not aim at yourself or others, chances to meet the top Generals of the Mityan Army. If you answer a question correctly about the rules of war to either one of them, you get a special piece of militarized equipment. Children are encouraged!
Rose sneeked in and adventured around. "Whoa so cool" she said. this is going to be the best Halloween ever. She thought she skipped and stuff. She looked around. So happy smiling at those who looked happy.
Hanzo Funaki (played by Leviathan)

(Mind if I join) you see a 2 kids, a tall one and a small one walking together, they both are samurai
Canary and Hawk (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

Rose Petel:
A man with bright red hair with a couple sharp golden streaks, dressed in a grey T-Shirt, Darker slacks tucked into Shined black boots, and Black suspenders (The standard uniform of most people around her) Swept up to Rose. "Good Evening!" he barked happily. "Are you enjoying yourself? Ever been on a military base?" he asked, already digging his hands into his pockets for candy.

Hanzo Funakai:
A woman with night blue hair dressed in a standard uniform hurried up to the children. "Hello, Hello!" she sang, cringing at how chipper she sounded. Her mechanical arm and foot glinted in the spotlights that shined on the compound. "Have you all been to the tank and helicopter rides yet?"
"Ummm no not really" she said as she pout her hands in her pocket. "What's it like here I've heard a lot about it but have never seen it in person" she said as she quickly changed her shoe laces to blue without the man seeing. "So this Halloween what are you being I can't really tell" she says
Canary and Hawk (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

Rose Petel:
"Me?" he asked, pressing his hand to his chest in mock-surprise. "I'm the second ranked General of the Mityan Army, Freak Killer extrordinaire!" he laughed, grinning at her. "Do you want to try to answer a question for a prize?" he asked.
"Sure"she siad as she kept skipping. She was so happy to be a happy person always. She just kept smiling at people she then smiled at these two samurai kids.
Pyrite (played by DetectiveZack)

Pyrite was dressed as a Star Wars rebel. He looked around the area. Is this also the holiday Earth refers to Halloween? he pondered. He decided to walk around
Canary and Hawk (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

(please try to keep the experiences seperate, at least until you're done talking to my characters! It'll help me keep things organized!)

Rose Petal:
Hawk grinned at her. "Alright, relax. In a battle, where should the sun always be to put things in your favor?" he asked, holding up one hand. "What's the answer?"

Pyrite: (Hi!!!)
Canary swept up to Pyrite, crossing her arms. "Hello! Having a good evening?" she asked, throwing her hair back over her shoulder. It killed her to be social like this.
"Uhhhhhhh..." She stops skipping and thinks. "Hmmmmm.. I know it's east when the sun goes down it goes down in the east and when a battle starts it goes down until the people destroy? I don't know" she says as she skips again.
Pyrite (played by DetectiveZack)

Pyrite adjusted his hat. "Mhm. I thought Earth was the only planet that celebrated Halloween. " He also held a sack behind his back. It looked pretty full. "So I believe I should be saying trick or treat" he smirked
Canary and Hawk (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

Rose Petel:
"I'm afraid not." he said, pulling out a grenade that has glitter on it. "Consolation prize, it's a candy grenade. Here." he offered it to her. "The answer is to always keep it behind you, so when your enemies look at you they get blinded." he smiled, waving at her. "Have a good evening!

Canary chuckled. "Alright, alright. If Youre far outnumbered, what should you do?" she asked, an eyebrow raised.
"Cool" she said a little star appeared and landed in the man's hand as she skipped away and put the thing in her bag. " this is going to be so fun!!!" She said. "I finally cna make others happy on Halloween without being caught of having magic ha ha very funny me" she said talking to herself. Her constume was a tail and wolf ears with a little gosht.
Pyrite (played by DetectiveZack)

"Hmm I assume do whatever you commander tells you to do. I don't really know I wasn't reallyba grunt nor a tactician." He shrugged. He got the prop gun that he was carrying in his bag and striked a pose
Canary and Hawk (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

Canary laughed. "Not really.... You're supposed to regroup and plan from afar. Casulaties are not worth it." she pulled out a sparkly pink grenade. "Here, for your have to actually throw it, it could blow your hand off. Have fun!"
Rose kept skipping happyly. "I love the dark" she said as she played with her wolf ears. She loved her magic and her wolf ears and tail and that she was half gosht. "Tonight we'll be the best" she said as she kept skipping.
Pyrite (played by DetectiveZack)

Pyrite smiled "Cool. I wonder what flavor it is." He walked away. "Say will I get in trouble for carrying this prop around?" He asked
Canary and Hawk (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

Canary shook her head. "No, you won't. It's pink. Our soldiers wouldn't use something so ridiculous." she laughed. "Have fun!"
She kept skipping and she wasn't paying attention and skipped into a man with a hat. "Oops sorry didn't mean to bump into you" she said feeling bad.
Hanzo Funaki (played by Leviathan)

"Hello there, what do we say" he told the smaller one"TWICK OW TWEAT" he says with excitement

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