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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Trent

Trent sat at his house having jack-o-lanterns carved to represent vampires. There was fog machines along with ambient music playing. Trent was dressed as Kenshiro from the famous anime Fist of the North Star. He sat inside fiddling on the computer. He had his stand (you can't see it unless you're a stand user) help him set up a program to make his house scary. He a program to do all sorts of scares.
Again, Juri got to experience the cool fall air and the general changing of the season. She was enthralled with it all, because just last year, she had learned about this 'trick-or-treating' thing that was like some kind of magic word to get candy from strangers.

Her hooves clacked across the pavement as she walked, and Juri was more than happy to stop at certain houses, holding her canvas sack for goodies and treats after she said those three magical words.

She was getting a good haul, not to mention that Jurini was also getting many compliments on her appearance! That she did a really good job with her look and stuff of the like! That never really happened expect this time of the year! It was like people just magically started liking tieflings!

This was one of many reasons that Jurini liked this 'Halloween' or 'Samhain' as some people called it. There were just so many people that seemed to celebrate her kind and want to dress up as her own, or as other things that were as equally unaccepted in the societies in which she typically ventured into.

There was a house that seemed to have fog spilling around it from magical contraptions, and music that seemed to be playing! Perhaps there was a spellcaster at work? Either way, Jurini approached this house, her cloven hooves clicking excitedly against the cement as she made her way to the house to use those magical words.
Trent Freese (played by DetectiveZack) Topic Starter

Trent noticed Juri and got ready. He activated the strobe lights. He looked through the programs in hopes of scaring the passersbyer.
A moment at the steps, and Juri looked around when the strobe lights went off. She was fortunate that she did not suffer any epilepsy. The blinking lights were new enough to her, and rather exciting, that Juri giggled and clapped her hands, all the more excited.

Gently scraping her hooves against the mat in front of the door, Juri rose her hand and knocked a couple times on the door. She had a had ready on her leather satchel, anticipating any treats from the person within.

Now, all she had to do, currently, was wait.
Trent Freese (played by DetectiveZack) Topic Starter

Trent opened the door, and gave Juri her candy. "Happy Halloween" he said smiling. "Nice costume. What are you supposed to be?" He asked
"Happy Halloween to you, too! I'm a tiefling!" Jurini said with a sense of conviction as she grinned broadly. Her tail flicked with a heightened sense of joy with the interaction. To be honest, Juri was perchance too naive, or just in general, too happy to really be bothered by all that much.

Taking the candy with a happy 'thank you', the tiefling stuffed the candy into her satchel.

Truly, Halloween was one of the best festive days of the year as far as Jurini was concerned.
Trent Freese (played by DetectiveZack) Topic Starter

"Nice. I'm Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star" he smiled. He struck a pose. He was hoping that the program would work as he did the scares when the person would exit the house. He tested the program and the only problem was a skeleton hidden under pile of leaves would pop out half way through and it wouldn't cackle. The other stuff worked
Juri could only really just smile and say: "ooh! I see!"

Jurini had no idea who 'Kenshiro' was, or what a 'Fist of the North Star' meant. In the back of her mind, she thought it sounded similar to what a monk or brawler would have as a move they would make up before going into battle. Then again, that might have just been her experiences with those novels that she found and could read when she was younger.

"Thank you, Kenshiro, Fist of the North Star!" Juri said with a happy flick of her tail. "I hope that the rest of your Halloween goes all accordingly~!"

It was time to go and get more candy!

When Juri was leaving, she noticed a rustle in the leaves and then halted. She looked over and saw a skeleton rising out of the leaves.

A little dumbfounded by this, Juri assumed that it was just a necromancer playing tricks.

Walking over, she placed her hands on top of the skeleton's head and pushed it back down into the leaves so it could stay where it belonged before finally leaving.
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

She was just walking around looking at the kids run around and get candy. she in the front of a driveway of a house that looked cool and scary to the little kids. she feel in love with house within a second. but she wasn't really wearing a custom since she just likes to walk on Halloween instead of getting candy.

''should go to the door and tell him that i li... not like love i his decorations'' she thought out loud.
Trent Freese (played by DetectiveZack) Topic Starter

Trent was resetting the skeleton along with his Stand checking the circuits. He waved at a girl near his drive way. She seems interested in my decor he thought to himself
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

She waved back a boy and slowly walked to the porch looking at all the decorations.

''Hi i wanted to tell you that I love your decorations there probably the scariest and coolest decorations i ever seen'' she said as she smiled to the boy
Trent Freese (played by DetectiveZack) Topic Starter

Trent gave a huge smirk. "Thanks. Took me forever to carve these pumpkins. Programing everything is child's play." He explained. "Taking a stroll this evening?" He asked
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

''yep'' she said while smiling shyly ''oh i like the pumpkins the most by the way i meant to say that too''
Trent Freese (played by DetectiveZack) Topic Starter

"Really the pumpkins? I programed some animatronics to scare people as well" he chuckled. "Here." He walked off to his porchband gave the girl a chocolate bar.
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

she took the candy shyly. ''thank you oh and im Jupiter'' she said and offered her free hand for them to shake hands.
Trent Freese (played by DetectiveZack) Topic Starter

"My names Trent" he smiled and shook her hand "Happy Halloween and be safe now" he said "Oh I can use volunteers for next year if you're interested" he offered
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

''id love too'' she said happily to have gotten a long with a person but then again she hated saying good bye and thought she should ask if he wanted to be friends so she did.

''one question would you like to um be friends?'' she said very shyly with her voice having a hint of a whisper in it.
Trent Freese (played by DetectiveZack) Topic Starter

"Uhh sure" he said nervously. "I could take a break from programming" he smiled.

He was going around checking the other things. Alright everything seems in check he thought to himself.
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

"okay thats great" she said smiling
Lilly (played by Buggie)

walks up to a a bench and sits down
fixes hair to were people cant see her scar

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