"Let's go, Bella; we're no match for these things." But even so, he kept his bow handy in case the things gave chase. Whatever they were, whatever Amora was...he wanted to get down to the bottom of things. And he would start with the town he was in.
She looked back, glad that they didn't follow. Her maw opened and flames erupted from them and into the mouth of one of the Ghost. Unfortunately, when they did that it didn't damage them. You had to hit them on the forehead, if you were lucky enough to. Their mouth took up most of their face.
Some fire hit the trees starting up a small fire. "Great." she tried to put them out before they spread as she dodged more attacks. She whipped around and clawed one across his eyes. His screech was louder than the Shadow's. Reaching for miles as he dissipated. Two more to go...
The townspeople covered their ears as they watch a flash of light happen in the distance. A man and his dog seemed to be somewhat involved. At first they were mad that a demon brought it's business into their town. But now they were counting on it to save them from whatever was chasing it.
Some fire hit the trees starting up a small fire. "Great." she tried to put them out before they spread as she dodged more attacks. She whipped around and clawed one across his eyes. His screech was louder than the Shadow's. Reaching for miles as he dissipated. Two more to go...
The townspeople covered their ears as they watch a flash of light happen in the distance. A man and his dog seemed to be somewhat involved. At first they were mad that a demon brought it's business into their town. But now they were counting on it to save them from whatever was chasing it.
* a girl with short black hair dazzling red eyes wearing a burlap cloak with a hood that covered most of her face walked up to the man and his dog who had just entered the village she had been staying at for the last week. "excuse me' she said as she looked at the man even though he could not see her face
((So glad that you joined
Amora jumped up and over another as it sucked up some shrubs and dirt, not realizing until it was too late that she was headed for the other Ghost man. It soon had it's ally in it's own spiral of doom. It was trying desperately to close it's mouth, but unfortunately it was easier to unlatch than latch back into place again.
As the other was sucked helplessly into the others mouth she had gathered enough of a fire ball and aimed it right at the last Ghost man's face just as it closed, swallowing it's companion. Then it too dissipated into a bunch of black dust. She huffed and stood there for a moment to catch her bearings. Alarmed at a sudden growling noise but relieved to find that it was only her empty stomach, Amora changed back to her human self and slowly walked out of the forest.
She looked for the man to see if he was still there only to find that there was another girl their. Perhaps he had forgotten about her already as that would be the best option.

Amora jumped up and over another as it sucked up some shrubs and dirt, not realizing until it was too late that she was headed for the other Ghost man. It soon had it's ally in it's own spiral of doom. It was trying desperately to close it's mouth, but unfortunately it was easier to unlatch than latch back into place again.
As the other was sucked helplessly into the others mouth she had gathered enough of a fire ball and aimed it right at the last Ghost man's face just as it closed, swallowing it's companion. Then it too dissipated into a bunch of black dust. She huffed and stood there for a moment to catch her bearings. Alarmed at a sudden growling noise but relieved to find that it was only her empty stomach, Amora changed back to her human self and slowly walked out of the forest.
She looked for the man to see if he was still there only to find that there was another girl their. Perhaps he had forgotten about her already as that would be the best option.
The girl looked behind the man to see a girl walking up to the village She didnt wait for the man to respond . she walked passed him and to the girl " are you hurt"
Amora tilted her head at the girl's question. "Only...in a few places. Though I heal quickly." She looked at the man and smiled. Even though she told him to get far away, he seemed to have stayed right where she had left him. At least he didn't try and intervene, pretending to be a hero and getting her her way.
"Unless an empty stomach counts for an injury I would say no I'm not." She looked back at the girl. Amora couldn't involve herself in friendships. She was too afraid that the demons chasing her down would harm the people she cared deeply about. Her Master was relentless and would do anything to have her returned immediately.
For what reason, she knew not. Perhaps she had overheard something important and didn't realize what she had retained. Her deep thoughts where cut short as another rumble rolled around like it was angry that she had nothing in her stomach. She grimaced and held it tight.
"Unless an empty stomach counts for an injury I would say no I'm not." She looked back at the girl. Amora couldn't involve herself in friendships. She was too afraid that the demons chasing her down would harm the people she cared deeply about. Her Master was relentless and would do anything to have her returned immediately.
For what reason, she knew not. Perhaps she had overheard something important and didn't realize what she had retained. Her deep thoughts where cut short as another rumble rolled around like it was angry that she had nothing in her stomach. She grimaced and held it tight.
"tell you what if you come with me and answer a few of my questions ill give you some food ... do we have a deal" the girl stuck her hand out as to shake her hand like she was closing a deal
A red flag went up in her head and she narrowed her eyes at the girl, backing up slightly. "What...sort of questions?" The girl herself looked like a shadow. If she trusted this girl it could easily be the end of her. She had nothing to gain if she chose to go with it. Well...except for the food, but she had been without actual food for a week now.
She had chomped down several deer and larger animals like elephants when she was a hell hound. They looked like those little cookies humans called 'animal crackers' to her when she was in that form. But a plate full of chicken and steak, gravy over the mash potatoes and several helping of biscuits was a decent meal for her as a human.
She had chomped down several deer and larger animals like elephants when she was a hell hound. They looked like those little cookies humans called 'animal crackers' to her when she was in that form. But a plate full of chicken and steak, gravy over the mash potatoes and several helping of biscuits was a decent meal for her as a human.
The girl dropped her hand "i know what you thinking... you thinking 'how do i know i can trust this girl ' but i assure you i in no way am deceiving you .. i just want to ask a few questions about the shadows... your also thinking about who good that food would be right"
She lifted her hand and went to deny, but there was nothing to defy. With a confused look and a tilt of the head she made a small whimper of a noise. "Possibly." she simply said. "But...I rather not leave him here alone." She gestured to the man. "It would be incredibility rude since he and his wonderful mademoiselle saved my life. And to whom I owe dearly for doing so." she knelt to pet the head of the wolf at his side.
"What interest do you have in the shadows for I don't understand why you would have such. Since they are vile creatures of a Dark that is darker than myself..." Slowly standing again to look the girl head on. Her ruby eyes piercing and prodding over the small features the hood hid relatively well for a simple garment.
"What interest do you have in the shadows for I don't understand why you would have such. Since they are vile creatures of a Dark that is darker than myself..." Slowly standing again to look the girl head on. Her ruby eyes piercing and prodding over the small features the hood hid relatively well for a simple garment.
"they may come as well " im sure you are all hungry i know me and my little friend are right Liz" the girl reached up to her neck and a slight squeak came from inside the hood "the girl turned " if you wish to eat follow me .. oh and as for my interests in the shadows" the girl started walking " they killed my family so i want to kill them"
How could they have killed her family? Had they been her long before she had escaped only to be ordered to chase her down for a payment on her Master's part? Her stomach rumbled once more, arguing against her mind. Amora growled back at it and then looked back at the man. "If you would like to come with me to eat, you may. I understand if you wish to depart from my company as I am a magnet to danger..."
Hoping that they would follow, Amora walked behind the girl. She didn't know how she would be helpful but whatever it took to keep her former Master at bay was a risk she was willing to take. All she wanted was to be left alone. Not to be chased down by some greedy, abusive man who takes anything and everything away from her.
Hoping that they would follow, Amora walked behind the girl. She didn't know how she would be helpful but whatever it took to keep her former Master at bay was a risk she was willing to take. All she wanted was to be left alone. Not to be chased down by some greedy, abusive man who takes anything and everything away from her.
the girl walked into a hotel she then went up the stairs and onto the 2nd floor she went into a room and closed the door when all the people were inside. " there is food on the table" she gestured to the table that had many types of food on it Bread, Fruits, Vegetables, and meats " if you want ill even try some to prove there's no poison or anything in them" as the girl was walking through the room a small animal jump out from her hood and onto the table and began eating out of a smaller bowl that had pellets in it " oh and that's liz my weasel ounce you eat ill ask my questions"
She didn't wait for her to finish. By the time she had, Amora had already eaten five steaks, several chicken legs, tones of different fruits, and then more chicken and steak. She swallowed and looked at her. "You can ask what and when you wish. I can listen and eat as well. Don't need ears to chew." She chuckled and took a bite of a strawberry.
"okay" The girl took off her cloak revealing her short jet black hair ,a long black shirt with a low cut back revealing a tatto sh had on her back , her long black leggings knee high black boots and two gun holsters with guns in them on her waist . she sat down infront of the girl " are you constantly being hunted by shadows"
She was in mid bite when the question was asked. Constantly was putting it up short. Always, was a better term since it didn't take long for one to find her somewhere. She was afraid that one day she would be off her guard and end up at the end of her master's long chain. Or worse, his torture...So nodding as an answer, she finished her bite and chewed on it thoroughly.
"Alright ... and your a demon correct ... to be specific a heck hound?"
"In a way yes, not really quite a demon but enough of a bloodline to be considered one." She raised an eyebrow at her. How did she figure out that she was a hell hound if she hasn't seen her other form yet?
"Alright" the girl began petting the weasel that was on the table " and two more questions 1. do you in any way intend to harm humans and if not what is your name" the girl then began to eat some bread and an apple
She shook her head and frowned, "I had no intentions to harm anyone. I don't mean to if I have." Looking down at her plate guiltily she then said, "My name is Amora, slave number ni-..." She was used to saying that back on Eurion. She was her Dark Master's ninth slave and since she was ten she had been under his rule.
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