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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Trent

Trent Freese (played by DetectiveZack) Topic Starter

"I'm not confirming nor denying that." He says with his arms crossed
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

"l-lil y-you nevermind" she said.
Trent Freese (played by DetectiveZack) Topic Starter

He stands there bewildered. "Uhhh..."
Lilly (played by Buggie)

looks down at the ground " W-well u just said u liked someone..."
Lilly (played by Buggie)

Twiddles with fingers "S-sorry for asking..."
Trent Freese (played by DetectiveZack) Topic Starter

"Yeah. It's natural to like someone right?" He asked
Lilly (played by Buggie)

Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

walks up to the steps and siits down while the others talk.
Lilly (played by Buggie)

thinks: I am sooooooo dumb for asking that. looks down at ground
Trent Freese (played by DetectiveZack) Topic Starter

"Sorry" he apologizes "I still won't reveal who it is"
fem masky (played by dilution)

"I am back what did I miss" looks around confused
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

"n-nothing" she said and looked aat the moon from where she sat.
Lilly (played by Buggie)

Twiddles with fingers and sits in the grass and looks at the stars
Jupiter and Ian (played by Gothic_Girl)

"blah" she said and giggled.
Lilly (played by Buggie)

Lays down and counts the stars "1,2,3,4,5"
Trent Freese (played by DetectiveZack) Topic Starter

Hey watches Lilly count the stars
Lilly (played by Buggie)

Gets out earphones and iPod and puts on Chasing Cars
Night Wing (played by Chris_Cerulli)

Dies slowly
Lilly (played by Buggie)

Lays down in the grass and thinks:I am so dumb...
Trent Freese (played by DetectiveZack) Topic Starter

Looks at Nightwing "Uhhh you need help?" He asked in confusion

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