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Forums » Looking for RP » Magic+Political Intrigue+Romance (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Ezra (played anonymously)

Hi everyone!

I recently made this character because I really couldn't shake this idea out of my head. I picture it as a mix of Beauty and the Beast + Just the awesome parts of Snowhite and the Huntsman movie.

The backstory you'll need is in the profile, but in short: Ezra is the real heir to the kingdom but for ten years he's just been prancing around as a wolf due to evil queen's sorcery.

The curse wasn't actually turning the poor guy into a wolf forever. The queen orchestated it in such a way that he did that to himself. By convincing himself he was a true monster, that's what he became. So, what I had in mind was for him to meet a girl who reminds him of his humanity and in that way, he becomes human again. Yay!

Now that the cheesy is out of the way, the fun part begins. The guy hasn't been human in ages, and is kinda rusty in that department. Picture a mix of Tarzan and Beast here.


When they both realize who he is, and that the kingdom isin the hands of a maniac who can't care less about doing business with other kingdoms or attending to her people's concerns and demands; they set out to do something about it.

What I'm looking for:
Ideally, your character would be someone with magic. Any kind. I would really love this since it would give Ezra reasons to be a tiny bit hostile since well, magic did turn him into a wolf for ten years.

  • Paragraphs
  • Reactive character: This is very important to me. It doesn't feel nice when I write about something, and the other character doesn't acknowledge the event at all. I want to see reactions! Tiny, dramatic, relaxed.... whatever! As long as there is some kind of reaction. That's the only way a rp can survive! Replies are supposed to build one upon each other.
  • Serious characters: I don't want to get into specifics about how detailed your profile has to be, because that doesn't have anything to do with this. But there has to be solid information about who the character is, and most importantly, I want to really see the character in the writing! This goes hand in hand with previous point.

Finally, I really, really want to rp this but I'll be really busy this month too, what with NaNo and other rl stuff, so I really need a patient partner, that doesn't push if I really can't reply.

Thank you!
Magic 70%
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Technology 30%
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

I'll join
Hello. I saw that you were looking for a magic being?
I may be of some help if you would like to accept me. :)
Adelbard Laudessagne (played anonymously)

I just want to say this idea is really cool! Good luck finding someone to play with. :)

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Magic+Political Intrigue+Romance (closed)

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