The Chantry generally revered 'Halloween' as a heretical holiday, but that never stopped Johannes from letting his convent celebrate it. He would even go as far as to say it was one of his favorite days of the year. He spent much of the last couple months preparing for it. All of the lower priests and priestesses has spent weeks cleaning the church, shining the floors, dipping candles, cleaning cobwebs, and now the doors and Windows stood wide open to allow townsfolks in to enjoy the food, friendship, and music. To get a special prize, they had only to finish an old verse that was carved into the wall behind the pulpit:
Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him.
Foul and corrupt are they
Who have taken His gift
And turned it against His children.
They shall be named Maleficar, accursed ones.
They shall find no rest in this world
Or beyond.
Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him.
Foul and corrupt are they
Who have taken His gift
And turned it against His children.
They shall be named Maleficar, accursed ones.
They shall find no rest in this world
Or beyond.
A worn and well travelled man, Ferric had been doing what he could to take solace in the festivities. While he typically found them entertaining to a degree, he also found himself easily exhausted from them rather quickly. Right now, he was looking for a place to rest his feet from traversing the town.
Though he was never really a religious man by any means, the open doors to the local church were more than inviting to him. Ferric ascended the steps and glanced here and there. The entrance was warm and welcoming... and though it seemed that those within were prepared for the festivities as well, a church was still far more cosy than walking the streets with others.
Others were walking to and from the church doors as Ferric walked in. He did not mind this much. It had more been the people that insisted he do such things while walking the roads and pathways. Were he with his sweetheart, perhaps that would not have been as a tiring experience.
Viewing some of the decorum of the church, Ferric idly wandered here and there, keeping mostly to himself. Some of these texts and whatnot were familiar to him. When there was mention of a prize for continuing the verse that was carved upon the wall, Ferric read over it.
Again... Ferric was worn and well travelled. He was keen on learning many things... and again, though he was not religious... there were some passages and history behind religions that he learned. This one looked familiar to him, and he repeated the verse in his head.
Before long, he simply said to himself in remembrance: "... this is from the Chant of Light: Canticle of Transfigurations. This is... Transfiguration One: The Commandments? At least the second verse. The verse after this one.... It's...."
Ferric took a moment to gather his thoughts as he thought of the passages he read in a library before when he travelled the lands of Orlais and visited the capital of Val Royeaux.
"All men are the Work of our Maker's Hands, from the lowest slaves to the highest kings. Those who bring harm without provocation to the least of His children are hated and accursed by the Maker. "
Though he was never really a religious man by any means, the open doors to the local church were more than inviting to him. Ferric ascended the steps and glanced here and there. The entrance was warm and welcoming... and though it seemed that those within were prepared for the festivities as well, a church was still far more cosy than walking the streets with others.
Others were walking to and from the church doors as Ferric walked in. He did not mind this much. It had more been the people that insisted he do such things while walking the roads and pathways. Were he with his sweetheart, perhaps that would not have been as a tiring experience.
Viewing some of the decorum of the church, Ferric idly wandered here and there, keeping mostly to himself. Some of these texts and whatnot were familiar to him. When there was mention of a prize for continuing the verse that was carved upon the wall, Ferric read over it.
Again... Ferric was worn and well travelled. He was keen on learning many things... and again, though he was not religious... there were some passages and history behind religions that he learned. This one looked familiar to him, and he repeated the verse in his head.
Before long, he simply said to himself in remembrance: "... this is from the Chant of Light: Canticle of Transfigurations. This is... Transfiguration One: The Commandments? At least the second verse. The verse after this one.... It's...."
Ferric took a moment to gather his thoughts as he thought of the passages he read in a library before when he travelled the lands of Orlais and visited the capital of Val Royeaux.
"All men are the Work of our Maker's Hands, from the lowest slaves to the highest kings. Those who bring harm without provocation to the least of His children are hated and accursed by the Maker. "
"Hello, my Son!" someone called out from nearby. Johannes had used the occasion to scrub his skin, brushed his hair and braided it back after threading it with beads. He now wore prayer beads around his neck as well as a talisman with the eye of the chantry engraved upon it. His golden robes looked newly made, or at least well taken care of, and he had golden earring in both of his ears. "And welcome in from the dark night! Are you hear to join in the festivities, or do you seek refuge?"
"Well met!" Ferric greeted in turn after tearing his attention away from the scripture. He adjusted his cloak and looked to the clean appearance of the man before him. Certainly, it was impressive.
"I'm here to seek refuge from the night, mostly. Too much festivity for my liking. Not that I find it a bad thing. Just that I had enough of it for now. Being around so many people tends to grow difficult the longer my time is spent in such festive areas," Ferric replied, feeling a tad sheepish.
He had been here to study the plant-life and conduct alchemical studies for anything that could prove useful for future reference.
"I'm here to seek refuge from the night, mostly. Too much festivity for my liking. Not that I find it a bad thing. Just that I had enough of it for now. Being around so many people tends to grow difficult the longer my time is spent in such festive areas," Ferric replied, feeling a tad sheepish.
He had been here to study the plant-life and conduct alchemical studies for anything that could prove useful for future reference.
"Well," the man gestured with a mocha colored hand. "We have many rooms for those who are weary to cast down their earthly troubles and take time to rehabilitate. We have much food and drink for you to partake of as well." he smiled. "Are you a wanted man, or do you merely need the rest?"
In that moment, Ferric chuckled, look to the ground and shook his head. He was amused, but he retained his composure as he replied: "No... no... nothing like that. Heh. Were I a wanted man, the last place I would seek refuge would be somewhere within any city or town. No, I'm simply a plant enthusiast -- a botanist, herbologist, and mycologist just travelling the lands and conducting alchemical research."
Looking around, Ferric did take notice of the food and drink for the guests that were to arrive. Still, this was a place that he did not mind. It was much more mellowed out, and had less ruckus than the festivities more central to the town. People acting rash and with reckless abandon... it was just something that Ferric did not wish to be around.
"Though yes, to answer the initial question. I am interested in merely a restful evening," Ferric went on to say. He gave a gracious bow to Johannes.
"Thank you for your hospitality."
Looking around, Ferric did take notice of the food and drink for the guests that were to arrive. Still, this was a place that he did not mind. It was much more mellowed out, and had less ruckus than the festivities more central to the town. People acting rash and with reckless abandon... it was just something that Ferric did not wish to be around.
"Though yes, to answer the initial question. I am interested in merely a restful evening," Ferric went on to say. He gave a gracious bow to Johannes.
"Thank you for your hospitality."
Johannes smiled at Ferric. He enjoyed his calm nature. "Well, if you go out those doors-" he gestured to the wall that the pulpit was along. Near the corners of that wall were two doorways that lead out into a boardwalk around a square shaped garden area.
"That's where we grow many of our herbs... Sage, rosmary, thyme, and others that are less culinary and more for the odd aspiring mage or healer. Across that area, directly away from this room, is another building with many beds. I can assure you that they are all very clean, and you are welcome to sleep in my of them that you choose. If you would like more rpivacy, we have closed rooms in the infrmary." he offered. "But you'll have to ask another priest to help you get to them, I must stay to greet any new guests." he smiled once again.
"That's where we grow many of our herbs... Sage, rosmary, thyme, and others that are less culinary and more for the odd aspiring mage or healer. Across that area, directly away from this room, is another building with many beds. I can assure you that they are all very clean, and you are welcome to sleep in my of them that you choose. If you would like more rpivacy, we have closed rooms in the infrmary." he offered. "But you'll have to ask another priest to help you get to them, I must stay to greet any new guests." he smiled once again.
Looking to along the two places that Johannes indicated, Ferric then turned his attention back to the man with a smile.
"That sounds quite nice. Thank you for allowing me access to the gardens. I must take a visit for some samples and sketch work before taking my leave in the morning," Ferric said, musing to himself as he went back to eyeing the doors that led out into the herbal garden.
"It was a pleasant eve and opportunity to speak with you. I shall go to rest my weary self. Thank you once more," Ferric said, giving a deep bow out of respect. He then straightened himself to walk toward the indicated trail that led to where one could rest their head for the night.
"That sounds quite nice. Thank you for allowing me access to the gardens. I must take a visit for some samples and sketch work before taking my leave in the morning," Ferric said, musing to himself as he went back to eyeing the doors that led out into the herbal garden.
"It was a pleasant eve and opportunity to speak with you. I shall go to rest my weary self. Thank you once more," Ferric said, giving a deep bow out of respect. He then straightened himself to walk toward the indicated trail that led to where one could rest their head for the night.
Never one to turn down some good festivities, it's not long after the church doors open that there's a clattering of horse shoes on the cobble stones outside, and shortly thereafter, the sharp echo of clop clop clop within the main sanctuary itself.
The pony-sized centaur is dressed in draping cloth of gold, seeming to be one long piece of fabric that has been artfully wrapped around her torso and over her shoulders, and pinned in place with ruby red jewelry. Veils of many colors are draped over her haunches, woven loosely in and out of a belt that runs 'round her flanks and provides a structure for the silken fabric to decorate her.
"Hallo!" she calls cheerfully, throwing her arms wide in expectation of a warm greeting.
The pony-sized centaur is dressed in draping cloth of gold, seeming to be one long piece of fabric that has been artfully wrapped around her torso and over her shoulders, and pinned in place with ruby red jewelry. Veils of many colors are draped over her haunches, woven loosely in and out of a belt that runs 'round her flanks and provides a structure for the silken fabric to decorate her.
"Hallo!" she calls cheerfully, throwing her arms wide in expectation of a warm greeting.
Only a few minutes after Ferric had retired, the temple had been opened to the general public and the torches on either side of the door lit for a sign. When Calavia entered, nobody seemed to bad an eye at her all-but-unheard of physique. Many people returned her greeting, and those who were already occupid with other gueasts would offer small waves or smiles or nods to keep their own conversations rolling.
Johannes noticed her from half the room away and was delighted to sew her dressed for the occasion. He hadn't seen her before and took it upon himself to hurry over to her to welcome her. "Good evening, my daughter!"
Johannes noticed her from half the room away and was delighted to sew her dressed for the occasion. He hadn't seen her before and took it upon himself to hurry over to her to welcome her. "Good evening, my daughter!"
Cavalia's torso turned toward Johannes fluidly, but her pony back half had to trot in a wide semi-circle to complete the turn. "And a good evening to you, Father. Tell me, how are your celebrations going? Is there anything a traveling minstrel might do to make it more festive?" She waggled her eyebrows to emphasize how very pleased she'd be to be allowed to get in on the mischie-- Er.... Celebrating.
Johannes eagerly took in every aspect of her appearance. "We always have much room for talents of any kind, especially musical!" He said, gesturing to a table set with lutes and bells and small drums. "Take the stage if you want it, and delight us with stories. Once, we had a skald who came and started a massive fight with his singing, so..." his smile faltered. "Dont... Not that. Many people here arent prepared for fighting, least of all us priests who have sworn to a life of, ah... pacifism." He trailed off lamely, right hand raising to rub at the robes bunched on his shoulders. IT took him a moment but he quickly picked up the swing of things again. "Do anything you like, my daughter, the chantry is open to you!"
Cavalia clapped Johannes on the back, grinning. "You won't regret it, father. No fights, I promise."
With that, she trotted off to prepare -- she began by shooing people away from the stage, moving candles around to mark out a much wider performance area than the stage alone provided and cautioning folks to stay outside the ring of candles. She did not seem the least bit bashful about redistributing the visitors and taking over the space in this way.
Unslinging her lute from her back, she played a song about adventure and ghosts engaging in romance from beyond the grave in a clear, expressive voice. This did not appear to need all the space that she had marked out, but when she reached the third verse, she suddenly reslung the lute on her flank and instead drew out the yards of gold and orange silk that had been woven around her body. The lute continued to play on its own, and she began to canter around the perimeter of the performance space she had marked out, streaming her veils, twisting and waving them in an increasingly intricate dance.
She'd make herself a part of the festival display, for so long as they would welcome her that evening.
With that, she trotted off to prepare -- she began by shooing people away from the stage, moving candles around to mark out a much wider performance area than the stage alone provided and cautioning folks to stay outside the ring of candles. She did not seem the least bit bashful about redistributing the visitors and taking over the space in this way.
Unslinging her lute from her back, she played a song about adventure and ghosts engaging in romance from beyond the grave in a clear, expressive voice. This did not appear to need all the space that she had marked out, but when she reached the third verse, she suddenly reslung the lute on her flank and instead drew out the yards of gold and orange silk that had been woven around her body. The lute continued to play on its own, and she began to canter around the perimeter of the performance space she had marked out, streaming her veils, twisting and waving them in an increasingly intricate dance.
She'd make herself a part of the festival display, for so long as they would welcome her that evening.
Johannes clapped his hands and barely kept down a shriek of delight at the sight of her singing and dancing. The people quieted their talking and many gathered the candles to watch her and the beautiful floaty swirly ribbon display, many of them giving impressed mumbles.
Cavalia finished with a galloping finale, streaming a golden veil from one hand and a burnt orange one in the other. She reared and whirled as the lute strummed faster and faster, and ended in a dramatic pose, flanks heaving, both horse and human parts of her body gleaming with sweat, but a giant grin on her face. Sweeping a bow to the audience, she draped the veils around her shoulders like a makeshift robe, and returned to Johannes. "I thank you for letting me a part of your celebration. Would you mind if I stayed here for the night?"
"Not at all, and of course my daughter. We have many rooms and plenty of garden space if you prefer that. You may partake of anything you wish," Johanned hurried up to her with an awestruck look on his face. He gestured to the laid out food and drink. "And retire when you feel ready. You are more-more, than welcome here." he offered a massive grin.
Cavalia swept another bow, clip-clopping her hooves under her smartly. "You honor me with your hospitality, father."
She'd select some fruits and vegetables from the food display, and take them with her out to the gardens to cool off after the exertions of performance.
She'd select some fruits and vegetables from the food display, and take them with her out to the gardens to cool off after the exertions of performance.
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